Chapter 70

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It took Evalyn 2 days to wake up. They had a healer come to the Potter Manor just in case the death eaters would try to find her at St. Mungos. Sirius never left her side. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she felt a heavy weight on her waist. As she peered down, her heart nearly gave out when she saw that it was Sirius. He had fallen asleep in a chair right beside her bed. His head and one of his arms rested on her, using her hip and waist as a pillow. His other hand gripped tightly onto hers.

Her body shook as she cried silently. Evalyn cried about Regulus saving her. She cried about losing Barty. She cried thinking about the pain that Bellatrix put her through, still feeling shadows of a blade digging into her skin. Most importantly, she cried because she couldn't believe she was back home. Feeling the movement, Sirius stirred for a second. As it dawned on him, he shot up in his seat. His puffy eyes met hers in disbelief and he immediately got to his feet.

"Pads" Evalyn couldn't say anything else, her bottom lip quivered before her face crumpled. His heart raced as he sat on the bed beside her and took her face into his hands.

"You're really here Lynnie." The words were whispered against her forehead. Sirius wrapped one arm behind her head and pulled her into his chest. Several kisses were placed on the top of her head as they cried together. He pulled her away and his thumbs rubbed the tears from her cheeks. Rain clouds started to form above them as she kept crying, but he didn't care. "Please don't leave me again, I don't know what I would do without you. I was about to hunt down every single witch and wizard until I found you."

"I had to, they were going to hurt you. All of you." Raindrops soaked the couple. She fiddled with her fingers.

Sirius held both of her hands. "It is not your job to be the sole hero. Without you, there is no sun. Without you, there is no happiness and love. Without you, there is no me. I don't care what anyone says, you are not a weapon. This war is not you versus the death eaters." One of his fingers slid under her chin to pull her attention to him. His eyes searched hers. "I love you."

"I love you too." Evalyn scooted over in the bed to make room for him. The clouds started to clear away. Sirius swished his wand and dried both them and the bed. He laid next to her and pulled her into him. His hand drew circles on her waist and she rested her head on his chest. "Can we wait to tell Dumbledore I'm awake? I'm not ready to deal with him yet."

He hummed a response, his other hand moved to twirl one of her curls around his finger. "What about James? He's been a mess. You know the prat is such a mother hen." His heart warmed when he heard a soft chuckle.

"I bet he already knows, in fact, he should be coming in at any moment." Evalyn glanced down at her fingers. As if on cue, the door swung open and a frantic teen stood on the other side.

Lily gripped at his arm with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry I tried to stop him."

James ran up to the bed and sat on Evalyn's other side. Sirius looked between the two with furrowed brows. It confused but amazed him how they just knew each other. "Blimey, how did you even know?" Lily shrugged while James simply smirked and tapped the side of his head.

"Twin telepathy." The red head face palmed while Evalyn nodded in agreement. His face softened when he turned to Evalyn. "How are you feeling?"

Sirius cast a guilty look at Evalyn, realizing he hasn't even asked her yet. As if she felt his guilt, she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I feel like shite. How long have I been sleeping?"

"Two days, do you feel comfortable sharing what happened?" Lily asked as she sat down in the chair that Sirius had been sleeping in. Evalyn avoided the boys' looks as she looked straight at Lily.

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