Kiss me

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Prompt: "I think you should kiss me" & "is that my shirt"


Kate has been your roommate since the beginning of the schoolyear. The two of you instantly became best friends. After having known each other for about five minutes, Kate made a joke which had the both of you laughing for hours.

Now many adventures and months later, you're as close as ever. You walk into the kitchen, to make some breakfast. You see Kate is already in the kitchen, making coffee, "want some?" she offers, her back still facing you.

After she hears you accept the coffee offer, she grabs another mug and fills it up. Placing both cups on the little dining table. Now that she's facing you, you notice what she's wearing. "Is that my shirt?" you ask with an amused look on your face, seeing Kate look down at the shirt and blush when she looks back up at you.

"It is. What do you think, is that okay?" she asks getting shy. Your smile only grows bigger. "What do I think?" You say, a smirk now plastered on your face. You hear a soft hum from Kate, signaling that you can continue your thoughts, "I think you should kiss me."

You had no idea where all this confidence was coming from. All you were thinking about was how happy it made you to see Kate wearing your clothes. And of course, how much you wanted to kiss her. You also had no idea what was going on in Kate's head, but by the amount of red on her cheeks, you were hoping she wanted to kiss you too. But you didn't want to push her, so you just waited. Coffee and breakfast completely forgotten.

Then Kate moves, apparently done thinking. She walks towards you, placing one hand in the nape of your neck pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You kiss her back, steadying yourself by holding on to her waist.

It was clear that the thought of kissing each other had been on both of your minds before.

Kate Bishop One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now