Chapter 20: The Flashback Past Of (Y/N)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was defeat professor Glynda like that and that was definitely deserve better fight back there and when (Y/N) just going to take his head look around and make him saw JNPR with RWBY who were notice there is bruises and dirt over at Glynda and yep...she was got into battling with (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Don't worry...she's not dead yet....she's alive." He said to them and make them both were sigh out little bit and they just thinking (Y/N) just knock Professor Glynda Goodwitch like that and then (Y/N) just turn his head to look at them and he sigh out and he said.

(Y/N): "Look, don't stare at me...she start to fight with me alright? I don't have a problem with her when I tries to help her." He said to them and make them were sigh out little bit and then (Y/N) look at the others and he said.

(Y/N): "Okay, I have two new guests came here and they are from your world too." He said to them and make them look at the others who were here and then there was...Velvet and Coco who were arrive here right on the time.

RWBY: "Coco and Velvet!!!!!!!!!" They both shout out in excited to seen the two girls who were appeared here by themselves and then (Y/N) was told them that these two appeared out of nowhere in the mall when they were drop down on the ground and (Y/N) with others were definitely smile to seen them are here. Then Coco and Velvet want to know what's going on here because they need to know how did they were get a normal life like this and then RWBY with JNPR were explaining to Coco and Velvet about this world for what they need to understand at it.

So they were telling the two of them about the threat also...Salem is death and she was been killed by Overlord who took over the throne by himself and just like that...he just kill her and put her out of the misery. When (Y/N) was heard this and he know Overlord's doing and whatever he tries to do...but (Y/N) wasn't let that happened at it and he will save the world and RWBY's world and he will not let the suffer and fate over his world and their world too.

Coco: "I that means this 'Overlord' is a god for himself right?" She asked them and make them nod their heads and then (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "Yeah...but we don't know where did he came from but what he want to destroy the mankind and faunus race too...and we won't let that happened to my world and your world too." He said to Coco.

Velvet: "So...we're going to fight him and his minions?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, this is the only way to fight him and his minions...but I don't want that happened to you guys have a fate and suffer." He said to them.

(Y/N): "Whatever that bastard gonna do...I'll stop him and his evil plans doing." He said to them and make them were thinking that they gonna work together as a teammate and stop the Overlord's doing and take him down once and for all. When (Y/N) was cooking the foods for them right away and then he called his own brother to get down here right away prepare to eat with the others like family...and yes they both are (Y/N)'s family and make him was prepare for the foods for them that they can eat.

Time Skip Later.

In Logan's Bedroom.

When (Y/N) was in the bedroom for his own brother and he is reading the book for what his own brother gonna rest and take a good night nap for himself and then (Y/N) was looking at his brother who is sleeping right there and make him was sigh out little bit. Then (Y/N) was close the book and make him set the book on the table and he was turn his head to look at the window for what he was looking over there and he saw the full moon beautiful as well.

In Flashback.

Police Officer: "Son, I'm sorry about your parent....They....were killed in accident." He said.

This world will never be what I expected

And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?

I will not leave alone everything that I own

To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late

Even if I say, "It'll be all right"

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life

Now and again we try to just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around, 'cause it's not too late, it's never too late

No one will ever see this side reflected

And if there's something wrong, who would have guessed it?

And I have left alone everything that I own

To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late

When (Y/N) was a young boy who stood on there by himself and look down at the funeral of his own parent was been killed in accident car and make him felt lot of tears comes down from his eyes and he look at his parent's funeral where they both are gone already and yes...that they are gone...just like God took them away from him.

But now he was only left is...his own little brother and make (Y/N) was holding the little bro in his arms and he was tries to taking a good care of him and then he sigh out little bit and he felt his heart broke...and depress on his face.

(Y/N): "It's okay,'s going to be alright....I'm going to take care of us." He said to his brother and make the boy who was giggle out.

Even if I say, "It'll be all right"

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life

Now and again we try to just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around, 'cause it's not too late, it's never too late

The world we knew won't come back

The time we've lost can't get back

The life we had won't be ours again

This world will never be what I expected

And if I don't belong

Even if I say, "It'll be all right"

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life

Now and again we try to just stay alive

Maybe we'll turn it all around, 'cause it's not too late, it's never too late

Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late, it's never too late

It's not too late, it's never too late

End Of Flashback.

When (Y/N) was in the bed by himself but he was lying on the bed and he felt hugs by the girls and they both were hugging at him tightly and never let go...the girls were love with him and they both want to heal his own heart. Then they heard the sad story comes from him who had a bad life and he want to have a normal life in this world and the girls want him not to be alone but they can love him together.

Then (Y/N) was lying there on the bed and he close his eyes and sleeping and make him was hug the girls tightly and he won't let them go...but he will protecting someone that he really cares about...loves...and friends too. 

(Y/N): "*No matter what I tries to do...I will protecting this world away from those evils.*" He thought himself.

To Be Continued.

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