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Pyrrha gears up in the locker room preparing for her fight with team CRDL. She takes the fight as a fair fight between peers but she hates to admit the personal motivation to the fight which is something Pyrrha isn't happy doing, although her grudge influences how hard she'll try during the match. She takes prideful strides as she prepares her weapon and shield. With no surprise to anyone she makes quick work of team CRDL

(Give me a break I'm not that good at writing fight scenes and the one from the last chapter took a lot out of me, so just give me this one)

Cardin looks up at Pyrrha from the ground as Professor goodwitch approaches them.

Glynda: and that's the match

Cardin groans in pain.

Cardin: lucky shot

He collapses and Goodwitch just looks at him before praising Pyrrha.

Glynda: Good job Miss nikos, you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you Professor.

Goodwitch turns to the rest of the students.

Glynda: Alright , I know that was a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match.

Goodwitch looks amongst her students in the stands for someone willing to step up.

Glynda: Any volunteers

She notices Blake clearly distracted and decides to choose her.

Glynda: Ms.Belladonna

Blake quickly looks up closing the book she was reading to pay attention.

Glynda: You've been rather docile for the past classes, why don't you-

Mercury raises his hand

Mercury: I'll do it

Glynda turns her attention to Mercury as she adjusts her glasses while trying to recall his name.

Glynda: Mercury is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Mercury: actually I'd like to fight him

Mercury points to Keith, Who looks around in confusion.

Keith: Me?

Mercury: Noooooo, the other blond guy with a sword.

Jeremiah taps Mercury's shoulder pointing to jaune who has his sword on his lap as he waves to Mercury innocently. Mercury huffs before speaking.

Mercury: yes you!

Keith nods and gets up from his seat

Keith: alright then

Soon they get ready at the arena floor, Keith holds his blade eyeing Mercury as he circles around him while slowly walking closer. Ruby smiles from her seat, promptly being her boyfriend's biggest supporter. Emerald and Jeremiah see this before looking back down at the arena. Mercury gets into a fighting stance and Keith raises his weapon pointing it at Mercury. They glare at each other waiting for one of them to make the first move. Mercury rans at him and kicks at him before Keith uses his sword to block the attack and pushes him back. He falls to the ground but quickly gets up flipping backwards to ready himself for the next attack. Keith glares at Mercury before running at him. He does a fake out by slashing his blade to get Mercury to kick but Keith kicks Mercury's foot from under him causing him to fall. Mercury kicks Keith from the ground and launches himself back in the process allowing him to get up. Mercury runs at Keith but Keith does a fury of slashes as Mercury matches his speed with mercury kicking in response. Mercury's leg and Keith's blade lock in for a short moment before Keith finally breaks it by flipping back. Keith and Mercury stand a few feet away from each other and Mercury just smirks. Ruby at the stands turns to Emerald and "Orion"

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