Chapter 29

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The first day back in the Great Hall was surprising. Without the group of boys, you could hear the murmurs. Evalyn tuned them out, and sat down at her table alone to focus on her food. She felt a warm sensation coming from the bracelet Barty gave her. Her head whipped up as she looked to the Slytherin table. Barty gestured at his arm, trying to question her bandaged one, as Reggie raised an eyebrow at her. In return, she shook her head and gave a sad smile. Evan, who was sitting across from them, turned to see who they were looking at. At that point, Evalyn had already turned back to her food, so at first he didn't realize it was her. He scanned the area where they had looked and then his eyes landed on her bandage.

He got up and sat next to the girl, startling her.
"How'd you manage that Birdy?" He pointed to her arm while he took a bite of toast. She gave an awkward laugh, "I'm just a bit daft sometimes, I fell outside and scraped my arm on a rock." His eyes narrowed but he just shrugged. "Be careful next time, where are the guard dogs at?" Evan's choice of words made her chuckle. "I'm not always with them, I do have my own life." She got up, grabbing some extra muffins for Sirius.

3 weeks had gone by, and Hogwarts has never seemed so bleak. No boisterous laughter came from the Marauders, no light hearted pranks, overall it seemed like a light had been snuffed out in the castle. At meals, Sirius had taken to sitting next to Evalyn at the Hufflepuff table. Remus and Peter sat with each other, James a couple seats down from them next to Lily.

True to her word, Evalyn made time to spend with all of the boys. Sirius ended up staying in her dorm with her at nights to avoid the others. He truly followed her around like a dog, even if she was with one of the others. Since he was no longer on the quidditch team, he'd sit at the top of the stands while Evalyn went on the field to see James. He would be watching her play wizards chess with Peter from across the room. The worst was study time with Remus though. The two would go into the library, thinking that Sirius wouldn't follow. However, they were proven wrong one day when he sat a table farther away, a book in his hands. The book was upside down but Evalyn didn't want to point that out.

"How's he doing?" The werewolf didn't even lift his head from his book when he asked the question. Not wanting to make him feel guilty, she pretended like she didn't hear it. The truth was, he wasn't okay. But she didn't want Remus to try and take the blame for it.

"I'm meeting with my parents and Dumbledore in two weeks." Evalyn had three books about sources of magic floating around her. She was reading between the three, trying to find any information on her powers. This made him finally look up at her in concern. "Are you scared?" She shrugged a shoulder at him.
"Yes and no. They were hiding something from me it seems. But maybe it was for a good reason." He hummed a response.

Evalyn groaned and laid her head on the table. "Let's go to Honeydukes. I'll buy you some chocolate if you sneak me out." Remus' face lit up in excitement. "Sure, maybe go let your dog know first though." They both glanced over to the long haired boy who had fallen asleep. She got up and walked quietly over to him. Evalyn put a hand on his shoulder to wake him up. "I'm going to Hogsmeade with Rem. Maybe you should stay here and apologize to Snape, and try to talk to James. He loves you, he will listen to your apology." Her heart broke as she watched tears pool in his stormy grey eyes. His bottom lip let out the smallest quiver. She knelt beside him, taking his face in her hands. "Hey Sirius, you are okay. I'm not leaving you. You still have my heart. As soon as I come back, I'll go right back to you. You just can't be attached to my side forever. It's not healthy." Evalyn wiped a tear from his cheek and placed a kiss on his forehead. His arms tightened around her waist, and he buried his head in her chest. She ran a comforting hand through his black curls. As selfish as he wanted to be, he knew she was right. He wanted to simply scoop her up and take her away somewhere to just hold her close. But Sirius knew he couldn't. So he pulled away and put a finger under her chin, bringing her face to his. He watched as her eyes scanned over his features, heart warming seeing the care in her look.

"Come and see me after" he whispered before he pulled her in for a slow, desperate kiss. He watched as she walked back to his former mate. As they walked off, he sat there in silence. I think I might love Evalyn Fern. His heart raced at the thought. Panic set in as this newfound feeling hit him. With a bang, his head hit the table in front of him. Sirius Black has never been in love and didn't know how to handle it. He needed to go to the one person who loved with his entire soul to get advice. But first, he needed to find his biggest enemy. With another loud groan, he stood up and stalked off to find a greasy haired boy.

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