Chapter 4

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"Can you make some of that banana pudding stuff that your mom gives us sometimes?" Barty and Regulus both look at the girl with puppy eyes.
"What's in it for me?" She narrowed her eyes at the pair.
"I'll paint your nails for you!" The girl grins and nods knowing that Regulus secretly loves doing her nails. As she preps their dessert, Barty starts singing horribly to the muggle music while attempting ballet. Reggie starts looking through the different nail polish.
"Which color do you want E?" The bowls of pudding are dished out among the three.
"I think I'll let B pick this time." Barty, upon hearing his name, crashes to the floor as he calls out "Green, and can we do mine to match?"
Regulus paints their nails as and adds a matching black heart to both of their thumbs.
"Did you want some Reggie? We can do black to match your style?" He nervously nods and pulls out the dark polish. Evalyn paint his nails while Barty waves his hands frantically to dry his nails.
After their nails dry, the boys dig into the pudding.
"I could marry your mom for introducing me to this."
"B that wouldn't work for two reasons, she's a female and a muggle." He tapped his chin before nodding. "Bloody hell I forgot about her being a woman."
Regulus mentally face palmed as he cleaned up their mess and saying a polite bye to the house elves.
After the boys left the kitchens, Evalyn stayed behind to pack up the rest of the pudding. She put on her headphones and started listening to Queen obviously. The door slammed open and the Marauders nearly slammed into the girl. She continued to dance and clean up while 4 pairs of wide eyes watched. She turned around, ready to leave and instantly froze. Remus waved "Hi Evalyn, it's good seeing you."  Sirius barked out a laugh and went to speak next. However, the pudding was shoved into James' hands and she ran out of the room. They simply shrugged and dig into the pudding, making a note to thank her in the morning.

When she made it back to her bed, she slammed her pillow on her face. Evalyn dramatically groaned, cursing the higher powers for making her so awkward.

Meanwhile, when Sirius made it back to bed, he wondered if he could ever get the curly haired girl to talk to him.

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