Chapter 18 - New Year 2008

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Wednesday 2nd January 2008 12:55pm
Happy New Year!
Usually I would have put in a joke yesterday to mark the beginning of the new month. But to be perfectly honest I couldn't be bothered to. I guess I'm not in the right frame of mind at the moment. Remember the Friend of mine whose daughter died before Christmas? Well, she told me that she was pregnant again with triplets. She was 4 months gone. She didn't tell me to begin with, because she wasn't sure how I'd react. Last night, she had some complications, and lost the babies. It must have been the stress of losing her first daughter before Christmas that may have triggered this.
What she's told me about her and her life, you wouldn't believe it. The kind of life she's had, well, she wouldn't look out of place in soap opera or The Jeremy Kyle Show! She's had such a hard life in such a short amount of time. She's very genuine to me, and I believe her. It's just the pessimist, cynic sceptic in me that does find this a little fantastical. If it is all a huge great big wind up then the joke will backfire on her, as I am aware of it. But I don't think it is. She'd have to be seriously disturbed to keep up this pretence for as long as she has, so far.
I've seen her photo and she doesn't look nuts! She looks very sexy actually! We'll definitely remain friends. Once we've both got our lives sorted out, we may decide to be more than that! 1:09pm
Monday 7th January 2008 11:49pm
I've been a dog person all my life, but I do find cats, especially kittens cute! But then everyone does; like creatures as babies I mean. Well from this afternoon, I'm a cat and dog person. Mum and I were watching a bit of afternoon TV, when she spotted a black cat on the edge of the windowsill outside. From my viewpoint, I couldn't see the cat, so I moved closer to the window. The cat had moved to the wall, by the window, but it turned and looked at me. It appeared that its whiskers had been singed, but I couldn't tell. I opened the top window and tried to gesture to the cat to jump up to the window, if it wanted to. And I think it did. Because it looked up at the opening with interest, but then backed away, looking scared and nervous.
As I shut the window, I suddenly heard it crying. So I went to go out the front door and as I got to the door, the cat had moved, to the wall by the door. I think it was hoping that I'd help, so it happily let me pick it up. The poor thing stunk of singed fur. On closer inspection, it appeared to have been singed over its back, ears and face. The cat, I discovered, was a she. She looked so frightened. I placed her on my car in the lounge and made the decision to call in the RSPCA. The cat wandered around the lounge and got comfortable on Mum's cushion on her sit at the dining table. The cat was definitely happier, as she was purring so loudly. When I told the little kitten that she purred like a motorcar, she actually hissed at me! I don't think she liked that comparison! I said sorry to her and she purred again and stuck her tongue out at me, ever so slightly! I tried to give her some milk, but she wouldn't take it. I'm guessing her mouth might have been hurting, that's why her tongue didn't come all the way out. As we waited for the RSPCA inspector to come, the cat sat on my lap. I'm guessing that she was quite a young cat, about six months old. But she lay there really contented. I can't understand how anyone could be so cruel that they'd torch a defenceless cat. I'd love to grab hold of whoever did it and singe their hair, and see how they like it!
As there wasn't any I.D on the cat, I was trying to think of something to call it. My first thought was a true 'Dad thought'! I thought of naming it Smokey! By 'Dad thought', I meant the names of pets that Dad came up with. First one was a three-pawed hamster; so Dad named him Stumpy. And the other one Dad named, was a one-eyed rabbit, and called her Patch! I thought of Cleo in the end. That sounded like a cat's name.
Anyway, the Inspectors came around and within minutes, the cat was taken away to go to the nearest cattery and get checked up by the vet. It wasn't micro chipped either, so the inspectors don't even know who the owner is. As it was nameless, I did put in a suggestion for Cleo, but I don't know if it was taken. I hope the cat's ok, I'm going to ring on Wednesday, and see how it is. Sadly, if I were offered it, at first refusal to look after it, I'd have to say no. If it was a puppy, then I might consider it! I'd want to make sure that it was in a good home. I'm a sucker when it comes to animals!!
Tuesday 8th January 2008 12:36am

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