Preface - The Myspace Blogs

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23 Jan 2007
Eviction Current mood: scared Category: Life

Well today Mum went to county court. Because of our huge debts, we've now been served with an eviction notice - 42 days - 6 weeks time. 5th of March 2007. That is when we lose our home. The home we've been in for 21 years and (by March) 5 months. Where are we going? Damned if I know! All I do know is that it'll be rented and at most, a 2 bedroomed house. The saddest thing in all this is that I might lose my pets as well. I can't imagine life without my dogs! Sherry will pine for me, I don't think Brandy will be all that bothered and Sven, at the age of nearly 12, could die from the shock! I doubt it - he's a strong dog. However, I just don't know where he'd go. Only I can handle him. Maybe he'll be put down by the RSPCA. I just don't know.
With six weeks to go and counting, God, we need a one hell of a miracle to get out of this one!

26 Jan 2007
Eviction -39 days and counting Current mood: worried Category: Life

Not that much to report today. Mum's come down with the bug that I had last week, so she's laid up in bed. We've been hunting for rental properties and come across a bit of a problem - deposits and bonds are required - oh and some estate agents don't allow people with housing benefits - oh shit!!! 3 days on and we haven't got very far!! I hope something comes our way soon! At least my rehabilitation program finishes on 5th Feb. So, that'll be one less thing to worry about! Just a few final follow up sessions and that'll be the end of that!! Any way - I'll try to keep the blog updated - ciao for now!

27 Jan 2007
Eviction -37 days and counting Current mood: hopeful

Not much to report at the moment - just up at the library looking online for places to rent. It's incredibly difficult to find rented accommodation when you have pets in tow! Most agencies won't allow pets and those that do add on extra charges to, pardon the pun, 'accommodate' them. The other difficulty is finding landlords that accept housing benefits.
The eviction day counter is not, I've just discovered, the day we're kicked out. It's the day where the judge gives us our eviction notice, so we'd have maybe a further 7-14 days to get out! Let's keep praying for a miracle!

31 Jan 2007
Eviction -30 days and counting Current mood: anxious Category: Life

There's very little to report at the moment. We've looked at some houses to rent in our area and truth be told, I've seen bigger dog kennels! Not to mention one particular place which looked like a complete shithole. But we've still got to keep looking and try and be positive. We've found out that we definitely have to be out of our house by 5th March! We've contacted some who can deliver removal boxes for us. Once they arrive, I've got to start packing! A plus side to this is when I get round to emptying the attic - I might find a set of wedding photos that have been missing for 20 years!

13 Feb 2007
Eviction -21 Days and counting Current mood: scared Category: Life

I'm shit scared now. 3 weeks left in my house and STILL we cannot find a suitable place. I've started boxing up my room and because the boxes are small I've used up 6 so far! I haven't even started boxing up my DVDs yet! And, regrettably I've decided that my porn collection has to go! The animals will have to be re-homed within the next two weeks. Be it fostering or adopting. I'm sure the dogs know what's going on and it's breaking Mum's heart. Even the local bank is going to find out if someone could foster our pets. We've been told that as soon as the contracts for our property has been signed on the 5th March, we have to leave there and then!
Leicester is a shit area to live! J was right getting out when she did! As we speak Mum's looking at places to rent in Nottingham or Derby - and for our price range, those houses look far more compatible. I'd go for those, if it was down to me but mum doesn't want to leave Leicester, if she can help it.
Keep praying for us and if you win the Lottery in the mean time, I'm begging on my knees! £200,000 (English Pounds) is what we need to save us from this hell!
22 Feb 2007
Eviction -11 Days and Counting and other comments Current mood: worried Category: Life

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