Chapter 80

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"Move over some!"

"Alice you come towards the front since you are shorter!"

"Sirius stop messing with your hair! It is fine!"

The Order of the Phoenix was trying to take an official photograph. The following months after the ball had been quiet. Everyone but Evalyn seemed to be a little more relaxed. Ever since that night, she had been on edge, carefully watching everyone and everything to make sure nobody got hurt. Sometimes she wondered if she made a mistake by refusing to go with him. Could it have saved everyone in the room? She whispered over to Marlene and Dorcas, "Why are we doing this again?"

"Dumbles wants to have this photo for 'history' purposes when we win." Marlene snickered. The couple shuffled closer together as instructed. Evalyn was pulled to Sirius' side. She sent a smile over to Lily and James who were able to come out just for this moment.

A bright flash of the camera flooded the room, Evalyn flinched on instinct and Sirius rubbed her back. He leaned down to her ear. "You're okay love, it's just the camera." He was the only one who took her worry seriously. When she came back that night, retelling the threats that Voldemort made, he immediately went into panic mode. Their flat was reenforced with several wards, he checked the protection runes and charms on her jacket and jewelry. The ring Regulus gifted Evalyn for her birthday was the one thing he would be eternally grateful for in regard to his brother. The couple stayed in the house for the first few days, and he promised to check up on everyone who was at the event with Evalyn. So far, nothing has happened. It was as if she were lied to.

That changed however. At the end of June, Evalyn, Peter and Benjy were sent on a task. When they arrived, so did several death eaters. It was gruesome. Evalyn did her best to fight them all off, but there were too many. The trio decided their best bet would be to leave, to apparate out of there. Just when Evalyn reached Peter's side, she turned behind her to find Benjy. He was running towards them, not noticing the death eater that popped up behind him. "BENJY!" Evalyn screamed, and she raised her hand to shoot off a spell to protect him but she was too late. A blasting curse hit him directly. The curse was so strong, the man had been blown to pieces. A combination of blood and pieces of guts splashed on Evalyn just as Peter disapparated them.

When they landed, she turned and vomited. Peter held her up as she started to collapse. He waited until she was done vomiting to carry her inside. The witch had been frozen in shock. The Order members that were gathered in the room immediately shot to their feet. Sirius bolted over to Evalyn's other side. She was staring down at the floorboards where Benjy's blood was dripping from her body. "What happened? Where's Benjy?" At his name, Evalyn immediately vomited again. Peter made eye contact with Sirius and shook his head.

Professor McGonagall decided to step in, she took Evalyn away from the men and steered her to a bathroom. She helped Evalyn get cleaned up and changed into some comfortable clothes. The rest of the Order waited for Peter to explain. He stuttered through the story. "There were too many, we were trying to leave, Evalyn was even struggling to hold everyone off. Benjy was running and" he looked down at his shirt which was stained in blood. "He was hit by a blasting curse. Evalyn tried to stop it but she was too late. I took us both away when he -" he couldn't finish. Dumbledore waved his wand over Peter, clearing the mess.

Evalyn finally made her way back into the room, not speaking a word. Immediately she locked eyes with Sirius who held his hand out for her. She stepped forward, slipping her hand in his. "Go home" the words from his former headmaster were barely spoken before Sirius disapparated them.

"It's happening Sirius. It's all my fault." Evalyn tugged at the hems of her sleeves. Sirius sat her down and started massaging her shoulders.

"It's not your fault love." He spoke softly, not wanting to put her even more on edge.

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