Chapter 85

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The Evening of October 31, 1981

It was Sirius' turn for the rotation to check on a couple Order members that night. After the couple ate dinner, he gave Evalyn a quick kiss, promising to be home shortly. He smiled and winked at her before apparating away. There was a weird feeling in her gut that night, but she decided to put it aside for now, just blaming it on anxiety from the war. She cracked open a window to let in some fresh autumn air as she cleaned up their dishes, tucking her wand into her ponytail.

Sirius had gotten to Peter's house first. The entire place was eerily silent. He crept through the dark rooms, his hand gripping onto his wand tightly. It was an odd feeling, Peter was supposed to be there. He would have left a note or gave some kind of word to him that he wouldn't be home at check in time. Floor boards creaked underneath Sirius' shoes as he checked all of the doors and windows. There were no signs of forced entry, no signs of fighting.

Meanwhile, Peter had finally given up the locations for both Evalyn and the Potter's. His life had been threatened, and he chose to save his own life rather than his friends. It was a cowardly move, but sometimes a person has to put themselves first. At least that's what he told himself as he landed at the Potter's with Voldemort.

Barty was the one who went to Evalyn. He told Voldemort that he knew she couldn't hurt him and to trust that he could bring her to their side once and for all. She was humming a song, washing the dishes when she heard a pop come from behind her. Thinking it was Sirius, she turned around with a smile "You're home —." Instantly, her smile fell when she saw her former friend grinning maniacally at her. He gave her a wave as he plopped into a chair. "What are you doing here?" She flicked her wrist towards the window to shut it, peering out to check for any other intruders.

"It's just me Eva." He gestured to the seat across from him which she took hesitantly. "I'm here for you. You see, it's past the time where the Dark Lord is no longer taking no for an answer."

"You haven't tried to get me in a while, what's changed?" Her green eyes narrowed at him. He laughed when he seen the flecks of gold start to flash.

At the Potter's, there was a knock at the door. James and Lily both shot their heads in that direction. Nobody knocks at the door. James stood up and creeped towards a window. From that spot, he could only see one of his closest friends. With furrowed brows, he mouthed Wormtail to his wife and went to get the door. Harry had been in his crib, ready for bedtime at this point. Lily had started walking in the direction of the stairs, a sick feeling pulling at her stomach. In his worry, James had left his wand on the sofa. His eyes widened as soon as the door was opened slightly.

He tried to slam the door, just long enough to buy time to warn his wife. "Lily it's him! Get Harry and run! I'll hold him off!" The witch bolted up the stairs, taking two at a time. With every ounce of Gryffindor courage that ran through his veins, James pulled open the door and went to tackle Voldemort. Lily had just made it to her son's room when she heard a loud thud from downstairs. It felt like a piece of her heart had been ripped away and in that moment, she knew it was her husband.

Barty tapped anxiously on the armrest, his other hand pinching the bridge of his nose. Evalyn wasn't understanding she didn't have a say in the matter. He stood up and walked over to her. Before he could grab her, she slipped out of the chair and ran across the room. Her wand pointing straight at him. Eyes flashing a violent gold. "Back away Barty, I mean it."

He simply smiled, and pulled his own wand out. "Eva dear, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not." He fired 2 wordless hexes in her direction. When she dodged out of the way, he sent another which hit her arm, knocking the wand out. It rolled across the floor. He crossed over to her and before she could use her powers against him, he snapped a cuff on her wrist. It was the same kind that barred her from being able to use her extra magic when they kidnapped her. Not wanting to go down without a fight, she punched him. Straight in the face. "Merlin's balls Eva! Stop fighting me." He blindly tried to grab her with one hand while the other was holding his bloody nose. She kicked him in his shins, knocking him to the ground.

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