Home Reinforcements

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Wednesday 15th April 2009

Mum's home! It's been a week of ups and downs. For Mum at the Hospice and for me at home! Mum's breathing was still an issue, despite her scan from last week being all clear. No blood clots or, more importantly, no cancerous masses in her lungs. So Mum got a twofer in her results!
People have been saying throughout Mum's time in LOROS, that I'd be happy to have a break from looking after her. I don't think anyone has realised that I've been busier than ever. Mainly due to the fact that I'd be relying on people to take me to visit Mum, and then see her for several hours. I'm not complaining. I was very happy to see her, of course I was, but in the time of visiting her I could've done something else. Take yesterday for example – it was the driest day, and the hottest day of the year – yet I wasn't at home to hang out my washing on the line. Which, I discovered later, was what I would've been doing when the tumble dryer decided to break down on me!
Anyway, back to today. Mum came home just before midday, and I told her that the care team leader was coming round this afternoon to do a risk assessment before the care team start tomorrow. She's still very tired. We'd just started watching Marley and Me and half an hour in, she felt tired again. I think this is going to be a frequent occurrence.
I've just got Mum up to bed. I'm worn out! Well, not strictly true, but I'm sweating! Mum hasn't had enough practises in LOROS on their stairs. To get Mum upstairs tonight, we had to go up one step at a time, with me lifting up Mum's legs to the next step. It was like operating a Marionette puppet! This is going to be hard work. But Mum's home, so I think I can live with a bit of working out!!

Thursday 16th April 2009
Susan came home on Wednesday. Continuing care commenced today and carers were here on my arrival. Spoke with Susan regarding a hospital bed, which she declined. Spoke with James regarding this and he is in agreement with this. James will discuss with Susan regarding this matter.
Skin integrity assessed today and two small breaks are visible on buttocks. Discussed in length with James Susan's condition as he was not fully aware and questioned the EMAS form which is now insitu.

Sunday 19th April 2009
It's been a bad few days for Mum. She was able to get downstairs and upstairs on Thursday, but she's been in bed ever since. She's considerably weaker. Even I can see that now. In the space of 24hrs, her lips have gone all dry and chapped again. I think her thrush has come back too. She's not eaten anything since Thursday. Is it my fault? Should I be forcing her to eat? I just don't know.
Wednesday night/Thursday morning had me up and down during the night as Mum had to keep going to the loo, but couldn't get back into bed. By the time it was 5:40am, I decided I might as well stay up. It was a similar story on Friday/Saturday. I managed a couple of hours sleep, but at about half three in the morning, Mum was struggling to breath, and needed her nebulizer. I could've gone back to sleep, but again, I couldn't see the point. Let's just say that I've been putting the Modafinil to its full use!
Today's events were similar to a few weeks back. Mum had another accident. So I had to clean up Mum and change her sheets again. Today is the only day Mum's care team isn't here, and future Sundays too. People have said that the care team is there to help Mum with her personal hygiene and to help me keep the mother/son relationship intact, instead of a mother/carer one. But the carers aren't here all the time, so what am I supposed to do to keep the "mother/son" relationship as it is? Leave her lying in her own shit?? No. That's why I was reluctant to agree to the outside help. After all they can only help for one hour a day, so what happens for the other 23? A friend on Facebook is right; I am a lot stronger than I give myself credit for. Which will probably mean that I'll crumble at the end of this battle!

Wednesday 22nd April 2009
Well, it's been all go, here, today! While I was out paying a bill this morning, the District nurse, managed to persuade Mum to have a hospital bed! Mum has deteriorated quite substantially over the last week. Even I can see that now. Doctor Wells came out this afternoon, as she said she would. She talked very bluntly to Mum. Which in some respect, I didn't mind.
"I understand that you've had a bad weekend, hey?" asked Dr. Wells.
Mum nodded, slowly.
"The district nurse called me and said that you agreed to have the hospital bed, hey?"
Mum just blinked.
"So what do you think we should do? We can send you back into LOROS again, or we can try and give you the necessary treatment at home."
"Home." Mum replied, softly.
"You are very weak, Sue. Hey? Given the choice would you want to die in LOROS or die at home?" Dr. Wells asked, in a gentle tone. (Told you she was blunt!)
"Home. Here." Mum said firmly.
"You sure?" I asked. "I mean, would you rather have one on one care with me, or eight to one care at LOROS?"
"Here." Mum reiterated.
"Ok Sue. We need to get your fluids sorted out though, hey? I'll go back to the surgery and I'll make some calls," said Dr. Wells
"I need the loo." Mum replied.
And that was Dr. Wells's cue to leave!
"Sorry," Mum said meekly, as she soiled the bed again.
It couldn't be helped; I understood that. It was the task ahead of me that I knew would be a challenge! I'd only just washed the sheets from the weekend. Fortunately, the weather's been fantastic the last four days, so not having the tumble dryer hasn't mattered.
Just as I was about to start this daunting task, the District Nurse returned – with reinforcements! She's got a student nurse tagging along with her. The nurses' uniforms really do make the female form very attractive!! I digress! The two of them couldn't have timed their arrival any better! They took over and cleaned Mum up and changed the bed, which - I must add, was done with incredible speed! The bed, I mean. Considering that the bed isn't exactly in a well-placed position, the nurses' remade that bed in less than a minute – easy! The DN said that she'd return again, shortly, with some incontinent nappy type things, so that Mum doesn't soil the bed again. Which she did, and tonight that was put to use, when Mum didn't quite make it to the loo again. Some more nurses had come round tonight to set Mum up with a saline drip to boost her fluids, and it was because of juggling the drip, that caused Mum to have another accident. With Mum's nappy – no more soiled bed or carpet –so this is a good thing!

Wednesday 22nd April 2009
Visited Sue this morning and met with the carer. They reported that Sue had taken to her bed over the weekend, discussed having a hospital bed again, which Sue still declined. Sue appears to have deteriorated over the weekend. Advised that Dr. Wells was visiting later today. I went to see Dr Wells prior to her visit to inform her of my findings. I returned to visit Sue again and Dr Wells contacted me to advise me that she has prescribed Subcut fluids and Intermediate Care will come and set up later today. I have ordered a bed, which will be delivered on Thursday, and I have been given a contact number for the ambulance service to help Sue down stairs. I have brought inco pads in today as Sue is struggling to get to the toilet.
Thursday 23rd April 2009
Bed had just arrived on my arrival today. Contacted the ambulance service to arrange mobilising Susan down stairs. Met with ***** ******* at this visit, who has reassessed her anti-emetic medication as Susan is continually feeling nauseous. ***** has prescribed subcutaneous Haloperidol 1.5mg when required, authorisation written. Spoke with James re having sitters to give James some respite. Also discussed the use of Marie Curie for night sitting but James feels he does not require this at present. James has purchased baby monitors for night times.
Susan now down stairs and comfortable, James had visitors on my arrival, therefore did not stay long.

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