Chapter 59

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The students sat in the Great Hall, anxiously waiting for Dumbledore to announce the points for the houses. Evalyn, who chose to wear sunglasses to try to help her hangover, sat next to Amos and Amelia Bones. She loosened her Hufflepuff tie and laid her forehead on the table with a quiet groan. "Let me know who wins, 5 galleons says Gryffindor."

"I'll take Slytherin then" Amelia said while moving Evalyn's plates so her hair wouldn't get in her uneaten food.

Amos laughed and patted Evalyn's back "I'll be the optimist and say Hufflepuff." Loud barking was suddenly heard from the Gryffindor table, making the three badgers turn towards the commotion. Sirius was standing up glaring at Amos while the rest of the Marauders were snickering. Amos removed his hand from Evalyn's back and offered a small nervous wave. "Could you tell the dog to back down?" Evalyn sent him an apologetic look before turning back to Sirius. She mouthed an I love you before holding up her hand, gesturing to the ring.

Amos caught the glint of light reflecting from her hand and gaped. "Merlin, is that what I think it is?" Amelia looked towards where he was looking and slapped a hand over her mouth. Evalyn turned a bright red and nodded. Amelia let out a hushed squeal and Amos whistled lowly. "Congratulations!"

"Mr. Black, please sit down!" Professor McGonagall called out from the Professors' table. Instead of listening, the boy gave a dramatic bow before turning back to Evalyn with a smirk.

"Sorry Minnie, just making sure the fiance is okay." He jumped down to his seat after blowing the Hufflepuff a kiss and a wink. Evalyn shrunk in her seat as all eyes were now on her. There was a mix of amusement, jealousy and disgust coming from all sides of the room. A couple people, including James and Remus wolf whistled. Professor Sprout was seen passing Professor McGonagall some galleons. Evan, sporting a black eye huffed and rolled his eyes before picking at his food. Barty shared a sad smile with Regulus, rubbing small circles on the boy's knee underneath the table.

Dumbledore stood up and clapped before clearing his throat. The room died down slightly as he spoke. "Congratulations are in order, Mr Black, Miss Fern." He gave the two a small nod and smile. "Now onto other news." Evalyn tuned back out as he was giving the end of the year speech. Points were soon announced, and two Hufflepuffs groaned and passed Evalyn some galleons as Gryffindor was called as the winner. The lights cut out, and fireworks lit up the ceiling. They danced and crackled around people's heads while everyone stared in amazement.

A spotlight shone on the Marauders who were now standing on the table. James held his wand to his throat and started speaking "It has been an honor to be the entertainment of the past several years."

Remus spoke next "You will never see anyone do it like we did."

Then Peter, "We have simply been the best of the best."

And lastly Sirius, "And we are now done, you'll miss us. Mischief Managed, you lousy prats" The boys each threw a round object, which exploded in a mixture of smoke and glitter. Evalyn felt two hands grab underneath her arms and she was dragged out of the Great Hall. After leaving the room, she coughed and waved the smoke from her face. Lily was mimicking her actions.

"Was that really necessary?" Evalyn received no response. She was thrown over Sirius' shoulder as he took off running towards the dorm. The rest of the group following.

The group were the last students to leave the castle. They now stood in front of Professor McGonagall, trunks discarded nearby. The older witch held her arms crossed in front of her and looked down at the teens. James caught the tears that started to form in her eyes and held his arms out. The professor sighed and rolled her eyes fondly, "Just this once Mr. Potter." She opened up her arms, and nearly tumbled over when not one boy, but 6 students hugged her at once. "Stay out of trouble boys, especially you two." She glanced at Sirius and James. "And I expect an invitation, to both weddings." She left the students with a coy smile. Sirius whipped his head to James who was grinning from ear to ear. The Potter boy reached for his girlfriend's hand and held it up for everyone to see.

Evalyn squealed and tackled Lily in a hug. Sirius gaped between James and Lily. James, knowing what he was about to ask, simply said "Same night Padfoot." Cheers and laughter went around before they piled onto the Hogwarts Express for the last time.

Shortly after getting home, two owls flew in, dropping off two separate letters. One was a pristine white envelope with a seal on it that made Sirius nervous, the other was a red howler. The howler decided it would go first. An angry Fleamont was scolding the two for not letting him know about the engagement. Shortly afterwards, both he and Effie gushed about how proud they were of the two. Evalyn penned a quick letter of thanks and asked how they were doing since she noticed them coughing occasionally in the Howler. 

Sirius held the white envelope of the other letter, his fingers shaking as he grazed the wax seal. It was the symbol of his former family. Evalyn looked at him in worry and put an arm around his waist. "Together love." He nodded and let her gently tear it open and pull the contents out. His brows furrowed as he looked over the wedding invitation.

"My cousin is inviting me to her wedding," it was more of a question than a statement. Evalyn read the invitation over before reading the note that was enclosed with it.

Your presence is being requested at Narcissa and Lucius' wedding. Please bring your betrothed, as we would like to meet who our son is tying himself to forever. This is not an option, if you are not there, someone will come and bring you. We promise to behave.

Orion Black.

Sirius scoffed and crumpled up the note. He tolerated his father slightly more than his mother, but he still did not trust bringing Evalyn to this event. He knew they were not welcome in the pureblood world. Evalyn wrapped both arms around him and held him close. Two hands reached the back of her thighs and he hauled her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck. Sirius led them over to the kitchen and held her up with one hand gripping her thigh as he dug in the cabinet for a bottle of firewhisky. Using his teeth, he pulled the cork out and discarded it on the counter. He took a big swig before holding it to Evalyn. She took a smaller swig, the liquid leaving a comforting warmth in her mouth.

Sirius sat her on the counter, and stood between her legs before drinking some more. He cupped her face and kissed her deeply. The alcohol left a tingling sensation on both of their lips. The cinnamon flavor she tasted when her tongue met hers made her shiver in pleasure. Before it got too heated, she pulled away. Twirling a strand of his hair around her fingers. The troubles of the invitation were written all over his face. She placed a finger under his chin and pulled his face up so he could meet her loving gaze. "Let's take it to Effie and Dumbledore and we will get their opinion." She placed another sweet kiss on his lips and gave him a soft smile.

His only response was a nod, and he lifted her off the counter to place her back on the ground. He silently grabbed the alcohol and walked over to the fireplace. Evalyn grabbed the invitation, along with the crumbled note, and took the floo powder in her hand. "It'll be alright love, we don't have to go, I'm sure they will figure something out for us." He placed a hand around her waist and took another swig. "I sure hope so." The fireplace went up in green flames and then they were at the Potter Manor.

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