Chapter 43

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The end of summer came fairly quick. Sirius, James and Evalyn all piled into the Marauders typical compartment of the Hogwarts Express. A few minutes later Remus stood in the doorway with a big smile on his face, showing off his slightly crooked teeth.

"Mooney!" The Hufflepuff girl shrieked and threw herself at the tall boy. Remus picked her up and gave her a twirl. Her laughter echoed in the compartment. "I can tell who the favorite is." James whispered to Sirius. Both teens put on a fake glare and crossed their arms.

"I love each of you equally, but I've had to see you two every single day." She sat back down next to Sirius and held his hand. "I would have gauged my eyes out if I had to go through that" Remus winked playfully while the other two pouted. Evalyn started drawing small flowers on Sirius' arm. "Where's Peter at?" James shrugged, "I'll look for him when I go for Head Boy duties."

At that moment, Lily popped her head in. She blushed when everybody turned their heads in her direction. Over the past couple weeks, Lily and James had been on a couple dates. "Come in flower, take a seat" Sirius pointed to the bench across from him. "Finally, more female energy, that's a relief. It " Evalyn giggled and waved to the witch.

After a while of laughing and joking, James and Lily left for the prefect meeting. Peter had just shown up as they were walking out. He looked troubled. To try to make him feel better, Evalyn went out to find the trolley to get sugar quills and chocolates. A foot stuck out in front of her leg as she was walking and she tripped. Her wrist scraped against the floor and she looked up to the person towering over her. It was Snape, along with Avery and to her disappointment Regulus. Snape clicked his tongue in disgust and sneered. She stood back up to her feet and glared at him, a drip of blood flowing from her wrist to her hand. "Watch it Snape."

"I don't concern myself with slags like you." His deep voice drawled out. Snape stepped closer, his dark eyes looking down his nose to see her. She knew he was trying to intimidate her, so she held her ground. Avery put his hand over his wand as she felt a presence behind her.

"Run along lads, now is not the time to toy with those under us." All three boys eyed the Slytherin behind Evalyn. Regulus rolled his eyes before turning and walking away, leading Avery and Snape to follow. Evalyn let out a frustrated breath and turned around. "You didn't have to help me, I could have handled it." Evan smirked down at her, "You would've exposed yourself. A thank you would have been nice." She brushed past him and went up to the trolley to buy the sweets. Before she could put her money down, Evan handed the woman some galleons and winked.

"I didn't need you to do that either." She grabbed the sweets and headed back off to the boys, Evan right on her tail. "I'm just looking out for my little bird." He raised his hands innocently, "I could have let them hurt you, it was three on one." Evalyn sent a glare over her shoulder. "Two, two on one." Her frustration was starting to show, little sparks bouncing from her hair. Evan chuckled, "When the time comes, he will hurt you. Self preservation runs deep in pure bloods. If it comes down to you or him, he will pick himself." They reached the compartment and Evan slid the door open for her, his arm blocking the entry. The Marauders grew quiet at the new presence. Sirius stood up "What do you want Rosier?" Evalyn huffed and ducked under his arm and sat on the bench next to where Sirius sat. Evan eyed him in disgust "I'm just dropping off a little bird, someone decided to fly into some trouble."

"Well, she's here now, leave." Sirius stepped forward, blocking the doorway. "I need something from her first." Evan crossed his arms and glanced over Sirius' shoulder. The Slytherin was slightly taller than him, so he could still see Evalyn.

"What is it?" She looked back over at them. Honestly she didn't mind Evan, she just wasn't fond of his ideals. He reached into his robe and Sirius immediately grabbed for his wand. "Calm down mate, I wouldn't hurt her." The finished Rubik's cube was held out in his hand now. Sirius snatched it and tossed it over to Remus. "Did you forget what I just said out there Birdie?" Evalyn thought about it, only for a second, before saying quietly "Thank you Evan."

He nodded at her, "One of you should heal that scratch." Sirius slammed the door in his face, and the boy's laughter could be heard from the other side. He whipped his head to his girlfriend, her arm already in Remus' hand as he healed the scratch.

"Names, now." Sirius fumed. He paced back and forth anxiously. "I tripped and then Snape and Avery were just talking badly." He went to stand up but Evalyn grabbed his wrist softly. "Reggie was with them." Her eyes became misty with tears. To everyone's shock, he didn't leave to get revenge, he sat next to Evalyn and pulled her close without saying a word. She handed some chocolate to Remus, and sugar quills to Peter.

"To make you feel better Petey." A small smile spread on her face when the boy finally made eye contact with her. Feelings of guilt and sadness pulled at his heartstrings as he took the candy. He returned the smile, and gave a quiet thank you. "If you need anything Peter, I'm here for you." She put a friendly hand on his knee to keep his attention.

"Thank you Snitch, that means a lot." She turned her attention back to Sirius. Her head rested on his shoulder as she drifted off to sleep.

Each boy thought about her. Sirius was thinking about how to protect the girl he loves from Snape. Remus thought about how great of a friend she is, taking care of them even though she was the one who has been going through a rough time. And Peter thought about the things he did and tried to reason that it was to protect her.

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