Chapter 26 - Naked 'Sparks'

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Thursday 10th April 2008 7:56am
I made it on to the radio this morning! I'd only just woken myself up when Jenny, the Heart FM researcher, called me at about five to seven! I was then put through to Sam and Amy who host the Breakfast Show. I was able to tell them both of my stories, the ones that I wrote about yesterday. What they didn't know was that I was talking to them stark bollock naked! So now every time people phone-in on the show, especially early in the morning, I'm always going to wonder what state of dress they're going to be in! I doubt that anyone will ever better what I was wearing! Or not wearing as the case may be!
I had to be quick to tell my story, as I needed to be fitted in during a song before the news. So after a little editing, I finally heard myself at a quarter past seven, while I was listening to the radio in the shower! And fortunately, not much editing was needed! 8:09am

Friday 11th April 12:55am
The case surrounding Shannon Matthews who went missing for 24 days and was found last month has certainly been full of twists over this past week. Shannon's stepdad Craig got into pretty serious trouble involving his computer, and then his sisters and mother had been arrested in relation to that as well. Then, more shockingly, Shannon's mother apparently confessed that she knew where Shannon was the whole time (the little girl was found in the property belonging to Craig's uncle). So Shannon's mother is now facing perjury charges and neglect as well. Another shocking development is that the alleged reason behind this terrible story is that they wanted to see if they could get some money from the Maddie McCann Fund.
The estate that the Matthews family lived on is, understandably, furious. All those people gave up their spare time to aid in the search for little Shannon, only to now discover that it was all some horrible conspiracy. The rest of the Matthews family are in hiding, and Craig and Shannon's mother have both been remanded into custody for their own safety. Shannon's abductor, who is currently awaiting trial, slashed his wrists earlier in the week and also took an overdose, but prison guards saved his life. Shame. They should've let the bastard die!
Do the same with Shannon's mother and Craig. Let them rot in jail too! 1:08am

Sunday 13th April 2008 11:26pm
The movie legend, Charlton Heston died this week. Although I didn't watch many of his epics, I'm a big fan of the TV show Friends so I know him from his cameo in that.
Earlier tonight, more tragically, the TV presenter Mark Speight was found dead this morning, and his death was announced this evening. He'd gone missing at the beginning of the week after the inquest of his girlfriend who had also died in tragic circumstances. Her death was from an accidental overdose. It's not clear how Mark died yet. I remember when I was a young teenager he presented a kid's Saturday morning show called Scratchy and Co. He was a talented kids show presenter. He obviously loved his girlfriend so much that after the inquest, he couldn't bear to be parted from her. She had died in January and her death led to Mark quitting his current TV show. I think he was a very popular presenter with the under-12s audience. How the Hell do you explain to them what happened to their favourite TV star? 11:28pm

Monday 14th April 2008 12:35am

There are times when I have thoughts in my head that just needs to be written down, and sometimes this diary isn't available when I think of them. I'm sure you'll guess who I talk about in this piece.
Time stands still as you look out of the window. You watch as the wind blows through the trees, the branches bending under the strain from the power of the wind. The day begins to fall asleep for the umpteenth time in your life as the darkness begs to make itself known. The drowsy sun reflects against the windows and it's once harsh shadows begin to fade.
I stare out of the window into the dark nighttime sky. The curtain is pushed to the side and hangs over my left shoulder. I'm listening to the radio and love songs play out over the airwaves. I'm reading a really romantic love story. I think about the girl that is making me feel this way. My heart is crushed knowing that I can never share my real true feelings with her as she lives so far away. I want nothing more than to hold her in my arms and kiss her and hold her. I still dream about her. Lately she's been the first thing I think about and the last thing at night that sends me to a wonderful dreamy sleep.
I can't tell her how I feel, she lives in another country and she's engaged to another man. I'm no oil painting, but he's not exactly a hunk either. No disrespect to the guy, I like him. We're friends. I think.
I sit facing the computer screen wondering what I'm going to say next. Words pour on to the screen, as I don't think, I just type. Don't think, just type? Huh? That's not quite true, you think very quickly just before you start to press the keys that transfer those micro thoughts onto the computer screen in front of you. A Country style song plays on the radio 'How do I live without you?' Good song, very apt considering the feelings going through my head right now. If I remember correctly this is one of her favourite songs. That and 'Whole Again' I smile to myself as the memories come flooding back. My heart aches for her. I miss her.
I've just finished reading 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks. What an incredible story. It's a tearjerker, S proved that when we watched the film, but it didn't necessarily make me cry, I had a lump in my throat, no doubt about that, but the only tears I had was ones that I get every time I yawn. I hope that one day I experience the same kind of love that Sparks wrote about. Sometimes I wish I'd seen the film with J. Understanding the book, I realise that S had every reason to be jealous of J. Was that why she cried perhaps? No. I don't think so. I truly loved S at that point.
My love for J is so deep, yet I can't really understand why. I love her. I care about her. I know all about her insecurities, to some degree at least. I know that commitment isn't her strongest quality, so why would I think that she'd commit to me? I'm dumb enough to take her back I guess. I'm her safety net. In truth she's mine too.
My first novel-in-progress is a wrestling one, right? Maybe I should put that on the back burner, further back than it is already if my commitment to this diary is anything to go by, and maybe I should write a love story. It doesn't have to be long; I mean 'The Notebook' was only 260-odd pages. I'm a soft romantic at heart. I know that. Reading that book reminded me of my thoughts while watching the film. If I ever had the money, I'd love to live in the same sort of house that the main character lived in. I'm sure the love in my heart is almost as strong and as emotional as his was. I'm about to read another of Nicholas Sparks's novels, 'A Walk To Remember', and I, myself, cried at the end of that film! Alone! 12:20pm
Wednesday 16th April 2008 12am
Before I started to read the book on Monday, I watched the film 'A Walk To Remember' again. I wasn't quite as teary eyed like I was the last time I saw it. Although I came pretty close when the grief-stricken main character hugged his estranged father who was there to support him just when he was needed. Having now started the book, it's blatantly obvious that the movie version had been 'modernised' as it was set in the present day whereas the book is set 50 years ago. I'll judge the book more when I've finished reading it.
I've just heard the police helicopter do it's usual flyby a few minutes ago. I say usual, I mean it sometimes flies around here. But I guess the flyby tonight was due to the fact that it was obviously needed at 6pm earlier tonight (Tuesday). Mum and I were watching TV when I said that the helicopter noise outside was pretty loud. Until I turned the sound down, Mum was sure the noise was from the television.
Now, I've seen a number of those cop shows where they advise homeowners to stay in their homes for their own safety, if the police are in the area. Well the helicopter was making such a racket, that I had to look outside as to what was going on! So I chuckled to myself when I noticed that I wasn't the only one investigating the helicopter noise. The mum and daughter across the road and the son of my next-door neighbour looked up into the sky as inquisitively as myself. The noise was obviously much louder as I stood outside the house, compared to the noise level inside the house. Saying that, it wasn't that different! The chopper was, I would guess, 200ft in the air hovering directly over where I stood. It hovered there for a good ten minutes easily.
What it was searching for, we don't know. I could speculate but I could never be sure. What I do know is that I doubt cars were involved as I didn't hear of any sirens in the area. I'll look through the local paper tomorrow and see what that says. 12:25am

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