Chapter 64

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Sirius groaned as he woke up. Evalyn was sat on the end of the bed waiting for him to fully wake up. His hand roamed around the empty side of the bed feeling for Evalyn. Noticing she wasn't there, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. He squinted and held up a hand to block the sunlight that came in from the window. "What are you doing Lynnie?" She shuffled off the bed and over to the nightstand.

She shoved the potion into his hand and watched as he drank it. He handed the empty vial back and she switched it with the water. As the hangover faded, she cast a silencing charm and sat back down on the bed. Sirius gulped as he caught a glimpse of the stern expression on his face. Slowly his words from last night came back to memory and he looked up to the ceiling.

"First things first. I don't think it was Reggie. He is the one who warned me to get out of there. He is the one who caught onto James and then basically told us why we were invited."

Sirius scoffed but said nothing. "You can disagree on that all you want, but I know what I believe. I can't deny that what he is doing is wrong, but I can say that I don't think it's him giving up the information." Noticing he kept silent, she continued.

"The second thing, is I love you Sirius, but you need to try to cut back on the drinking."

"I don't drink that much." He crossed his arms defiantly. The pout adorned on his face made him look like a toddler.

"I've had to call James several times to help me get you to bed because you were too drunk to walk. It's becoming every other night that you are drinking to avoid your feelings. I know that you are hurting, but please let me help with your emotions. I'm going through things too and I need you."

Sirius' heart broke as she hesitated to get through her words. He pulled her into his lap because he knew she was holding back her tears. As he looked at her face, he finally noticed the signs of stress. The bags under her eyes which were duller than usual. The fact that it looked like she hadn't even smiled a true Evalyn smile in a while. He kissed the top of her head. "I'll try to get better Lynnie, I'm sorry."

"Thank you Sirius, I love you." She buried her head into his neck as he held her. The thoughts of how he needs to do better swarmed his mind.

As they got back home, Sirius went to shower while Evalyn started cooking. Having the music blasting, she was unaware that someone had walked in. A tap on her shoulder alerted Evalyn to the other person, she screamed and grabbed a frying pan on the counter next to her and swung it around.

James, having quick reflexes, stopped the pan just before it hit his head. They stared at each other with wide eyes. "Merlin Snitch, what was that for?!" He shrieked. She put a hand over her chest to calm her racing heart.

"You daft cow, you scared me." She slapped his arm.

"You're a witch! Why didn't you just use magic?!" He practically yelled between laughs.

She glared at him, "I briefly forgot, now what is it you want Prongs?" Sirius stormed out of the bathroom, a towel loosely tied around his waist. Soapy bubbles were still in his hair and he dripped water onto the floor. He had his wand in his hand, ready to fight the intruder. Both James and Evalyn busted out laughing at his frantic state. She leaned onto James' arm as she looked at Sirius, "You're late love, it's just James." He scowled and walked back to the shower, throwing up a vulgar gesture at the two.

Their giggling never ceased as James turned back to Evalyn. "We have our first real mission this evening. There's talks of a death eater attack nearby and Dumbles is sending us and the Prewetts." Evalyn pursed her lips.

"Pads isn't going to like that." James waved his hand.

"He's going to team up with Lily as backup in case it gets bad. They will be waiting nearby."

Evalyn nodded and walked away to grab her wand, motioning for James to stir the stew. "Should I bring this to over to your parents?" He tasted the food with a separate spoon before adding a bit more salt. Evalyn peaked over his shoulder and threw in some more veggies.

"It would be nice, but they haven't been eating much." His stirring slowed and a grim expression fell on his face. Evalyn pulled out a separate pot and began to make some broth for soup.

"I'll make them some soup, that always makes people feel better." Sirius came walking out to finally join them. He smiled at his best friend and his lover cooking together. "Hey love, can you send word to Mooney and Wormtail to invite them for lunch at James?'" He padded over and gave his woman a peck on the cheek. James tapped his cheek expectantly and smiled as Sirius gave him a quick peck.

Evalyn deadpanned at the two and James laughed. "He was mine first." She stuck her tongue out at him in response.

"I guess I'll just take Lily then, you can't have both." Sirius laughed from the window where he sent the owl away.

"I'm sure she'd choose you over Prongs any day." The Potter boy fell to the floor dramatically. He cried in mock pain as Evalyn kicked him lightly.

"Help me grab the food to take to your parents."

Peter wasn't able to make it to lunch, and Monty and Effie stayed in their room. Evalyn quietly set the two bowls of soup beside them with some water. They thanked her with warm smiles and sent her off. The rest of the group discussed the plans for later as they ate.

"Where will you be Mooney?" James questioned the werewolf. Evalyn looked at Remus and smiled slightly, encouraging him to tell them.

"I'll be packing for my own mission. Dumbledore is sending me to recruit some werewolves." The table stopped eating and looked at him. "It'll be good for me, it gives me something to do. It gives me a good reason for being what I am."

Lily was the first to smile. "We can celebrate when you come back." The boys shared looks of worry for their old friend.

"Good luck Mooney, stay safe." James spoke up. He quickly changed the subject. "So me and Lily will be getting married soon."

The redhead grinned "With everything going on, we thought it would be best to do it soon." The fact of his parents not doing well spurred the decision. "It'll be small, us, James' parents, Peter, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Frank and Mary." Evalyn put a hand over Lily's knowing that the witch's family probably wouldn't be there.

"I'm so happy for you both."

Lily looked towards the blonde, and gripped her hand. "Will you be my maid of honor?" Evalyn gushed and nodded. She then turned to Remus, "Do you think you'd walk me down the aisle?"

The werewolf smiled "It would be my honor Lily."

Sirius threw his hands up, "What am I? Chopped liver? What am I supposed to do? Just stand there and be pretty?" James laughed.

"No, I'd prefer if you were my best man." Sirius sighed in relief.

"I mean that's the same thing honestly mate. When's the wedding?" James and Lily looked at each other sheepishly.

"Tomorrow." Evalyn coughed on her food, while Sirius patted her back.

"Alright then, I guess after our mission we can look for dresses." Evalyn giggled with Lily as they cleaned up. The boys all left to start getting ready to leave. "Are you nervous?"

"No, I think as long as I have James, I'm ready for anything."

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