Chapter 31 - The Rabbit vs. The Fox and Heroes

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Sunday 13th July 2008 12:54pm

You know how I said that I was in two minds as to whether or not I'd be going to that Cinema assessment day tomorrow? Well, the decision has been made for me. I won't be going. I had a visit from the 'Men in Black' on Thursday. What was a bi-annual visit has now been turned into a quarterly visit. Why, I'm not entirely sure, but when I told them about this job's day thing, they suggested that it wouldn't be suitable given my circumstances. Now, I'd already thought of that, so it's no big deal. However, I should have let Giles know that I wouldn't be going, so now I'll have to ring him in the morning and apologise. But, hopefully the next job opportunity might be more suitable.

I won a prize from a fundraising event that took place a few weeks back. The prize? A 3 foot tall big, PINK, teddy bear! Suffice to say, it found a much better home than mine! For a start, having got a lift to church from friends, there wouldn't have been room in the car for it. And I certainly wasn't going to get a taxi home with it! I don't have a little sister or a daughter of my own, so it was a bit of a white elephant for me! As soon as I saw it, I knew exactly who to give it to. One of the Children's Liturgy helpers has two daughters of his own, so I knew the bear would be going to a good home. Apparently, the girls' eyes lit up when they saw the bear before I'd even offered it. I also heard that the girls' mother is a teddy bear fan too, so she'll be quite jealous when her girls come in from church and see that they have a pink teddy bear that's bigger than they are, being carried in by dad! 1:08pm

Wednesday 16th July 2008 2:55pm

The other day I went to the library and picked up some more books, including a trilogy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer novels that focussed on one of it's characters, Willow. So I've started reading that now. I've put the Stephen King novel to the side, and I will read that another time. Reading the Buffy book has got me wanting to watch the DVDs of the TV show again!
Last night I tried to watch the All-Star baseball game that was on. Knowing that it would go on for a while, I taped it for the time that the listings said. However, it lasted a lot longer, so I missed the end. No point in watching it if you miss the end is there? Turns out the game went into over time and had to play a total of 15 innings. The game lasted almost 5 hours. The end result was the American League All-Stars beating the National League All-Stars for the 12th year in a row – so the statistics say!
I cannot understand American sports. They have to last for such a long time. I mean, in the NFL, each quarter lasts 15 minutes, but because of tactics and player changes, what you'd expect to last no more than 2 hours tops, can last up to 4 hours themselves. Same with baseball, and I guess with basketball too. Not quite so long with basketball, but over 2 hours none the less. Its no wonder the obesity statistics are so high over there. A television fan, and a crowd fan come to think of it, would be sitting on their arses, probably drinking and eating snacks, just to keep themselves awake! At least a football match lasts for under 2 hours, depending, of course, whether or not it's a cup game. Then, admittedly, it can last about 2 and half hours, excluding breaks. Overtime in the States could last for absolute ages. The baseball game started at 8:45pm (their time) and didn't finish till almost 1 am. That's nuts! No wonder I've never shown much interest in the American sports because, like tennis, I wouldn't have the patience to watch it! 3:16pm

Wednesday 23rd July 2008 12am

Just thought I'd drop a line to say that I've read that Buffy book trilogy! Awesome! Although it was a little weak in places, it was a great book, from my imagination's point of view! The reason I like tie-in novels and autobiographies is because I already have an image of that particular person or actor. So with the Buffy books I was imagining the actors from the TV series. With certain Stephen King novels, I'm imagining the actors from the films that were made from his novels! I'm about to tackle another library book. The prison diaries of world famous author Jeffery Archer, who, back in 2001, was sent to prison for perjury! Should be an interesting read. I'll be reading about a life I came so close to experiencing myself. 12:08am

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