Chapter 67

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It was supposed to be an easy mission. In and out. Just picking up supplies. Somehow, some way it all went wrong.

Evalyn and Sirius apparated to Diagon Alley. They had some free time, so they stopped and had a quick drink at the Leaky Cauldron. The morning had been spent with laughter and smiles. Somewhere nearby, James, Lily and Peter were hanging around to keep an eye out. As their time to meet Hagrid neared, they headed towards Flourish and Blotts hand in hand. The half giant took a quick glance around before smiling down at the couple.

A quick greeting was exchanged before Hagrid passed a bag to Sirius. He slung it over his shoulder and the couple waved their goodbyes to the half giant. Hagrid took off in one direction, the couple in the other. Evalyn felt in her gut that something was wrong. She tried to ignore the feeling as nothing seemed out of place around them. Just as they were about to apparate away, Sirius tripped over something and fell onto the ground. Evalyn turned back to help him up, but was stunned when she saw her fiancé in the arms of a death eater. A wand dug into the side of his neck as the person covered his mouth with their hand. He thrashed in the person's arms but couldn't break free from their grip.

Evalyn's eyes flared with anger. The stranger didn't even flinch when she started to glow. As she raised her hand, Sirius' eyes widened but not because of her. Several screams and a deep voice boomed behind her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Evalyn kept one hand pointed towards Sirius' direction as she whipped the other around behind her. Her confidence faltered as she seen each of her friends being held captive with a wand to their throat. She lowered her hands down slightly and she glanced back at Sirius. Another death eater had shown up to help hold him back. His hair was wild, his face was red with anger, and his eyes held a promise of hurt towards the attackers. The sole death eater who was speaking stepped closer to her. This time James and Sirius tried to break free. A small stunning spell sent to the two boys brought them to their knees. "Come with us and your mates won't get hurt."

She turned back to Sirius who shook his head with pleading eyes. He was trying to yank his arms free to no avail. She looked to Lily and Peter who both had tears in their eyes. James was being forced onto his stomach on the ground. Sirius bit the hand of the person who covered his mouth. "Don't you dare do it Lynnie, we will be —" a spell hit him that silenced his voice. Evalyn blinked back her tears and stood tall.

"Stop it, let them go." Her eyes flashed a bright dangerous golden as she stood before the masked man. He tilted his head and held his hand out for her to take.

"I will if you come with me." Evalyn turned back to Sirius and tried to take a step towards him, but a hand clasped around her shoulder in a tight grip. Sirius' heart broke at the sight of her wince. The masked man nodded and Sirius was knocked unconscious.

Evalyn's eyes widened in disbelief. She turned on the man and punched him. The death eaters tensed up when the man raised his hand. He pointed to one holding James, and then the Potter boy was knocked unconscious. "The mudblood is next. Choose your next move wisely."

Her eyes never left the man as she spoke to Lily. "Don't let them hurt themselves trying to find me Lils. I vow on my magic that I'll get out soon. Tell them I love them." Lily stood tall against the death eaters and gave her a nod, despite the girl not looking at her. Evalyn stepped closer to the man, and snarled up at him. Curls wildly glowed like the sun. Her eyes were swarming with hatred and venom. She pressed a finger to the man's chest. "If anyone gets hurt while I'm with you, you and all the other death eater scum will be wishing for a quick death. Each and every one of you sorry pricks will be begging on your knees for me to end your misery." In the background Peter paled at her words.

The man simply tilted his head at her, as if he were amused or intrigued and held out his hand. She slipped her hand into his and they vanished. One by one, the death eaters left in a puff of black smoke. Lily and Peter ran over to the boys and woke them up. Sirius shot up from the ground and looked around. "Where is she?!" Lily put a hand on his arm and shook her head. He brushed her off and gaped at her in disbelief and he apparated. James groaned from the ground and signaled Lily to come over.

"I'll handle him, go get Dumbledore and the rest of the Order."

Instead of being thrown into a cell like she assumed she would be, she was guided into a room. It was decorated elegantly in emerald green and black colors. The man placed a cuff on each wrist and she felt her magic dampen. Instead of showing her shock, she simply shrugged and plopped onto the bed. Evalyn waved her hand to shoo the man out of the room. A deep chuckle came from him as he slammed the door on his way out.

As the day passed, Evalyn tried opening the window and the door but neither budged. She started digging through the drawers. A note with elegant cursive caught her eye so she pulled it out. The initials at the bottom page made her groan R.A.B. She went to the dresser and pulled out some pajamas and changed clothes. A house elf popped up after she finished, she assumed this was Kreacher that Reggie was so fond of. "The filth is requested in the sitting room." He snapped his fingers and vanished.

Evalyn slid off her shoes, leaving her socks on so her steps were quieter. She padded downstairs, not even bothering to take her wand. One seat at the end of the table was left open for her. On each side of her sat a few masked death eaters, and at the end of the table sat a man with pale skin and red eyes. Somehow she was not surprised that this was the man she met at Narcissa's wedding. A flick of his wand pushed the chair out for her. She took a seat, scraping it along the floor loudly as she dragged it back up to the table.

Her elbows were propped up on the table, and she rested her head in her palm with a bored look on her face. Voldemort smirked in amusement at the girl's behavior. He was impressed by how she refused to show her fear. She leaned back in her seat and examined her nails, "I assume your name isn't Marvolo then?" An eyebrow raised signaling that she was awaiting an answer.

"No, it's Lord Voldemort." The two kept eye contact, each refusing to be the one to back down.

"I see, well I will save you the troubles. I am not willing to help you and your nonsense. In fact, I am not willing to even listen to what you have to offer. Whatever sick brainwashing you've done to them -" she nodded at the people around her. "Will not work on me."

His hand twitched on the table and Evalyn's heart raced as she noticed several people flinch. He smirk dropped and he swished his wand. Soon Evalyn's throat was constricting, she wasn't even sure what spell he used. "Evalyn, I brought you here for a reason. I am giving you a chance to be an essential part of this army. This is me being nice." Her hands held her throat as she tried to get air. "I will not tolerate your disrespect, if you do not cooperate, I will be forced to make you our prisoner where you will work for us regardless. You will be tortured and mistreated as our prisoner. If I were you, I would take the first option. Join us willingly and I will give you the world." A snake like smile spread on his face.

He released the curse and she gasped for breath. Evalyn stood up shakily and slammed her fists on the table, eyeing the Dark Lord down. He smiled wider as he saw the swirls of gold swirling in her eyes, wanting to be released. "Let's get this straight you daft cow. I will be walking out of here in one piece, and I will not be your prisoner or your weapon or a part of your stupid fan club. You do not scare me. In the meantime, I will be in my room." He watched her storm off as he formulated a new plan.

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