Chapter 17

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"So I'm spending a couple days with my parents and then I will come to your place James?" The Marauders plus Evalyn were all sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. James and Peter were playing a game of exploding snap, Remus had dozed off to sleep next to Evalyn. The girl was playing with the rings on Sirius' hand while the boy was still trying to use pickup lines on her.

"Yes Evee that's the plan, we will all be there when you get there."
"Does anyone want any snacks? I'm gonna go get some chocolate frogs." Peter stood up and everyone shook their heads.

"What are the chances of me being able to sneak into the Malfoy ball?" James and Sirius whipped their heads to the girl.
"Why would you ever want to do that?"
Evalyn grew sheepish and played with his rings some more.
"I wanted to check on Reggie and Barty. I need to know that they are okay."

"Absolutely not Lynnie, they will hurt you if they find out who you are."

"I wouldn't stay, just long enough to find them and see if they are alright. I'm not brave enough to actually talk to anyone there."

Sirius wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in. "You and I both know that he would kill me if I let you go there. We will figure something else out."

"Besides Evee, it's our first Christmas with you, let's just have some fun." She frowned and nodded, not wanting to argue with them.

Peter came back to an awkward silence. "I bought you some sugar quills, I know you said you didn't want anything but these are your favorites." The boy blushed and passed Evalyn the sweets.

"Thanks Petey, that's really nice of you." Any tension in the compartment cleared out as they went back to joking around.

As they got off the train, Evalyn scanned the crowd for her parents. Her mum said she would be there even though she's been sick. After a couple of minutes, she finally spotted them and dragged Sirius over, with the other 3 following after.
"Mum, father, this is Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus." Each of the boys nodded and stuck their hands out for proper handshakes. Instead of grabbing their hands though, the older couple pulled them all in for a big hug.
"It's so nice meeting you boys, we hear so much about you." Evalyn blushed while James and Sirius bowed dramatically. "The pleasure is ours Mr and Mrs Fern. I see where Lynnie here gets her good looks from." Sirius winked at her mom and the couple laughed heartily. James pushed him aside playfully. "Move Padfoot, I want to say hi to my sister's parents."
Remus pulled them both back by their ears "I'm sorry about them, they can be real animals sometimes." Evalyn snorted at the joke.
"I will see you guys in a few days, don't miss me too much" she gave each of them a hug, leaving Sirius for last. "Don't forget to write me if you want" his arms lingered around her waist and she looked up into his eyes.
"I guess you'll have to wait and see hun" she winked at him. He laughed and gave a small kiss to her temple before the group took off towards James' parents.

"They seem nice Evalyn, we really like them." Her mum was beaming towards the retreating group.
"I don't know if I like this Sirius kid though" her father wrinkled his nose and gave Evalyn a sly grin.

"He's Reggie's brother." Both parents looked at her skeptically. They knew Regulus and Barty from when they would sneak over on holidays. They grew to love the boys like they were their own children.
"And how does Reggie feel about that?" Her dad asked sternly.
"I think he's okay with it now, they won't be coming over anymore though." The girl started to cry and her mum wrapped her arms around the young girl.
"Are they okay? Is there anything we can do hun?" Evalyn shook her head and sobbed into her mum.
"We can kidnap them" her father gave a shrug and small smile to try and lighten the mood.

Her father took that moment to apparate the three of them home.
With determination in her eyes, Evalyn looked at them.
"I will figure something out, I have to make sure they are okay."

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