Chapter 3: The True/New Enemy & Threat

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3rd POV:

Previously Of RWBY: The Huntresses & The Ancient Legend.

Ruby: "Sorry..." She said.

Blake: "Yeah, we thought you were an enemy." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "'s alright...but I'm glad that you guys almost tries to kill me back by the guys almost got trouble back there." He said to them and then Weiss who want to know about this world and she asked (Y/N).

Weiss: "Alright, you better tell us about where we are? This world isn't our world....but now you going to tell us about it?" She asked (Y/N) and make him who was silent little bit and then he was turn his head to look down and he sigh out and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, that's good you want a question about where you guys are...I'll tell you....You guys are in the Earth." He said to them and make them both confuse about what he say and he just told them.

Yang: "I'm sorry...can you just repeat to us again?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "This is Earth....Welcome to Los Angeles...the United States of America." He said to them and make the RWBY and JNPR were confuse about what they both just say and then (Y/N) was sigh out and he said to them.

(Y/N): "Alright, let me tell you guys about the Earth...and it is going to be a long story and how human kind was born out right now." He said to them.

(Y/N): "Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. This is enabled by Earth being a water world, the only one in the Solar System sustaining liquid surface water. Almost all of Earth's water is contained in its global ocean, covering 70.8% of Earth's crust. The remaining 29.2% of Earth's crust is land, most of which is located in the form of continental landmasses within one hemisphere, Earth's land hemisphere. Most of Earth's land is somewhat humid and covered by vegetation, while large sheets of ice at Earth's polar deserts retain more water than Earth's groundwater, lakes, rivers and atmospheric water combined. Earth's crust consists of slowly moving tectonic plates, which interact to produce mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Earth has a liquid outer core that generates a magnetosphere capable of deflecting most of the destructive solar winds and cosmic radiation.

Earth has a dynamic atmosphere, which sustains Earth's surface conditions and protects it from most meteoroids and UV-light at entry. It has a composition of primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Water vapor is widely present in the atmosphere, forming clouds that cover most of the planet. The water vapor acts as a greenhouse gas and, together with other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), creates the conditions for both liquid surface water and water vapor to persist via the capturing of energy from the Sun's light. This process maintains the current average surface temperature of 14.76 °C, at which water is liquid under atmospheric pressure. Differences in the amount of captured energy between geographic regions (as with the equatorial region receiving more sunlight than the polar regions) drive atmospheric and ocean currents, producing a global climate system with different climate regions, and a range of weather phenomena such as precipitation, allowing components such as nitrogen to cycle.

Earth is rounded into an ellipsoid with a circumference of about 40,000 km. It is the densest planet in the Solar System. Of the four rocky planets, it is the largest and most massive. Earth is about eight light-minutes away from the Sun and orbits it, taking a year (about 365.25 days) to complete one revolution. Earth rotates around its own axis in slightly less than a day (in about 23 hours and 56 minutes). Earth's axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the perpendicular to its orbital plane around the Sun, producing seasons. Earth is orbited by one permanent natural satellite, the Moon, which orbits Earth at 384,400 km (1.28 light seconds) and is roughly a quarter as wide as Earth. The Moon's gravity helps stabilize Earth's axis, and also causes tides which gradually slow Earth's rotation. As a result of tidal locking, the same side of the Moon always faces Earth." He said to them and that's how an explanation was done.

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