Chapter 23 - March-ing On!

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Sunday 2nd March 2008 08:35am

Well, the 29th of February went off without a hitch. No surprise proposals for me. Phew! I guess I should've taken the opportunity to write in an entry, as 29th February is such a rare date. But nothing really happened. Just chilled out. Same with yesterday really, but I forgot it was the 1st of the month too so my monthly joke will follow shortly!
It was St. David's day yesterday and it's Mothering Sunday today, so I'm sure the church will be decked out with daffodils, also children get to give their Mums little daffodils too. 8:50am


A young Jewish man excitedly told his mother he'd fallen in love and was going to get married. He said, "Just for fun, Ma, I'm going to bring over three women and you try and guess which one I'm going to marry." The mother agrees.
The next day, he brought three beautiful women into the house, sat them down on the couch and had them chat for a while. Then he said, "Okay, Ma. Guess which one I'm going to marry." She immediately replied, "The redhead in the middle."
"That's amazing, Ma. You're right. How did you know?"

"I don't like her."

Okay. It's not brilliantly funny, but it's the only decent Mother related joke I could find for Mother's Day! Besides, there's more truth in that joke than you'd think. I know that my Mum would pretty much be exactly like that! She certainly was when it came to my relationship with S. She thought S was rude and very antisocial. Which, sadly, didn't seem too far from the truth. I never really met any of S's friends apart from one or two of her work colleagues. How we lasted 2 years together I'll never understand. How could a passion for wrestling be the only thing that we had in common? I don't know how, but it was. I'm sure she liked some of the films we watched together, but I know that I can't tell you what her favourites were. Anyway, enough of that, time to move on.

My printer's knackered! It doesn't seem to want to print off a decent page of work, and I don't know why. I need to get someone to either look at it or advise me, but I can't afford to get it replaced or even repaired, professionally anyway. 10:24pm

Monday 3rd March 2008 4:26pm

I can't wait to be a dad. I've just seen a young family teaching their soon to be five-year-old how to ride his brand new bike, without stabilisers. He's a little natural! I could see that for myself. His parents were beaming with so much pride, that you couldn't help smiling with them. I can't wait for me to be in that proud position myself. I've been getting broody a lot lately. I know it's usually women that get broody, but I'm sure men do too.
Mum's birthday tomorrow. She's got a few friends coming over throughout the day. Let's just hope that her friends don't let her down like my friends did on my birthday. I spoke to G the other night and she said that had she known that I was at home on my birthday, she would've come down. But she saw my Facebook status saying that I was feeling let down that my friends didn't turn up, that she incorrectly assumed that I was out for my birthday. So she's planning on coming down to wish Mum a Happy Birthday, to make up for the error! 4:36pm

Tuesday 4th March 2008 7:28pm

Oh my God! I've been so crook today, that I was worried that I'd ruined Mum's birthday. I woke up at 6am this morning with food poisoning. It affected the whole family including the dog! I am never having ASDA's Smart Price Meatballs again! A few fell of the plate last night and Sven, the dog, had some, but was sick a bit later on, then, going to bed, Mum wasn't that good either. And me? I was the worst of all of us. I was on and off the toilet for several hours – I even went through a whole toilet roll practically to myself!! Too much information, I know. But this is a warts and all diary after all!
Mum's friends A and P came this morning to wish her a happy birthday. She was disappointed that another friend wasn't able to make it. But, as promised, G came down to wish Mum a happy birthday. She spent a while with us and even wished she could've stayed a bit longer. She's said that she and an old school friend (LM) might try and come down on Friday. I haven't seen LM in 10 years!! We reconnected through Facebook! I've been yapping on about that website so much throughout this diary, I wonder if I'll get commission!! 7:36pm

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