Chater 84

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The Morning of October 31, 1981

The day started out like any other, Evalyn and Sirius were tangled up in the sheets. His head lay rested on her chest as soft snores left his mouth. She had just awoken a few minutes prior. Lazy fingers twirled his black wavy hair. His arm was draped over her waist, always holding her protectively. Ever since they moved in together, they have slept within each other's arms. It helped keep the nightmares away. Sunlight started to peak through the window and the man shuffled a little bit.

His eyes fluttered open slowly and he propped himself up to look at his wife's face. She leaned up, kissing his forehead softly. "Lay back down love, I'll make us some breakfast okay?" Sirius yawned and gave a small nod before burying himself back into the blankets.

"I love you Lynnie."

"I love you too Sirius." Pretty soon after, the smell of pancakes and bacon filled the flat.

James, being the early riser he was, had been awake for 2 hours. When he got up from the sofa, he crept to find a camera and snapped a shot of his wife and son still sleeping. Afterwards, he picked up the wrappers that were discarded and placed some more Halloween decorations out. He decided to write a letter to Evalyn since he had to miss out on her birthday this year. As the ink dried, he tucked it away next to a small wrapped box. Harry had started to cry shortly after, waking Lily up. She picked her baby up, rocked him soothingly and changed his diaper. James came up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, softly kissing her shoulder. "How do pancakes sound love?" Lily grinned and nodded while Harry clapped his little hands together not even knowing what he was happy for.

Remus decided to stay home and relax today. His slippers slid across the kitchen as he prepared some toast and coffee. The werewolf stretched out his achy joints and set his plate down on the table. A stack of books were anxiously waiting to be read next to him.

A dark room was where Peter sat. Only a couple candles offered little light. The faint glow made the eerie figures even more intimidating. His hands and legs were bound, a cut on his face made a small trickle of blood run down his cheek. The death eaters that surrounded him each had their mask on with their hood up. Nerves wracked his body. Voldemort had yet to show up, but he knew whatever he was meeting for was not going to be good.

Barty, Bellatrix and the Lestrange brothers sat around a table. A backup plan was in the making, just in case the prophecy was not about the Potters. Barty had refused to kill anyone, that was his line. Despite being one of Voldemort's most trusted, he would never take a life. However, he was completely fine with torturing if that was what his Lord asked of him. In two days time, they would find the Longbottom's to ensure their Lord's plans.

Voldemort sat in his office, a cold stoic look on his serpent like face. His sharp nails tapped on his desk. Determination lit his eyes. Tonight, he wanted two things: kill the Potter baby and to have Evalyn Black by his side. He would let nothing get in his way, and Peter Pettigrew was his key.

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