Chapter 72

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James and Sirius had been at Auror training most of the week, Remus was back and forth doing tasks for Dumbledore while picking up small jobs. Lily and Evalyn spent their free time cooking, reading, and relaxing. Evalyn also worked part time at a small cafe. She was scared to work at a bookshop in case the Dark Lord remembered from Narcissa's wedding. At night, Sirius would comfort her when she had nightmares of being tortured. Dumbledore offered no help, saying that he was happy she was back in one piece. When he asked if there was any information that she knew of that would help, her response was 'Sorry I was too busy being sliced and burned to pay attention'." Peter would pop in on occasion. He would say a quick hello and rush back to take care of his family.

It was now late spring of 1979. Evalyn tossed and turned in her sleep. Sirius woke up and gently rubbed her shoulder to wake her. Her brows were furrowed and her breathing turned heavy. He softly started shaking her and calling her name. Frantic green eyes that swirled with golden flecks shot open and she grasped at the man holding her. "Shhh Lynnie, I'm right here." Her eyes softened as she looked up at her husband. If anyone could relate to constant nightmares, it was him.

"I'm sorry love." She whispered as she snuggled into his arm. He ran his hand up and down her side to comfort her.

"It's alright darling, you should try and get some more rest. I'll be right here." He tried to not focus one her fingers that were running across his bare abdomen. His skin that was littered with random tattoos felt cool underneath her fingertips. She brushed her fingers up and down, teasing the waistband of his boxers. Sirius tensed and his breath hitched when he felt her pull slightly at the fabric.

"Perhaps you could give me a bit of help relaxing love?" She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his jawline. He melted into her touch and smirked.

"Is that what you want darling?" He rolled them over so that he was hovering over her. The ends of his hair tickled against her cheeks. His hands slipped under her shirt and rubbed up against her sides. As she bit her lip softly, his eyes shot down to her mouth.

"Yes Sirius, I want you." His lips crashed into hers as he pulled her up to slide her shirt off. Evalyn threw her head back as his mouth trailed down her chest. He grinned against her abdomen as he got closer to her waistline. Immediately, her hands went to grip his hair. The next moments were absolute bliss for Evalyn.

After they finished and he helped clean her up, they resumed cuddling. His bare skin against hers provided a comfort to Evalyn. Finally feeling better enough to try and rest again, she closed her eyes. Sirius pulled her closer and whispered. "I have a surprise for you tomorrow. You'll see after you wake up." He knew she didn't hear what he had said because her soft snoring was the only answer she gave. Pretty soon, he drifted off to sleep himself.

When she awoke, Sirius had already left the bed. She was tucked in pretty tightly and a flower was left on her nightstand with a note. Get dressed, wear something comfortable. When you are ready meet me at Prongs'. -Snuffles

The witch took a quick shower and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Sirius had actually left out a couple options for her clothing. She chose a pale pink shirt that she tucked into some high waisted jeans. For her shoes she chose her converse and on top she threw on her leather jacket. On her way out, she grabbed a muffin and took the floo to the Potter Manor.

When she arrived, she was bombarded by James who covered her eyes with a blindfold.
"Bloody hell Prongs, what are you doing?" She unsuccessfully swatted him away.

"Merlin you witch stop fighting and just be patient." He started to swat back. The two of them were bickering like children while Sirius and Lily watched in amusement.

"What surprise?" Evalyn tried to find James by shoving at the air and managed to whack his head. "You deserved that." The girl shrugged.

He grabbed at his head muttering an ow. "Padfoot has something to show you, he bought —" He was whacked again but this time by Sirius. "Nevermind, blimey you two are violent." James pouted and returned to his wife's side. Evalyn stuck up a middle finger, not realizing she wasn't facing James anymore. Sirius grabbed her shoulders to face her in the right direction, so she stuck her tongue out while making the rude gesture again.

Pretty soon, they apparated to their destination. Evalyn was led into a building by Sirius, with Lily and James following close behind. The latter was bouncing on his feet and clapping his hands in excitement. Slowly, the blindfold was removed. Evalyn's heart stopped.

It was a small shop. Just the perfect size and location for the bakery she wanted. It was right in Hogsmeade. The walls were a dingy grey and it looked like nobody had been in the building for ages, but it was perfect. The windows were big and they let in the perfect amount of sunlight. The floors were dusty but were a beautiful hardwood. She walked around the shop in amazement, lightly brushing her fingers against the surfaces.

"It's not much, and it's certainly not ready yet, but it's a start." Sirius anxiously wrung his hands together. His wife ran over and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Merlin Sirius it's perfect!" She squealed in his arms. "I thought we were going to wait another year?" Her legs dropped back down to the ground and she looked up at him in wonder. He held her hand.

"I've been putting some of the extra money I've earned aside every month. Celeste said this shop had been for sale for a while and talked to the owner about a discount for us." James obnoxiously cleared his throat from across the room. Sirius rolled his eyes and smiled. "Plus, you have an investor." Evalyn peered around Sirius' body at James who waited impatiently with his arms open. She ran and tackled him in a hug.

"I expect free treacle tarts when it's open." Lily scoffed and nudged her husband fondly. "Okay, maybe half priced treacle tarts." He shrugged.

"You three can honestly have whatever free pastries you want, this is too much." Evalyn's eyes started to water as she took in her family.

The three surrounded her in a big hug. "You deserve it Lynnie."

Lily was the first to step away from the hug, pulling Evalyn to her side. Mischief was written all over her face as she pointed to the boys. "Me and Evalyn are going to go shopping for the shop. You two can get started cleaning it up." Sirius and James groaned. "We will be back in a few hours, it better be somewhat decent when we get back." The two witches smiled at their husbands before running out of the shop with their hands intertwined.

Sirius watched as Evalyn practically skipped away. "Merlin I love that witch."

James laughed at his best friend's lovesick expression. "I know mate." He clapped his hands together, "Now let's get cleaning."

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