Chapter 56

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The thing about detention with Filch was that it was known to be miserable. There was no telling what he would want someone to do, but everyone knows it would be horrendous. So it came to no one's shock when the 3 students were told to go into the Forbidden Forest that evening to gather things for Slughorn's storage.

He left them one lantern, several glass vials, and a list before telling them to meet him at the same spot in 4 hours. Sirius grumbled as he picked up the vials. Evalyn rolled her eyes as she read over the extensive list. There would be no way they could get everything in 4 hours if they didn't split up. Evan peeped over her shoulder and groaned, noticing the same thing.

"The prick is nutters if he thinks we can get all of this."

Sirius glared at the Slytherin and stepped forward. He scowled and pointed a finger at him "Nobody asked you to join us Rosier, you didn't have to be here." Evan didn't back down and glared right back. He stepped forward, despite the finger pointed at him.

"I didn't come here to spend time with you Black. I came because it's Filch and you let your girlfriend take the fall with you despite what the oaf is known to do for detentions." Sirius faltered under the intense gaze and glanced over to Evalyn. He shook it off before glaring back at Evan.

"She doesn't need you to defend her or help her. I would never let anything hurt her, and if detention was too much, I have ways of getting out of it. She doesn't need you or your bloody obsession with her."

Evan tensed up and went to say something else, but Evalyn decided she had enough and stepped between them. She put a hand on both of their chests to push them away from each other. "Boys, I am right here. First of all, I do not need either of you to protect me. I appreciate how much you both care for me, but I am grown and I can make my own decisions. Secondly, I will not spend the next few hours listening to you bicker. If you cannot be nice, do not say anything. And lastly, we will not be splitting up, I would feel better going together, if the list isn't complete by the end of our time, we can get Minnie."

Both boys clenched their jaws before nodding. Evan turned to pick up the lantern, while Evalyn took the vials from Sirius so she could float them in the air behind the group. They made their way into the Forest. It was already getting dark with the sun setting. The wind blowing through the trees were the only sounds around them.

An hour into their trip, only a handful of items were found. They stuck to the outer edge of the Forest so they could easily find their way out. Evalyn had just crossed off the fifth item before rolling her shoulders back. "We have to go further in." Sirius gaped at her while Evan threw his head back.

"We can't Birdie, it's too dangerous. There must be another way." Evan tried reasoning. As much as he cared for the girl, he really did not want to go in there.

"Please, you boys are some of the most skilled students in Hogwarts. We will be alright. Besides, you have me." She sent a cheeky wink at both of them. The two boys had both paled considerably. "Oh come on, you can't tell me you are that scared?" Evalyn was playing to Sirius' Gryffindor qualities. She knew it worked when the boys immediately puffed his chest.

He walked over and threw an arm around her shoulders and smiled down at her. "There is nothing in there that would scare me my darling Lynnie. I can bet that I can beat anything that tries to attack us." He stood with a proud smirk as he twirled his wand in his free hand. "I can't say the same for our dear snake over there though." They watched as Evan scowled at Sirius.

"It's okay if you stay here Evan." Evalyn said honestly. She didn't want the boy to feel pressured into joining them. He could tell she was leaving the decision up to him. Evan straightened his back and gestured for them to lead the way.

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