Chapter 11: Real Enemy Of The Universe

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3rd POV:

In (Y/N)'s Home.

Cinder: "*GROANING*" She was groaning out little bit and make her was wake up and she turn her head to look around in this world and then she was look all everything around and make her saw this house was looks like big as hell. When Cinder was tries to move out of the rope from the ties and then she got her legs were ties up and her hands too...she sat on the chair got ties up and she can't even move right now.

Cinder: "Damnit..." She said to herself.

(Y/N): "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said to her and make her was turn her head to look up and she saw (Y/N) who is lean against on the wall...RWBY who were stood right there and they got their weapons on their hands and prepare to fight and they have an anger on their faces also JNPR who were ready to fight.

Cinder: "Where am I?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "You're in my home right now...and I guess you two friends who were over there." He said to her and pointing his finger over there and saw Neo and Emerald were unconscious and then Cinder said.

Cinder: "W-What are you gonna do to me?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Nothing....I think you are gonna give us an answer about why are you three here?" He asked her and then she was confuse and Ruby said.

Ruby: "Stop be pretending to be confuse, Cinder....We know who you are and where you are working with....Salem." She said to her and make her was surprise for what she just said.

Cinder: "What? How did you-" She tries to said.

Ren: "Let just say that we know everything about what you were doing." He said to her.

Jaune: "Yeah, we got an information about you girls who were working with all tries to terrorizing against Remnant and guys tries to attacking Haven and now search for the Maiden's power." He said to her and make Cinder was shock and surprises for what she just heard them said and she got her face like how.

Cinder: "B-B-But how...did you know all of this?!? Tell me!!!!!!!" She shout out to them in anger little bit.

(Y/N): "It was me..." He said to her and make her turn to look at (Y/N) and he sigh out little bit and he was explaining to her about the part for what she was gonna know everything and then she finally snapped out of her attention.

Cinder: "Y....You know my plans...all everything?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep...and guess what your plan is failed right now." He said to her and make her was sigh out and then she felt little bit anger little bit and then he was kneel down on the ground and make him face her and he said.

(Y/N): "It is over's Salem? I just want to know-" He tries to said.

Cinder: "Mistress Salem is death..." She said to them and make (Y/N) with RWBY and JNPR were surprises for what they just heard Cinder said.

Yang: "Wait...the Queen of Grimms is death? But how come she-" She tries to said.

Cinder: "She was got killed by the other god...who was powerful than her and Light with Darkness too." She said to them and make them both were surprise to heard that and Cinder was sigh out and she explaining to them about what they gonna heard of her confession truth.

(Y/N): "I guys were about to attacked at Beacon until...this god name is 'Overlord' right?" He asked her and make her nod her head and she said.

Cinder: "Yes, he killed Adam Taurus, Roman Torchwick, Tyrian, Arthur, and lastly our mistress Salem....he's nothing like anything for what we just saw...he's powerful than Darkness and Light" She said to them and (Y/N).

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