Chapter 14: Date With The Girls/The Schnee Family

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3rd POV:

In Beacon's Academy.

When Ozpin who was sat on the chair by himself and make him just chilling little bit and then Ozpin was tries to figure out whoever or what did this to Salem...his belove wife...but he do care about her...and he does really love her pretty much. Then Ozpin was sigh out little bit and he do remembered about his own wife was precious to him and he betray her and felt shame and then his children were been killed too.

Ozpin: "*Sigh* Why you, Salem...why you..." He said to himself.

Glynda: "Headmaster Ozpin, are you alright?" She asked him and make him was nod his head to her and then he said.

Ozpin: "I am fine...but did any hunters or huntresses were find RWBY and JNPR? Any signs?" He asked her and make her was sigh out and shook her head and she told him that they didn't find them right now and then Ozpin was slam his both hands down on the table and make him just totally pisses off right now.

Ozpin: "I don't know who they both are and what they did this to us?!? I won't forgive them for what they tries to steal all everything belong to me." He said to himself and then Glynda know Ozpin was mad as hell.

Glynda: "Headmaster Ozpin?" She asked him and make him is breath out little bit and then he said to her.

Ozpin: "I'm fine...I just have a lot of things in my own mind...So did you find anything?" He asked her and make her was put the book to Ozpin and then he was opened the book out and make him just going to read the book out right away. The headmaster was confuse and he ask her where did she get this and she told him that she got the book comes from the Library and no one just read this book before and turns out she was the only one who just find it by herself and make her was sat on the chair and waiting for what Ozpin tries to find out about it

Glynda: "So....what do you know?" She asked him.

Ozpin: "I get it...a portal appeared comes from this world...but we don't know what portal really is....means RWBY, JNPR were been sucking through by the portal and take them to the other different universe." He said to her and make her was surprise and she asked him.

Glynda: "Are you saying?" She tries to said.

Ozpin: "Yes, they are different universe and planet...but this is harder than I thought." He said to them.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in his home and he just dressing up with his regular clothes that he dressing blue jean jacket, white long sleeve button shirt, pant half military, and white sneakers by himself...and this looks like (Y/N) was dating with his lovely beautiful girls...yes...that is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

that is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang

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(Y/N)'s Outfit.

(Y/N): "Hmmm....I don't know what took the girls pretty long right now. But I still waiting for it." He said to himself and make him was look at his little brother over there and he was playing with Jaune and Ren...the boy was happy to playing the videogame with his two new friends.

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