Chapter 60

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"What do you mean we have to go?" Evalyn stood up next to a slumped over Sirius in the Potter sitting room. James, Lily, Effie, Monty, Dumbledore, and Mad Eye Moody from the Order were all gathered in the room. Effie had called the get together as soon as Evalyn explained the situation. The former Hufflepuff had slightly angled herself in front of Sirius trying to stand up for him. He had sunk into a seat with his alcohol as soon as Dumbledore announced his decision. One hand gripped the bottle with white knuckles while the other pinched the bridge of his nose to ease the coming headache.

"Surely you aren't sending them alone Albus" Effie was trying poorly to conceal her anger. She held up a hand as she let out a sickly cough. Monty cleared his throat and placed a loving hand on his wife's shoulder, with equal fury blazing in his eyes.

Dumbledore moved so Sirius was now directly in his line of focus and his gaze solely stuck on him as he spoke. "My dear boy, this is a good way to try and get information on the other side. With you there, you can notice if anything is amiss. The Order needs you Sirius, any bit of information you can get could win us the war." Evalyn scoffed, knowing he was trying to play into Sirius' hero complex.

James tried to speak up next, "Can I take his place? Maybe we can use polyjuice? I'll take Evalyn with me if she is up for it?" Evalyn shot him a grateful look to which he nodded in response.

Sirius took a swig of firewhisky, his words slurred a little "Who will be there to save us when it is inevitably a trap?" He looked up at Evalyn with sad but worried eyes. Honestly, the thought of going there made him nauseous. She sat on the arm of the chair and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. His free hand went to hold hers with a tight shaky grip.

"They will not harm you since there will be too many reporters. However, if it happens send your patronus to the Order and we will come and get you." Dumbledore spoke softly to the boy.

James piped up again, looking only at Sirius. "Let me take this one Pads, I'll keep her safe." Hazel eyes met stormy grey eyes as the Sirius contemplated the offer. Evalyn rubbed her thumb over his hand signaling that it was okay with her.

He looked up at his fiancé and whispered "I can't let you get hurt." Evalyn pulled him closer and he wrapped both arms around her. "If something happens to you, I'll never forgive myself. I have to do it."

"It's James love, he won't let anything happen to me. If there's anyone other than you I trust with my life, it's him. It's okay if you can't do this. I won't force you. And if trouble comes, I'll send for you immediately." She touched the locket that he had gifted her. Evalyn held the boy close, letting him keep his face hidden in the crook of her neck until his breathing steadied.

After a minute, he turned back to James, "I trust you Prongs." The shared a nod before the boy turned to Dumbledore. "Order be damned, if she gets hurt at this wedding, I'm coming after everyone there and then you will be next. I will go over proper etiquette with Evalyn to get her prepared."

"I don't expect anything less Sirius." The twinkle in his eyes was ever so present before he apparated away. After Moody left, the room was silent except for the two parents occasionally coughing.

"James, Sirius, why don't you two go talk out in the kitchen? Make us all some tea while you are at it." The boys nodded at their mum and walked off. Both Evalyn and Lily shared looks of worry before turning back to Effie. "Thank you ladies for looking after our sons, I couldn't be more happy to have such wonderful daughters." The woman beamed at the two young girls. They came over and gave her a hug when Monty interrupted.

"Evalyn, I may have raised Sirius the past several years as my own, but you have become my secret favorite child. If he messes up and hurts you, because nobody is perfect, let me know and I'll sort it out for you." He pulled Evalyn into his arms and held her tightly. She let out a shaky breath as she pulled away.

"Do you think you could walk me down the aisle?" Her question was soft, barely above a whisper and she avoided eye contact. Her fingers tapped anxiously on her leg. Pretty soon she was pulled into another tight squeeze.

"The only thing that could come in between me and walking you down would be my death. And even then, I'll have my spirit come walk you down the aisle."  The group let out a hearty laugh at his statement.

Evalyn wiped the couple of tears that pooled up in her waterline "Are you both doing okay? Your cough sounds pretty concerning." Lily nodded her head in agreement.

"Have either of you seen a healer yet?" The red head asked. Effie waved her hand to dismiss their questions.

"Oh it's just old age, nothing to be concerned with." Both young witches deadpanned at the older woman. There was a glare of small disapproval on each of their faces that they had no doubt gotten from Effie.

Monty gave a mock shudder "Merlin, the boys are in for it when they see that face." His wife now joined in, giving him a look of her own. He held up his hands, "Sorry my love."

"We will see a healer in a few days if the coughing doesn't go away." This pleased the girls enough to drop the conversation. Sirius and James came back into the room, each one trying to balance a stack of delicate cups and the kettle in their hands. Evalyn and Lily rushed over to help them.

"Why didn't you use magic?" She asked Sirius as she removed a couple cups from his hands. He looked sheepishly over to James who was sporting a red face.

"We had a bet to see who could carry the most without magic." The boys paled as they each received the motherly glare that had been given to them many times over the years. "How did they do that? They look just like mum." He whispered over to James who nodded rapidly. Monty chuckled at the nervous looks the boys had.

As the tea was passed around, chitchat of wedding planning took place. Effie moved over to a seat next to Evalyn. The older witch took the girls hands in hers and smiled down at her. "I have the perfect dress for Narcissa's wedding." Evalyn gulped and glanced over at Sirius, who simply gave her a small smile. "Come with me love." She got up from her seat and followed after the woman whose hand was still holding hers. They went into the master bedroom and over to a huge closet. Inside were several gowns that haven't been worn in a while.

Effie ran her fingers along each of the fabrics, looking each dress over for a minute before passing to the next. She settled on one of the most beautiful gowns Evalyn has ever seen. "I can't accept that, it's too much." Effie said nothing as she pulled Evalyn over to a full length mirror and held the dress in front of the young girl. Evalyn watched a sad smile grow on the woman's face.

"It was the dress I wore to your parents' wedding." A tear rolled down Evalyn's cheek as they looked at the gown. "I insist you take it, you are my daughter. It feels right for you to wear it." Evalyn took the dress and laid it neatly on the bed before tackling Effie in a hug. "They would be so proud of you love."

"Thank you Effie. I love you."

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