Chapter 27

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The day started off great. Sirius was in a great mood. He brought Evalyn's breakfast to her, actually took notes that one of his mates could use while he missed classes, and even helped a first year who tripped. As the last class finished, him and Peter ran up to Evalyn.
"Come to our dorm and hang out pretty please?"

"Sure let me grab something from the kitchens for Remus and I'll be right there." She conjured up a small bouquet of daisies and grabbed some soup and brownies from the house elves. As she made her way to the Gryffindor common room, an owl dropped a note off for her.
My Evalyn,
I hope school is going well sweetheart. Your mum and I can't wait to see you this summer. In regard to your question, maybe Dumbledore can grant us some time to meet and I'll answer everything. We love you so much. We also are expecting to see Sirius at some point this summer.
Love you,

She folded it up and shoved it into her pocket. Her dad should have the answers to what is going on with her. Going through the portrait, she climbed up the stairs to the boys' dorm. James opened the door and pulled her in quickly.
"I brought you something Rem." She whispered, giving his temple a friendly kiss. Evalyn set his flowers on a nightstand beside him and held out the soup and brownies. As he went to grab the dessert, she pulled it away, arching an eyebrow at him. "Soup first."

"I don't want it, but thank you Evalyn" he sighed. "That's too bad, eat it or I'll force you to." Remus glanced at her then over at Sirius who was nodding vigorously. "She will mate, trust me." Begrudgingly, he started eating the food. Evalyn took this moment to make her plan. "So I will wait here while you lot are gone, after you take Rem to the Hospital Wing, I can take care of the rest of you here." She laid out several vials of healing potions.

The next couple of hours flew by pretty quickly. Remus slept while the other laughed and played games. Evalyn woke Remus up gently so he could head off. Peter and James followed quickly after. Sirius lingered back a bit to give Evalyn a kiss. "Please be safe Sirius, I worry about you." He snickered "Don't worry, the scars will just add to my already dashing looks."

"I forgot something in my dorm, I'm going to run and grab it and come right back here." Sirius gave her a nod. "Straight back, don't go outside at all." She held out her pinky, which he furrowed his brows at. "What's wrong with your finger?" This made Evalyn chuckle. "Nothing, it's a pinky promise, you're supposed to wrap yours around mine. You can't break a pinky promise." He hesitantly wrapped his around hers. "Like an unbreakable vow?" She shook her head, "yes, but no dying involved, nobody gets hurt."

Sirius finally left after his friends. Evalyn was on her way back from her dorm with her wand that was left on her bed. As she turned a corner, she noticed Severus Snape sneaking around. Hiding behind a pillar, her eyes widened in fear as she watched him go outside. Mustering up every ounce of courage she had, she ran after him to try to stop him.

They were nearing the Whomping Willow as she quietly called for him. He whipped his head around and sneered. "Of course you are out here. You are always around those filthy blood traitors and the mutt." She threw a hard glare at him. "Get back inside, it's dangerous out here."
"I'm meeting Black, he told me to be here tonight." He crossed his arms stubbornly.
"You share a common room Snape, go meet there instead." Her tone was fierce and determined as she eyed the shrieking shack behind him.

"Not that one." The corner of his lips curled up into a snarky grin. "Did he not tell you?"

"You're lying, he wouldn't" Evalyn's heart dropped because she knew deep down it was the truth.

"Is there a reason I can't be out here? Some kind of secret? Someone who is just a —" his voice was cut off by a loud scream. Evalyn's eyes widened as she seen a stag and a dog bust through the door of the shack. The big black stood frozen in place when he laid eyes on the two. The stag immediately rushed forward, pushing Snape to run with his antlers. A werewolf with yellow eyes bolted out of the shack, heading straight towards the commotion. Snape took off running, Evalyn close behind him. She turned around briefly, just in time to see the werewolf dig its claws down James' back. A warm feeling flooded her soul as her eyes shone a bright gold. She waved her hand at the animal, and out of nowhere a wall made out of rock shielded the stag.

The dog finally broke out of its trance and jumped at the werewolf. The two animals were fighting at this point. A rat ran up beside Evalyn. "Peter go get Dumbledore now, I'll handle Snape." The rodent squeaked and scurried off. Snape tripped over a branch and tumbled to the ground. The werewolf's head snapped in their direction. Forgetting about the dog, the werewolf took off after the two humans. Sirius tried to catch up to him but he wasn't fast enough. Evalyn put her body between Snape and Remus. Just as his claws met her arm, she screamed out a stunning spell. The extra magic that she had sent the werewolf flying into a tree, knocking it unconscious. Without wanting to waste time, she pulled Snape up by his robes and dragged him inside the corridors.

"You say anything Severus, and you will have to deal with me." He scoffed at the small witch.
"He's a monster, he shouldn't be allowed to come here." A sickly laugh left Evalyn's lips. That sound combined with the fierce glow of her now golden eyes made Snape grow uneasy. "He's no more of a monster than you. He can't choose to be this way, it is not his mind telling him to do this. However YOU choose to create torturous spells that YOU use on young children. YOU are the one who is siding with a man who would kill you for not being pure." With each word she stepped closer and closer to him, pushing her finger into his chest. Magical sparks formed at each touch. 

With a flick of her wrist, his voice was gone. "Remember Severus, you say anything. You deal with me." His eyes widened and his heart started racing. The fury that burned in her eyes was something to not be messed with so he gave a quick nod. "Now I'll give you your voice back, we will go talk to Dumbles, and then I have to clean up a huge mess. You owe me one for saving your life by the way. I believe you also owe James. It'll do you good to remember that." She snapped her fingers and his voice came back to him. However instead of saying anything, he scowled and nodded his head.

An hour later, Dumbledore held Snape back in his office to ensure he wouldn't say anything. Evalyn walked to the dorm, grabbed her supplies, and wrapped her arm up temporarily. Daylight was breaking at this point and she trekked to the shack. Peter was trying to hold pressure on James' wounds. Sirius was limping back and forth in dog form. Remus was knocked out cold with a blanket covering him.

"Peter, use the levitating charm and take Rem to the Hospital Wing. I'll patch James up and take him there myself. Then I'll deal with Sirius." The boy nodded and did as she said. Sirius laid next to her and whined as she got started healing James. "I hope you are happy Sirius. I mean what was the reasoning? Snape told me you sent for him. How could you do that to Rem? Or to the other boys? Someone could have died." He turned back into human form and sobbed.
"I don't know Lynnie, he has been such a prat lately. Bullying kids, being hateful. I thought it'd be funny if someone taught him a lesson." Evalyn frowned and said some healing charms, putting all of her energy into James' wounds. The cuts sealed themselves, leaving some nasty scars behind. He was still knocked unconscious.
"I understand, I do. But this was too far Sirius. You wanted to teach him a lesson but at the expense of your closest mates. Remus would never betray you like that." Sirius' eyes were red and puffy.
"I'm sorry." He hung his head in shame. She fed James a blood replenishing potion before turning her full attention on Sirius. "It's not me you have to apologize to, it's the boys, and Snape. You'll have to make it up to them and not me."

"Are you leaving me?" His words came out as a soft whisper. Evalyn could hear the hurt behind what he said. She grabbed his hand and his eyes darted to the bloody bandages around her arm. "It's all my fault." He let out another sob. "I'm not going to leave you Sirius, but don't get upset if you see me around Remus and the rest of them. They might not want to talk to you, but I'm not going to pick a side." He nodded his head.
"Now let me heal you so we can make it to the Hospital Wing before I pass out."

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