Chapter 22

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Valentine's Day was approaching quickly. Despite the troubles happening in the real world, you could feel the love in the air in Hogwarts. Evalyn noticed the sneaky glances and blushes that Regulus and Barty shared. She had helped Amos ask a fellow Hufflepuff to be his valentine. James was coming up with a plan to woo his Lilyflower.

Evalyn wanted to do something special for the first and second years this holiday. Anyone can see they have been scared and anxious with all of the attacks happening outside the castle. She was on her way to the kitchens to bake some treats for them when she bumped into Remus.

"Oh Merlin! I'm sorry Remus! What are you doing out this late?"

"I'm a prefect, remember?" He tapped his badge smugly and grinned mischievously at her. "What about you Evalyn?" Remus chuckled at her paled expression.

"I'm going to the kitchens to make something, if you don't say a word about this you can have the leftovers." She held her hand out to make a deal. Remus shook it in excitement, thinking about the desserts. This thought made him forget that a certain dog was currently in the kitchens, trying to make something for Evalyn.

She continued past him, and froze as she entered the kitchens. Inside, there was smoke everywhere, some type of thick goop all over the floor, and a big black dog running in circles while barking in panic.

"Miss Fern! Dotzy is happy to see you! Mister would not let us near the mess!" A house elf grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the dog.
"Sirius what on earth?!" She shrieked. The dog stopped running and laid down with his head on his paws in front of her. Her heart melted at the puppy eyes and the slight whine he gave. With a couple swishes of her wand, she had the area cleaned up.

She tapped her foot while looking down at him. He changed into his human form and gave her a sheepish look. Without saying another word, he grabbed a tray of something charred and showed it to her.
"I wanted to make you the muggle chocolate square things you gave us one time to apologize. Me and James asked Effie to find us a recipe, but I think I messed up."

"I love it Sirius, that was sweet of you." The girl teared up and took the tray from him.

He shook his head and used his wand to vanish it. "Please don't eat that, I don't want to kill you." He twirled his wand nervously and avoided her gaze. "I am sorry Lynnie. I was a prat." Evalyn pursed her lips and nodded.

"You hurt my feelings, but I forgive you, just try to not take your negative emotions out on me next time yeah?" She pulled him into a loving hug.

"Hey Lynnie, can you be my Valentine?" He mumbled into her hair. Evalyn pulled away from him, a warm feeling flooded her body as she looked into his eyes. "I would love to Snuffles." She ruffled his hair.
In response, the boy feigned offensive, grasping at his dark curls. "Lynnie my hair!!! And Snuffles?! I might have to ask Moony instead!" He fell to his knees dramatically.

Small shocks of lightning bounced across his skin as she placed her hands on his cheeks, guiding his face to look up at her. Butterflies filled his stomach as he caught a playful gleam in her eyes. A crooked smirk danced along her face which made his heart flutter. But it was her next words that made him flustered.

"I like seeing you on your knees for me Sirius." She gave him a cheeky wink and turned around, leaving him in a blushing state. He took a second to compose himself. Merlin, I think I really fancy this girl. Sirius shook his head with a grin and scrambled to get back up.
"Is that an invitation? Because Darling, I'll get on my knees for you any day." He grabbed the girl's waist and spun her into his chest. One of his hands gently caressed her chin, the other one had a firm grip on her waist. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip softly, his eyes shining with many emotions as he gazed into hers.
A blush rose across her cheeks, her bright green eyes glanced down to his lips and she slowly bit hers. Sirius' gaze focused on her mouth at the action.
Evalyn locked her eyes back on his, "The things you make me feel are dangerous. I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame, and I know if you wanted to you could crush my heart. But the temptation to kiss you is driving me insane."

Her words of passion ignited something Sirius was unfamiliar with. He has seen the fierce love his newfound parents felt for each other, he has witnessed the amount of care his mate has for Lily. But he never thought someone would have such meaningful feelings towards him. It made him nervous and afraid, but he couldn't get enough. He slammed his lips on hers passionately. His hand snaked behind her neck as he pulled her in closer. Her hands gripped the front of his shirt. Their magic swirled around them, encasing them in a warm comfort. It felt like electricity was bouncing between their souls. To her, it felt like she was soaring among the stars, a passionate scene of galaxies colliding. To him, it felt as strong as wave crashing to shore, safe and loving like the flowers and winds of the earth.

Slowly they pulled away from each other, their foreheads touching. Their warm breath fanning each other's faces.
Evalyn's face flushed a light pink and gave him a small warm smile. "Please don't break me Sirius."
He grabbed her hand and put it on his chest.
"Darling you might end up breaking me first."Sirius placed a soft sweet kiss on her lips.

"I'd rather die than break you. Come on now love, you can help me with a new batch of brownies to give the kids." She booped him on the nose and pulled out all of the stuff, handing him a pink frilly apron.

He shook his head with a bright smile. Sirius Black may be new to these intense feelings, but there is one thing he knew for certain. He was hooked on Evalyn Fern.

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