Chapter 10

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Sirius Black has never been serious, no pun intended, with his emotions. He'd rather distract himself from them instead of admitting what he is feeling. He decided for himself that he was getting too close to Evalyn. So he did what he does best. Flirt with women.

He has never had a real relationship, usually just one night stands or flings that lasted a couple weeks. To put it simply, he doesn't trust love. Of course he loves James and the other boys in his group, and he loves James' parents. But who would believe in love when you grew up the way he did.

The girl sat upon his lap in the Great Hall, laying little kisses on his neck. He doesn't remember her name if he is completely honest. But to him, she has a pretty face and nice hair. The other boys were talking about their annual Halloween party, it's the best holiday of the year. The girl in his lap asked if Sirius would be her date to the party. Unfortunately, he wasn't listening to her when she asked and he just nodded along to whatever she said.

"My precious Lilyflower, how about you and me this Halloween? We can wear matching costumes? I can be your knight in shining armor, you can be my princess?" James was standing on the table with a bouquet of lilies asking the red headed witch.

"I'd rather go with the giant squid, Potter." With a huff, Lily got up and stormed out. A throat clearing was heard and a familiar Hufflepuff was standing near them.
"Sorry James, that was brutal."
An idea formed quickly in his head. "Oh Evee darling, you can be my date!"
The girl's jaw dropped open and she briefly glanced at Sirius, who paid no mind to the girl still on his lap. He rolled his eyes and turned away. She turned her attention back on the bespectacled boy in front of her. He pulled her into a hug and whispered "He's too blind right now, just trust me."
With that, she pulled away, red faced and gave him a nod. "I'll see you there James, let me know what you are going to wear." Evalyn walked out of the Great Hall without another word.

Sirius was fuming. "Excuse me Jessica" he pushed the girl off, who in turn smacked him "My name is Alexis you twat." These words went by completely ignored as he went after Evalyn.

"EVALYN STOP" he shouted through the halls. The girl whipped her head around and stared at the boy in confusion.
"Who do you think you are Evalyn? You can't just hit on me and then decide to go out with Prongs." The boy was fuming as he stormed up to her. Her sage green eyes switched from confusion to fury as he was yelling. Normally, she would hate being the center of attention like this, but this time she didn't care.
Evalyn put a finger on his chest, "That's rich coming from you. It doesn't matter how many girls you hurt. You flirt with one on a Monday and then on Tuesday you are stumbling out of broom cupboards with another. Last time I checked, I didn't belong to anyone Sirius. If you had a problem with it, you should have had the balls to ask me yourself." The girl stormed off, not giving him a chance to even respond.

She made it all the way to the astronomy tower when someone came and sat beside her.

"Hi Remus." The boy silently passed her a piece of chocolate.
"Boys are dumb, no offense to you."

"Give him time, he just doesn't understand what he's feeling." Remus gave her a warm smile and hugged her close.
"I get it, I do. Can you help me pick out a birthday present for him? I know I'm supposed to be mad, but everyone still deserves a present." The boy nodded and they made a list of everything Sirius Black likes. Eventually, she decided on the perfect gift for him. Regardless of what happened, she was drawn to Sirius. She knew deep down that he had a reason for his explosion. She couldn't stay mad at him, the boy is special. So Evalyn marched down to the owls and sent a letter off asking her parents to send her the gift she wanted to get him.

Back in the Marauders dorm, James and Sirius were going back and forth.
"How could you ask her mate? You are supposed to be my brother." Sirius was pacing back and forth, angry at his best friend.
"You have a date Pads, you can't be mad if you say yes to one girl and someone picks up the other girl. It's not fair to Evee. You know I love you, and if you truly don't want me to take her I won't." This made Sirius groan and flop onto his bed. He mumbled out a quiet "You can take her." However, his thoughts said otherwise.
"Good, now that's settled, we need to figure out our next prank."

Regulus and Barty witnessed the whole ordeal and were furious at Sirius. To them, he was a complete fool for treating their Evalyn like that. Barty wanted to get back at him, a simple prank to try and embarrass him. But Regulus wanted otherwise. He needed to put aside his hatred for his brother and talk to him. It's not something he would ever want to do, but for Evalyn's sake, he needed to.

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