Chapter 26

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Evalyn furrowed her brows and looked back at Regulus. "My mum came from muggles, I don't know anything about my father's side though."

He pursed his lips. Sirius was swatting Barty away, but the Slytherin wouldn't release him. An idea came to his mind.

"DID YOU JUST LICK ME?" Barty squealed and waved his hand around before wiping it on Regulus' shoulder. Sirius snickered "You've got the spit of a blood traitor on you mate." He crossed his arms before looking at Regulus. "What would dear mother say if she found out you were talking to us? Or did your little lord send you for information?"

Regulus flashed a look of panic in his eyes, one that wasn't missed by Evalyn. In a swift motion, she put her hand on Sirius' shoulder and pulled him behind her before turning back to the two Slytherins. "So it's happened then? Are you okay? Do you need any help?"

Both of their eyes softened. Tears started to pool in Barty's eyes. He was bouncing on his feet, itching to give Evalyn a hug. She gave him a soft smile and held open her arms. "I'm not mad at you, I know who you are." Sirius scoffed from behind her and she reached back and swatted at him. He tensed up as Barty wrapped his arms around her and quietly sniffled. "I love you boys, no matter what." Barty nodded and took a step back, Evalyn raised an eyebrow at Regulus. He averted his teary eyes elsewhere and bit his lip. "It's okay Reg, I forgive you." These were the words that made him break. As he pulled her into a hug, Sirius' gaze switched from a scowl to something of longing.

"Write your dad, ask him for answers. Don't let him brush you off." She gave him a nod and the two snakes walked off without another word. Evalyn turned and noticed the older brother's troubled look. She intertwined their fingers and pulled him close. "It's okay to be mad at him, and be hurt by his choices."

"I was supposed to protect him." He muttered into her hair. She thought out her next words carefully. "He's young, but he knows what he is doing. There is a reason for it in that thick skull of his, and although I don't agree with what they've done, I just have to stand back and let them figure it out. Hope for the best." Evalyn placed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

He shook off the negative feelings and smiled down at her. "How about a date next week?" She nodded in excitement. "What are we going to do?" He chuckled and ran his hands through his hair. "That's a secret love, just trust me. Now let's get back to the boys, quidditch is later and Mooney isn't feeling too well." Evalyn gasped and then reached into the pocket of her robes, pulling out a handful of chocolate bars. "I must go see him." She pocketed the bars, grinning at Sirius in mischief. With her best puppy eyes, she made grabby hands at him. He barked a laugh and leaned onto the wall. "What's in it for me?"

Evalyn tapped her chin, thinking of a response. "Well what do you want?" Immediately, his eyes darkened and he slightly bit his bottom lip. His eyes slowly dragged down her entire body and back up and gave her a heart stopping smirk. "I could think of many things doll, but I don't think you're ready for that." Heat rose to Evalyn's cheeks, the cold rings on his hand not bringing any relief as he grazed his fingers along the blush. "I'll wear your quidditch jumper to the match later." The thought of her wearing his name made his stomach fill with joy. He's never allowed any female to wear it, not wanting to show any signs of commitment. But for Evalyn, it was different. It felt right to him. He wanted to show off that she was his.
"Deal." He swiftly picked her up, making her let out a squeal. "You could have warned me first."

The two teens made it back to the dorm. Both faces flushed from laughter. James' heart warmed from seeing the genuine smiles on both of his friends' faces.
"About time Evalyn, was the shag worth it?" Remus gave a pained grin at the flustered girl.
"We did not —" Sirius cut her off with a hearty laugh. "Mate you'd know if we shagged." The girl rolled her eyes and crawled into the bed next to Remus. She passed two bars of chocolate to him and opened one for herself. "I'll read you a story and then I'll take the lads to their match."

2 chapters later, the werewolf was fast asleep. Evalyn quietly left the bed and shut his curtains. She padded over to Sirius, who threw a piece of clothing at her head. Evalyn caught it with a glare and went to the bathroom to change. The red jumper was huge on her, coming down to the middle of her thighs. She tucked it into a pair of high waist black shorts and threw on her old converse. She looked at the mirror and her heart grew warm. On the back in big letters was the name Black. The ends of the sleeves were starting to fray from being worn so much. A lion was worn proudly on the front. Evalyn was not used to wearing this, she usually wore something yellow for her own house. But Gryffindor was playing Ravenclaw and she had no need to wear it. She called James into the bathroom to help with her hair.

"I'm nervous Evee" she could feel a slight tremble in his hands as he plaited her curls. She gave him a soft smile in the mirror. "I'll be right there in the stands. Plus I heard a certain Gryffindor will be watching. You'll do great, you always do. Kick some arse." He smiled a big toothy crooked smile. "You're right. Those were some good words of encouragement."

"Anything for my brother." Evalyn winked at him. He gasped and gave a kiss on her temple. "I HAVE A SISTER!" He squealed before Evalyn covered his mouth with her hand. "Don't wake up Remus." He pushed her away playfully. "Padfoot's going to lose it when he sees you in this."

They stepped out of the bathroom and as soon as Sirius laid eyes on Evalyn, his face brightened. He motioned for her to spin around so James grabbed her hand and twirled her. He never thought his last name could be associated with something so beautiful and happy. "Tu es absolument magnifique" he grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a kiss. She looked up at him in pure adoration. "You better win for me Snuffles."

Sure enough, they won. Evalyn dragged Peter down the steps to go onto the field to meet Sirius. He helped her push her way through the crowded area. Everyone cheering for the lions. Two hands picked her up and spun her around. "You did great Sirius!" The girl was laughing as he set her back down. "All for you love" he cupped her cheeks and smiled down at her. Standing on her tippy toes, she pulled the collar of his robes down to bring his face to hers and pressed her lips on his. Wolf whistles and cheers erupted around the couple as he deepened the kiss. It felt like they were alone in a place of pure bliss. Nothing compared to kissing Sirius Black. As she pulled away, she noticed something over his shoulder. Her eyes widened and she turned him around, pointing in the direction she was staring.

Only a couple yards away, Lily Evans confidently walked up to James Potter.
"You did good Potter" she pulled him down and pressed a lingering kiss on his cheek. She smiled and walked away from him, leaving him frozen. "Prongs she kissed you!" Sirius and Peter both tackled James. Everyone was happy, so happy that Sirius forgot about what would happen during the full moon tomorrow.

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