Chapter 52

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After an hour of Evan practicing Occlumency with Evan, they decided to take a break. Sirius was sitting behind Evalyn on a couch, pouting at how close Evalyn and Evan were sitting. Barty had joined them that day as well, and he was lying on the floor, listening to Evalyn's headphones.

Evan and Evalyn sat crisscrossed in front of each other, and before she got up to move, he held up a hand to gesture for her to wait. His eyes searched her face and he quietly said "What do you know about unforgivable curses?"

She furrowed her brows and Sirius inched forward, not liking the conversation. "They are unforgivable, Imperio, Cruico, and the killing curse. One controls, one tortures, and the other one kills. Why?"

He anxiously tapped his fingers on his knee trying to find the right words to say. "Have you ever had experience with one?"

"No, we aren't doing this." Sirius put a protective arm around Evalyn and pulled her back into his lap. She turned her head up slightly to look at him. His stormy eyes were glaring at Evan with anger. She intertwined their fingers to try to ease his tension. Sirius' grip on her was tight, as if he'd lose her, and she watched as the tense muscle in his jaw twitched.

"Not 2 of them, just Imperio. I wouldn't ever use the other 2 on her. She needs to know how to fight it." Evan didn't break eye contact with Sirius. "You and I both know what our parents are like. They won't hesitate to use any of them."

She could feel Sirius' heart rate beat faster. His hands trembled ever so slightly, so she made sure to wrap his arms tightly around her and hid his hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. "How would you even do it? If they checked your wand, they would see that the spell was used?"

This time Barty piped up, his train being finished. "I have a different wand. Some bloke sold it to me, there's no trace connecting it to me. I would do the spell if it makes you feel better."

"You can't seriously be considering this Lynnie." He finally looked down at her face. She could see the worry flooding his eyes.

"Can you lads give us a minute?" Evan and Barty nodded before standing up and walking to the other side of the room.

Evalyn turned in his lap so she could face Sirius fully. "They might be right, if a dark wizard uses that spell on me, I could become their biggest weapon. The thought of me becoming that would destroy me." Sirius cupped her cheeks and rested his forehead against hers.

"You trust Crouch?" Evalyn gave him a nod and said "With my life." Sirius closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. "I don't like this, they're snakes Evalyn. What if this is their plan to take you away?"

"Then I trust you to protect me." Her words lit a fire in Sirius, he opened his eyes to meet her green ones and placed a soft kiss on her nose. "I will always protect you."

The two turned to the Slytherins who were pretending to not listen. Sirius cleared his throat. "2 things, James comes in to help." He turned his body toward Barty and stepped closer to him. He pointed a finger at the boy's chest and gave him a hard look. "And you will not have her do anything that can hurt her. If she gets hurt, you get hurt." He whipped around to Evan, "Let's get this straight, I don't trust you, Merlin I don't even like you Rosier. But for some reason, you are the only person willing to help Evalyn and she trusts you. If I find out that you have some kind of plan to get her to join you, you will never have another day of rest. I will destroy everything you know and love to keep her safe." Evalyn shuddered at his words. She couldn't deny that his protectiveness wasn't attractive. Evan said nothing in return, his face red in anger.

They sent a charmed note to find James and waited on his appearance. The boy showed up and gave Sirius a nod before placing himself by the door. He gripped his wand and crossed his arm, daring any of them to try to pass him. Evan had agreed to stand right next to Sirius so the Gryffindor could keep an eye on him. He held his wand so tightly, his knuckles turned white. Barty stood up in front of Evalyn in the center of the room. He whispered so only she could hear, "Alright Eva?"

"Alright B." She gave him a soft smile, showing she trusted him.

He pulled up his wand to her and said "Imperio."

It felt like waves washed upon her body. Her eyes glazed over, and it felt like her mind was separated from her body. Almost like she was floating. Hop on one leg a sweet voice in her mind spoke, and she felt compelled to oblige. Sirius watched carefully as his girlfriend hopped on one leg. Spin around three times. Evalyn wanted to question why this voice was telling her to do these things, but she couldn't. Bark like a dog. This time Evan coughed to hide a snicker and Sirius glared at him. "Your plans not working, she's not able to fight it."

"Give the birdie some time, she can do it." Evan crossed his arms, almost challenging Sirius to say that he doesn't believe in his girlfriend. Sirius in turn, bit the inside of his cheek and looked back to Evalyn, who was currently doing cartwheels.

Barty glanced around the room before smiling. Draw a mustache on Sirius. A muggle pen showed up in the room and Evalyn picked it up slowly. She furrowed her brows and thought what a funny task as she walked up to Sirius. The Black looked between Evalyn and Barty wearily as she raised the pen up to her face. Shock flashed across both his and Evan's face when they seen her hesitation before drawing a mustache. James howled with laughter at his mate and Barty gave a shrug. Slap Sirius Black. Evalyn dropped the pen and raised her hand. Sirius caught on to what was happening and braced himself. The slap never came though. I wouldn't slap Sirius what am I doing. They all watched as she stared at her hand. Slap Evan Rosier. The sweet voice was urging her to commit the small violent acts. She glanced up at Evan, who glared at Barty now. Get out of my head. Evalyn kept staring at her hand with furrowed brows. Slap them both. The words sounded like sweet music. No. Evalyn rolled her shoulders back and put her hand down. Walk back to Barty. Her head turned towards the younger Slytherin.

No. She blinked rapidly a few times and shuddered the spell off, immediately she grew defensive and placed a wall of sharp pointy rocks around her legs and her hands each held a ball of fire. Golden eyes looked around wildly, trying to determine a threat. "Merlin Birdie, it's just us" Evan ducked as she tossed a fireball in his direction.

"Lynnie, love, breathe." Sirius walked slowly into her eyesight and her breathing slowed. She lowered her hands and the flames died out. Guilt flashed on her face as she looked around. She noticed the panicked look on all of the boys faces and cried.

"I'm so sorry." Sirius held out a hand to help her out of her protective circle. She grabbed it after some hesitation, and he didn't even flinch when her hand was still extremely warm.

"No need for apologies Birdie, that was spectacular work." Evan gave her a soft smile which Sirius glared at.

"No harm done Snitch, but I would have paid 10 galleons if you hit the prat."

"Sod off Potter."

Meanwhile Barty was gobsmacked. He stood gaping at Evalyn, unaware of how strong her powers really are. He was fascinated. "Bloody hell Eva, if I wasn't into lads, I'd have to snog your face off for that show." He had a cheeky grin on his face. Sirius grumbled and pulled the girl in closer.

"You're bonkers if you'd think I'd let you have her Crouch." The young Slytherin held up his hands innocently.

"Like I said mate, she's not my type." He gave Sirius a wink and opened his arms for Evalyn. She looked up and pecked Sirius' cheek before running to him. He wrapped his arms around her in a brotherly way. "I'm so proud of you Eva."

"Thanks B. How is he?" She kept her tone quiet so nobody else could hear.

"He understands. Don't worry about us love." He placed a kiss on the top of her head before guiding her to the rest of the group.

"Good work today Birdie, it's been a pleasure, as always." Evan and Barty strolled out of the room, leaving the other 3.

"Can you do that again Snitch?" James bounced in excitement. Sirius joined him and the boys both got on their knees, pleading her to use her elemental powers.

Evalyn rolled her eyes but smiled. "Anything for you prats."

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