Chapter 1: Portal To Reality World

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3rd POV:

Back to RWBY & JNPR.

The teams were in the helicarrier that they both begin to moving out to the forest and that's what the headmaster Ozpin want them to do because he need them for what they going to investigate all everything around in the forest. Then the chopper was begin to flying up there and make the chopper was stop right there and the hunters and huntresses teams were goes stepped out of the chopper and they both land down on the ground and they start to moving out.

Then they both were walking out to somewhere else in the forest and they have no idea where they both going but they need to investigate all everything around here in this forest.

Ruby: "I hope there was something wrong in the forest...but it was too quiet...where's the Grimms?" She ask herself.

Yang: "Maybe they both are death and hiding somewhere else...and I'm not sure that they won't even dare to come out." She said to her.

Weiss: "Alright, so where do we go right now?" She ask Ruby.

Ruby: "I'm not the way...let's keep going right now." She said to them and make them both begin to moving out into somewhere and they both had no idea where they are going and then they start to walking in this forest. Then they both were walk into somewhere else like farther away from here and until there was something else growling comes from the forest and make them both heard there was a growls comes from something else is here.

Jaune: "D-Did you guys just heard that?" He asked them.

Ren: "Sounds like not...Grimms...but whatever it is here....and something more dangerous." He said to them.

Blake: "I don't like this....I thought the White Fang was behind this but naturally they aren't...." She said and out of nowhere something was shoot at them with a ball of water at them and make them got blast by the waters and send them both to the ground. Then they both were gasps out little bit and they both felt pain and then they both were knocked down but they get up once again.

Yang: "What the hell was that?!?" She shout out in surprise.

Pyrrha: "I have no idea....must be different type of Grimm." She said and then they both heard the rustle and footsteps coming here and make them both turn their heads to look over there and they saw there was a strange creature who was stood right there. Then this creature was looks like a humanoid of water form and she was holding the bio-staff looks like dark demonic creature's head and she was terrifying.

 Then this creature was looks like a humanoid of water form and she was holding the bio-staff looks like dark demonic creature's head and she was terrifying

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El Of The Water.

El of the Water is a whale-themed Lord and the strongest of the sea-based Lords, he useds a forked spear named the Resentment Du Sanga (怨磋のドゥ・サンガ, Ensa no Du Sanga) as his weapon, along with telekinesis and regeneration.

Nora: "What the heck is that thing?!?" She shout out to them and they both have no idea what is that thing and then they both seen the creature was stood right there and then raising his Bio-staff was about to shoot out with some waters. But then the waters were blasting at the RWBY and JNPR who dodge out of the way and they both were learning together and they tries to take it down with their teamwork.

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