Chapter 75

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Bitter. That's how Sirius felt when he heard the news. Immediately he scoffed and stood up to grab the alcohol. He poured a glass for each of them with a shaky hand. "I assume he tried to run knowing him. He probably got scared and their precious Lord sent for his head." James pursed his lips and cast a silencing spell around the room so Evalyn couldn't hear the foul words said about Regulus. He knew that Sirius would process it much differently than Evalyn, especially since he doesn't know the details. He would rather Sirius get all the harsh words out now with him than taking it back to Evalyn. It would devastate her. They both needed to express their emotions without them clashing. "I should be grateful he didn't try to drag Evalyn down with him. She would honestly drown to save him from all of his mistakes."

Aside from the bitterness that radiated from Sirius, James picked up on hints of regret or anger and maybe jealousy in his eyes. Deciding to call him out, he spoke up. "Mate, you did what you could as his brother. This isn't your fault."

Sirius twirled the alcohol in the glass, not yet taking a sip. He stared into the distance as he thought of the many memories of his younger brother. "I could have tried harder to pull him away from all of it. I gave up on him when I noticed he was just like her."

"He made his choices in life, and Evalyn was there for him."

A long breath left Sirius' lips. "Well it should have been me. She is too pure for the darkness of this war. I don't know how she does it." His glass was discarded on the table beside him. He ran his hand through his hair before looking back at James. "How is it that my wife, who is a half blood, is more heartbroken over my own blood brother's death? The brother who chose to pick up on our parents opinions and fight against someone like her. He doesn't deserve her grief. The damned elf didn't give her anymore details?"

James shook his head. This is the only major secret he has kept from Sirius, and he will keep it until his last day. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but it was for the best. "No, he dropped off a box of some of his stuff and said he died. Then he left. Remus sent for me because she didn't want to be the one to tell you. She couldn't bring herself to do it." The grey eyed wizard brought his fingers to his temples, applying pressure while he rubbed small circles. James pushed his glasses up "if you need to talk about it, come to me or Remus, we can understand your anger, but I don't know if she could handle it." A boundary. It needed to be set to protect both of them.

The silence grew tense. "I warned him this would happen if he chose to stay with them. All they care about are themselves and they don't care who gets killed as long as they have the power. And honestly Prongs, I can't hurt her more than he did by choosing this life."

"Yes you can Pads. You know it. Don't say something to her that will ruin what you have together." Sirius leaned back on the sofa, his head thrown back and he stared at the ceiling.

"Could you or Mooney stay with her until I get back? Or even send for Wormtail, he's good at making her feel better sometimes. I just need some air."

James gave him a nod, "Of course mate, whatever you need." In a flash, Sirius popped out of the room. James sent a patronus to his two other mates, a separate one to his wife, and made his way to Evalyn's room. The door slowly creaked open and he saw the witch wrapped tightly in a purple fuzzy blanket. Pictures and used tissues surrounding her. Her headphones sat on her head so she was unaware of his presence.

A weight on the bed alerted her to James sitting next to her. Swollen eyes and a red nose. "How did he take it?" Her lip quivered as she talked.

"He'll be fine, he went to go get some air. Me and the boys will stay with you until he gets back."

"Is he mad? I know how he feels about him."

"It's complicated, but don't you worry about that Evie. How about you go shower and we can make some pasta? Watch a movie?" Evalyn nodded and went to the bathroom. While she was showering, Remus, Peter and Lily all showed up. Lily set up the television and put some fresh flowers into a vase. Remus and Peter brought some chocolate and sugar quills.

The chattering amongst the group died down when they noticed Evalyn walking down the hall. Peter furrowed his brows when he noticed the Slytherin jumper that she wore. In her hands was the blanket. He was the first to get up and give her a hug however.

"Thank you for being here Petey, I know you have a lot going on." She whispered into his chest.

"Oh Snitch, you know I would do anything for you, just say the word and I'll be there." They stood for a moment just hugging. Lily came over next, standing patiently with a small smile.

"I'm so sorry love, I know the boys have a busy schedule before the holidays, so if you need me to help with the bakery I am free." Evalyn teared up and moved to hug the witch.

James abruptly pulled Evalyn away. "1 -" he pointed a finger at Lily, "we are men, not boys." That brought a grin to Evalyn's face. "And 2- I need her to help me with dinner." An apron was shoved into Evalyn's hand. She looked between it and the blanket that was in her other hand. James waited patiently for her, adorned in a frilly pink apron.

Slowly, she set the blanket down on her seat. The two worked side by side to make pasta for everyone. Various herbs and utensils were passed between them. James finally got a laugh out of her when a heaping of sauce was splashed on his face, covering his glasses.

As the food was passed around, they chose to watch Willy Wonka since Evalyn claimed it was one of Regulus' secret favorites. Everyone was too shocked to believe that claim, but didn't tell her that. Evalyn laid with her head on Remus' lap, her feet on Peter's. The two rubbed soothing circles on her arm and calf. Just as the movie was nearing its end, Evalyn had started to doze off. Lily had cleaned the dishes and put everything away.

The front door opening made Evalyn's eyes open again. She sat up as Sirius made direct eye contact with her. Lily ushered everyone out, various goodbyes and hugs given to the couple. Evalyn stood up when it was just them left and the blanket fell off of her and onto the sofa. Sirius tensed as his eyes darted to the green jumper.

He shook it off when he noticed her face fall. In two steps he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his chest. After a moment, she wiped her face and looked up to him. The sight of her tears over his brother started to fuel his anger again. However, it faded once he heard her soft words. "I'm sorry love, are you okay?" Something in him broke and pretty soon, he started to tear up himself.

"I'll be okay Lynnie, let's go to bed. You can show me what was in the box."

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