Chapter 14

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The Hufflepuff common room is a place of warmth and coziness. It is peaceful. The warm sunlight provides a golden glow in the room, plants decorate the walls. It is the equivalent of a safety blanket to children. That is why Evalyn and her two boys feel okay hangin out there. To them, it is safe. Nobody in the badger den would dare snitch on Regulus or Barty, they are too afraid of the duo.
"I think the date went well guys, I had a lot of fun. Evan got in the way though. I don't know what his obsession is with me." Evalyn pushed her glasses up and finished her Charms assignment.
"I don't know Eva, you're pretty fit, and you're too nice. Maybe he thinks you're easy to take advantage of?" Regulus nodded in agreement. "We will keep an eye on him for you."
Evalyn looked at her two brothers gratefully, "You two are the best, I don't know what I would do without you." Regulus' grew nauseous as she said it, how could he break her heart like this. "We just want you happy E. Now get to class, me and Barty have to go." He kissed her temple and gave her a long hug. Barty feeling left out, wrapped his arms around the other side of the girl. "Love you Eva Bear."

Later on, Evalyn noticed Remus' head drooping in class. He looked absolutely miserable. Not being able to take it anymore, she raised her hand "Professor, I need to take Remus to the Hospital Wing, he's not feeling well." Before the teacher could acknowledge them, she grabbed the werewolf gently on the arm and pulled him out of the room. His eyes grew wide and he panicked. "Evalyn I'm fine, I'm just a little ill. It will pass." She halted abruptly in front of him. "Quite frankly, you look like someone threw you in front of the whomping willow. Now I am taking you to Madame Pomfrey and you will not fight me on it." If he were feeling better, he'd laugh at the glare that the small girl tried to give him, but instead he just followed her lead.

They got to the Hospital Wing and she sat him down on one of the beds before getting Madame Pomfrey. Evalyn came back over and tucked Remus into the bed and put a glass of water and two chocolate bars beside him. "Good day Poppy?" The woman looked at him knowingly and waved her wand over the boy to make sure nothing else was wrong with him. "You should get some rest Mr. Lupin, did you want me to send Ms. Fern away?" The young witch pouted at the older woman. "I'll be quiet, I'm just worried about him." Her eyes teared up as she tried to give her best puppy eye look. "Let her stay Poppy, I could use the company."

"Do you need me to get you anything Remus?" He shook his head before twiddling his fingers. He was debating in his mind whether or not he should tell his new friend. She seemed nice enough, but he doesn't want to scare her.
"You think any harder Rem and you might explode," the girl let out a breathy laugh.
"I'm a werewolf" he whispered without making eye contact. The girl froze and looked at him "what was that? I didn't hear you." He shook his head "I'm a werewolf, I know I'm a monster so I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore, I'll leave you alone, just please don't tell anyone else." His head was now in his hands and he started crying. Remus felt the bed dip beside him and two hands grab his arm. "Remus, you are no monster, you are the nicest person I know. You give piggy back rides to the first years who are lost. You fold your socks. You are quite literally softer than a pillow." She softly wrapped him in a hug to not hurt him. "You wanna know something funny" she looked at him with a big grin. He nodded with a confused look. "We are both going through monthly issues right now." They both laughed and she wiped his tears away. "Now eat some chocolate and I'll read you a book until you fall asleep."

They were found 3 hours later. Both asleep side by side in a small hospital bed. Chocolate wrappers all around them and a book discarded on their lap. Sirius' heart warmed at the sight of his best friend and his special girl taking care of each other. "You think she knows Prongs?" The Potter boy smiled "I think he told her." Peter piped up "She's good for us boys, she makes us better."

Sirius was on his way back to the Gryffindor common room to get the map and the cloak for the full moon that night. Before he made it though, a hand covered his mouth and he was dragged into a broom closet. He pushed his attacker and pulled out his wand. "Calm down brother it's just me." Regulus put his hands up in surrender. His eyes were red and puffy, showing that he had been crying. Immediately Sirius grew worried. "Who did this Reg?"
"Don't worry about me, besides you lost the right to worry about me when you left." The older boy rolled his eyes "I wanted you to come with me. That is not my fault. You chose to stay."
"Now is not the time for this. I need you to look after Evalyn for me." Sirius' eyes burned with anger "what did you do? Is she in danger?"
Regulus broke down in sobs before continuing, "Me and Barty have to leave her. We don't want to but it's the only way she will be safe. My parents have asked me to meet someone this Christmas break and Barty is coming with me."
"Reggie you don't have to do this, you can still leave them, come with me."
His sobs turned to anger "You don't understand Sirius! You left and I'm the only heir they have left now. It is my duty to bring honor to the Black name. I cannot leave them. They are still our parents. If I did they would find me and force me to do what they want anyways! So please just listen to me. She will be broken and hurting and I need you to take care of her. She doesn't have anyone else. And Merlin if you hurt her, I will find a way to hurt you." The young boy stormed out, tears in his eyes, slamming the door behind him. Sirius was left in shock. Feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness overtook his body. It became too much for him and he puked onto the floor. After a couple minutes of silent tears, he vanished the sick, plastered his goofy smile on, and continued on his mission.
I can feel upset later.

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