Chapter 25: Logan Kidnapped/Never Trust Ironwood

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3rd POV:

In (Y/N)'s Home.

When (Y/N) was take Kali, Ilia, and Penny to (Y/N)'s home right away and after he was battling with the El Of Water and that motherfucker was strong but (Y/N) tries to take him down...certainly the motherfucker was got punched by (Y/N)'s finisher move from his Burning Dragon Agito form and then (Y/N) was beating the shit out of El of Water just like nothing. But the poor bastard was flying away and he is a coward...yes he was a coward who just flying away from here by himself.

(Y/N) is in his home and make him just feeling tired for what he was going through like a lot...and these monsters Lords that they both comes from the portal and they were appeared here right on the time when (Y/N) was prepare for fight and war battling with these Lords. Then Kali was told (Y/N), RWBY, and others about the village also Blake's home was been destroys...all every faunus who were tries to flee away and soon as they got killed by Monster Lords and Overlord.

(Y/N): "This son of bitch must be stop." He said to them.

Jaune: "Okay, so what are we gonna do? He just take many faunus out and all everything that he tries to destroys...and now it was part of his control right now." He said to him and then (Y/N) was tries to thinking.

(Y/N): "He thinks he believe himself as a god, huh? I know this motherfucker who was definitely tries to rule over the Remnant's world by himself and all everything that he just tries to do is burn this world over and make him was watching it." He said to them.

Winter: "What are we going to do?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Whatever he was planning...he want to tries to take over my world and your world...but we need to find a portal and find a way to get through the portal that's the only way you guys are heading back to the portal." He said to her.

Willow: "How are we going to do that?" She asked (Y/N).

Ren: "But there is no portal around here?" He said to them and then (Y/N) just thinking about what else he was planning to do but then Penny said.

Penny: "Hold on...I think my father had the portal machine like this!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was confuse and also others too that they both got their faces were surprises about what they really heard from the cyborg girl said.

(Y/N): "Wait, your dad had a portal machine?" He asked her.

Penny: "Of course it is...he can take us to our world and we still having our time to facing at those monster Lords and stop Overlord's doing." She said to (Y/N) and the others and make the group were smile up and they both thinking the only way to get back to their home right now also (Y/N) was definitely sigh for himself and make him just gently drink the water right away. When he was about to put his drink down and then he was sense something in his head right now...and make (Y/N) was definitely sense there is a portal appeared gonna be here right away and out of nowhere it just arrive right on the time.

They both saw the portal was appeared right now and then others were surprise and feeling excited to seen the portal appeared and then (Y/N) was with others seen this and make them both tries to get in the portal. But then he sense there were 6 of Atlas soldiers are arrive here right on the time and they got their guns out and aiming at (Y/N) with the others but (Y/N) know James Ironwood was a dictator and antagonist but...he will stopped him for what he's doing.

The general who was walk through the portal and he is inside this real world by himself and make (Y/N) was definitely notice that they both are here right now and also (Y/N) was going to think about this situation and James was look at (Y/N) and make him know who exactly he is and he said.

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