Chapter 71

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With Sirius Black, things are either dramatic and over the top, or done with such impulse that there is no time to plan. Everyone thought it would be him that would call for the wedding to be done at the last minute. But when Evalyn said those words, he sent a patronus to Remus, Minnie and James.

After a quick nap, and making Evalyn some food, he went to the Potter's to decorate. Outside in the garden, he set up a few chairs and some fireworks for later. Lily made some mini sandwiches and baked a small cake. It was decorated with white icing and she made little flowers with magic. Evalyn then joined in and used her magic to grow stunning flowers along a path she would walk down.

The girls went and found last minute dresses while the boys grabbed suits. Evalyn picked out a simple dress. The white fabric went down to her knees, and a lacy detail was added to the top and her sleeves. It covered the scars down her arms and her shoulder. Instead of a veil, James plaited her hair into one thick braid and placed small flowers throughout it. Lily wore a pastel blue dress that flowed down to her ankles.

As Sirius waited anxiously at the end of the aisle, Remus offered him comforting glances. Lily had soft music playing, as they watched for James and Evalyn. James looked down at Evalyn with a soft smile. "Are you ready Snitch?" A bright smile found her face and she nodded. He placed a kiss to her temple and held out his arm for her to take. "They would love this."

She wrapped her hand around his arm, "Yeah, I can almost feel them watching us." The two stepped down the aisle together and Evalyn notice Sirius tense up. His eyes were locked onto hers.

James laughed lightly, "I never thought I'd see the day that he got so soft for someone. I'm glad that it's you. You brought out the best in him."

"No, I don't think so. He's always been this way. You helped him show that it was okay to be his true self."

"Yeah, but it was you who made him feel comfortable enough to show it. You look beautiful Evalyn." He gave her one last smile as he guided her to her spot. James ran a hand through his hair as he took his place next to Sirius.

Not once did Sirius' gaze leave Evalyn. His heart raced as he took in her beauty. She blinked up at him with a soft look as he took her hands. The way he expresses his love has always been through his eyes and with physical touch. His eyes always met hers when she entered a room. The way he held eye contact as she rambled about everything she loved. Evalyn thought his eyes were his best feature. Not because they were stunning, but because of all the emotion she could see in them. They were the doorway to his soul. On top of that, he always found some way to be touching her. Whether it's walking next to her with his hand on the small of her back. An arm wrapped around her waist. Gentle fingers toying with her curls. Almost as if he did it to remind himself that she was still there.

If somebody asked him why he loved Evalyn Fern, he would tell you that the list is endless. If he had to pick a favorite thing though, it would be her heart. How she could see a crack in the earth and find some beautiful thing behind it. How she can be wronged by so many, and still have a big enough heart to try to see it from their perspective. That she is not quick to judge someone for their wrongdoings. It would be her smile and the different variations of it. One of his favorite being the lopsided one she reserved only for him. It would be her laugh, the real one that always sounded like she was struggling for air.

The two were so intently focused on each other in the moment that Minnie's words binding them together were faded into the background. Sirius' vows came first. He brushed her cheek with his hand.

"Lynnie. My Lynnie. Our love is written in the stars. I vow with my entire soul to love you and cherish you. You will always find a safe place and an ear to listen with me. Since the day we started talking, you have had my soul and my heart. As long as my heart is beating, I will protect you and fight for you. And when death does decide to take me, I will find you in my next life and every life after that."

Evalyn waved a hand to her face to dry her tears. Sirius smirked to Remus and James and gave them each a fist bump. Minnie gestured for Evalyn to go next. The young witch giggled as Sirius wiggled his eyebrows teasingly at her.

"I never knew what I was getting into when I got into that carriage with you on that first day. I didn't realize at the time I found my soul mate. Since that day, I have found a home in your arms. And from this day, I vow to always be your best friend, your partner, and your love. You will always have someone to hold you and be by your side. My love for you will burn even when all the stars have faded from the sky. And when I take my last breath on this earth, I will continue to be with you, no matter what awaits us next." Before Minnie could say anything, Sirius pulled Evalyn into his arms and dipped her low. He placed a passionate kiss on her lips. Their magical auras united into one in that moment. The small audience cheered and applauded while Sirius stood her back up. Fireworks exploded and danced across the night sky.

Before it got too crazy, Minnie said her goodbyes. Remus pulled out butterbeers and Firewhisky for everyone. The family celebrated until the sun rose the next day. It was a beautiful memory for the group.

Author's note:

Small lovely filler chapter for y'all today. I hope it was okay <3 love you and thank you for reading so far

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