Chapter 24

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The next morning, Evalyn dressed in a simple cream sweater and dark flared jeans. She paired it with her old white converse and Sirius' old leather jacket that he gave her. She made sure to put on the locket, ring, and bracelet that she always wore and threw her frizzy curls into a messy bun.

Sirius had a scowl on his face while he was standing outside of the hufflepuff common room. Nerves wracked his body. He knew what the Rosier family was like, and he did not trust Evan Rosier. The grey eyed boy looked to his mate. "Swear you won't let him hurt her."

Remus gave him a clap on the shoulder and a warm smile. "Of course mate." He had gone to the library early that morning to find the book on flowers. Jealousy. The werewolf was concerned with the situation but didn't say anything to the rest of the group. He knew Sirius would lose it if he knew that the Rosier boy was jealous of something.

Evalyn opened the common room door and smiled widely at the two boys. Immediately Sirius wrapped her up in his arms.
"Hi Snuffles" she giggled and buried her head in his chest.
"Hi Lynnie" the smell of her mango shampoo filled his nose.

"I might be sick." Remus gave a fake disgusted look at the pair before holding open his arms. Evalyn ran over to him, giving him a warm hug. "Everyone knows you're my favorite, you daft cow." Sirius let out a low growl and the other two laughed at him. "Padfoot makes so much sense now" Evalyn whispered up at Remus. He nodded at her and then pushed her back to the brooding boy.

Sirius took Evalyn's hand and the three spent the day out by the Black Lake. Remus and Evalyn were chatting about different books, while Sirius had his head laid in Evalyn's lap. He grabbed Evalyn's hand and guided it to his hair. She raised an eyebrow down at him. Sirius Black never lets anyone touch his hair. He gave her a small smile and she started to gently run her fingers through it. Much like a dog, he closed his eyes in bliss and widened his smile. Evalyn could have sworn the boy let out a whine. Just as he was dozing off, Regulus walked over. Evalyn tensed up, causing Sirius to sit up abruptly.
"Brother" his hand hovered over where his wand lay. Regulus simply rolled his eyes and looked to Evalyn. "Fern, he said to meet him in the Slytherin common room. Follow me." His demeanor was cold but Evalyn knew him better than that. She could see the guilt swarming in his eyes. Sirius grabbed her hand and placed a sweet kiss on her lips and cupped her face. "I'll wait right outside for you Lynnie." He turned to Remus and gave him a nod. The two got up and followed after the younger black brother.

"Reggie are you okay?" She spoke quietly so nobody could hear her. He scanned the halls around them to see who was around. Seeing that it was safe, he avoided her gaze. "Yes. I see you are with the blood traitor of my brother now." Evalyn frowned but quickly wiped it off her face before touching his arms. "I know I have your permission Reg, and you know I wouldn't do anything to betray you." He ripped his arm away from her as they approached the room of snakes. Regulus said nothing more as he gestured to where Rosier was and then walked off.
"He'll come around Evalyn" Remus whispered before they headed over to Evan. Remus pulled out the chair for her as the Slytherin eyed the two.
"Alright Birdy?" Evan gestured towards two cups of tea in front of them. The pair eyed the cups skeptically. He let out a hearty chuckle before saying "it's not poisoned, if you want dump it and make some yourself." Evalyn was the first to move as she took a sip of hers. She turned to Remus and gave him a smile, he was in shock that she actually drank it.

Rosier completely ignored Remus' presence. He needed information. Ever since the duel he has been driven insane with the girl. He didn't know if he wanted her or her power.
"So Birdy, what is a girl like you doing with someone like Sirius Black?" There was such disdain in the way he said the name. Remus narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the question. Evalyn gave a small smile, "He brings me happiness. His heart may be fractured, but it's good. There's something about him that pulls me to him and it makes me feel like I'm floating. And I ask you to not talk bad about him in front of me. I know you're not here to ask about my relationship."

He bit his lip, thinking over his next question. "How do you know Regulus and Barty? They don't seem like your kind of crowd." Evan notice her tense up, and a closed off look formed in her eyes. She's closer to them than I thought. "Next question. I told you not to ask about that." Remus grabbed for her hand in a friendly manner. She started to fiddle with his fingers anxiously.

"Okay, how about that little thing I noticed during our duel?" Evan finally glanced towards Remus, trying to see if the boy knew what he was referencing. Seeing the confusion on his face, Evan turned back towards Evalyn. "He doesn't know about it clearly." Evalyn sighed and looked down.

"I don't even know what it is yet. I'm figuring it out." Remus whipped his head towards the girl. "What are you talking about?" She shook her head "I'll tell you later Rem." He gave her hand a small squeeze of reassurance. A plan formed in Evan's head and a sickly smile spread on his face. "Maybe I can help you little bird. I'll do some research and get back to you." Without letting her answer, he got up quickly and walked away.
She whispered, "I have some weird magic thing happening, it made my eyes flash gold during our duel and he saw it happen. Dumbledore told me to find a way to control it." The werewolf gave her hand another squeeze.

The two made their way into the hall, Sirius was whispering something to Snape. The latter made eye contact with Evalyn and sneered. He turned on his heel, his robes fluttered behind him dramatically. Sirius turned around and ran up to the girl throwing his arms around her. "Alright Lynnie."
"Alright Sirius." She giggled and placed a kiss to his cheek.
She pulled away "what did Severus want?" He waved his hand at her and smiled. "Just Snivvy being Snivvy." Remus and Evalyn exchanged a quick glance before shrugging it off.

"By the way, I think Evan might know about my issue." Evalyn said quickly, trying to not worry Sirius. The boy turned to Mooney who gave him a worried look. "We will hand it Lynnie, don't you worry." He pulled her in for one more hug.

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