Chapter 55

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"Just stand on his shoulders Snitch, it will be fine!"

"No Prongs! He's too tall, have Wormtail do it!" Evalyn hissed at James.

Remus rolled his eyes before stepping towards Evalyn. "I won't drop you, just trust me."

The girl frowned but agreed. James held her steady as Remus knelt down to hoist her up on his shoulders. Before stepping onto his hand, she slid off her duck slippers, revealing matching duck socks. Taking a deep breath she stepped onto Remus' hand, who then pushed her up to his shoulders. He walked over to the door to Professor Slughorn's office so she could get to work. They could have used magic but Remus figured they could be more precise if they did it manually.

Sirius was out in the corridors somewhere distracting Slughorn, while Peter had offered to stand watch. Evalyn stuck a string to the wall above the door on the inside of the office, and then James passed her a bucket of some sort of glue like substance. She attached the string to the bottom side of the bucket and balanced it on the door. Very carefully, Remus guided them out and cracked the door so the bucket would stay in place for the moment. He helped Evalyn down, and she guided a bag of feathers to the ceiling out of sight with her wand. Remus muttered a sticking charm to hold it in place, and the 3 left the classroom.

Sirius grinned as he saw his girlfriend walking over. "Good evening Professor, if you don't mind, I need to steal Sirius away for our project." Her face held an innocent blush with a shy smile. He was impressed by how effortlessly she lied.

"Of course my dear, I'll see you both in class tomorrow." The Professor stalked off to what they assumed to be his quarters.

"Godric you are perfect Lynnie." Sirius placed a kiss on her temple. The two went back to the Marauders dorm, where none of the teens slept out of excitement.

The next morning, Evan Rosier and Snape watched with narrow eyes as James and Sirius seemed excited to be in Potions. Evalyn seemed completely normal to Evan, so he just brushed it off.

"You lads need to calm down before he shows up. He will know something is wrong." Evalyn scolded the two under her breath. Sirius waved her off.

"It's Sluggy, he's unaware of most of his surroundings." James nodded in agreement. They were practically bouncing in their seats as the Professor walked in.

"Good morning students, I hope you're ready for your lesson today."

Sirius started tapping Evalyn's thigh in excitement as the wizard got closer to the office door. Evalyn bit her lip and covered her mouth with her hand to hide her growing smile.

It was like time stopped as the door creaked open and the bucket of goo dropped down onto his head. Before Sirius could laugh, Evalyn slapped her hand over his mouth and glared at James. Lily looked between the three in shock. Evan tried to cough to hide his laugh, while Snape rolled his eyes. A couple other students were heard snickering in the background.

As the professor turned around to find the guilty party, Evalyn dropped her hand from Sirius' mouth and put on her innocent face. The professor took a few steps out of the office and that's when Evalyn swished her wand under the table to bring down the feathers. A mixture of gasps and laughter rang through the classroom.

"Professor are you alright?" She heard Lily ask.

Evalyn decided to speak up as well, "Would you like some help?"

"Who is responsible for this?" The girls' questions went unanswered as the wizard looked across the class. At this point, everyone grew silent except for two boys. Evalyn mentally slammed her head into the table, knowing that the boys gave it away.

"You two, detention with Filch tonight. Class dismissed." He went to head back into the office to clean up.

"If I may Sir, James has Head Boy duties tonight, is it possible to reschedule? How about tomorrow with Professor McGonagall, I know she had some extra work for him to do when he made a mess of her class." Lily had a sweet voice to persuade the professor. They watched as the Professor thought it over. James held his breath and looked at Sirius regretfully, it was a Marauders pact to never serve detentions alone. He knew that Slughorn would agree to whatever Lily asked, there was no stopping it.

"Alright, but the other one has to serve his detention tonight with Filch." As he tried to turn around again, Evalyn groaned.

To her friends' surprise, she threw her book on the floor. It landed with a loud thud, even rattling the small glass vials on the tables.
"FUCK" she cursed rather loudly for her normal tone.

The biggest smile she had ever seen broke out on Sirius' face. Slughorn didn't even bother to glance back "You may join him tonight." Both James and Sirius were struggling to contain their laughter at Evalyn's bright red face. She was uncomfortable with all of the eyes pointing at her. The girl wanted to disappear so she could avoid the attention.

"Professor, don't let anyone ruffle your feathers, it might put you in a fowl mood. I'd even be inclined to say they make you look rather spiffy." Evan smirked.

"Detention as well, you may join the other two tonight. Class dismissed." The Professor slammed his office door shut. Everyone got up to leave, while James and Evalyn were still giggling, Sirius started scowling. Evan walked over with a smug grin.

"I'll see you tonight Black." He reached over and patted the Gryffindor on the shoulder.

Sirius brushed his hand off, "Piss off Rosier." A low chuckle came from the Slytherin who held his hands up. The boy turned to Evalyn and gave a mock bow with a wink. "I'll see you as well little bird." And just before Sirius could grab him, the boy ran off.

He grumbled and pulled Evalyn in, "You didn't have to get yourself in trouble for me darling." He rubbed small circles on her back and then picked up her bag. Sirius guided her out of the class with his hand on the small of her back. She sent him a loving smile.

"As an honorary Marauder, I'm just fulfilling my duty." He barked out a laugh as she gave a salute.

"That's my sister!" James called from behind the couple. "Now I have to get Mooney or Wormtail with me tomorrow." Lily facepalmed as her boyfriend ran away. She begrudgingly followed after him with a fond look.

"I really am going to marry you one day my Lynnie, Merlin, you're truly perfect." He squeezed her waist and smiled down at her. 

"Let's hope Filch doesn't kill us first love." She laughed and patted his chest. He pursed his lips in response to think it over. After a moment he shuddered.

"Honestly, you aren't wrong."

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