Not by choice

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Summary: You grew up in the Tracksuit Mafia, because your parents joined when you were just a baby, realising quickly that this was not the life you wanted to live. Only you weren't able to leave. Going to school was your way of getting to be the person you wanted to be. That's where you met Kate. What will happen when the Tracksuits bring in your girlfriend for suspecting she's Ronin and she sees you there? 

Warnings: angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, mention of murder, mention of guns.


People say New York is an amazing place to be, for you however that was different. Being born into a crime family meant that you had to join whatever group your parents decided to join. Most of your life you had been a part of the Tracksuit Mafia, a crime syndicate that operates in New York City. Anything from robberies and money-laundering to murder.

You realised quickly that you wanted no part of this life, but ties bind you to the organization through your parents. So, when getting out wasn't an option, you convinced your parents to let you work mostly behind the scenes. You picked up the financing and tracked all the in- and outcomes, whether that was money or supplies. Which got you the nickname of Overwatch. Of course, you rather also wouldn't be doing that, especially not from the age of twelve, but you had no other choice.

Luckily they did let you go to school. A place where you could live your own life, a place where no one knew you were part of a gang, and no one was going to know. It was just you with a fake life you created to not stand out. It took a bit for you to make friends when you were younger, because it was all so new to you, there weren't many kids with the Tracksuit Mafia besides Maya and Kazi. They were both a bit older than you and had already established a friendship before you were even born, leaving you on the outside. Not that you minded much, they were both convinced that this was the right way to live their lives, agreeing with their parents.

But once you got to college you had your fake life all figured out, making it a lot easier to be friends with people without having to worry about accidentally outing your actual backstory. After your first year of college, you met Kate Bishop. She was the captain of the archery and fencing team and could talk for hours on end about absolutely anything.

About two years have passed since meeting Kate, the two of you have been dating for the past month. You know you need to tell her about your actual life at some point. Some point soon. But how do you tell the girl you like you're a part of a mafia group ruling the city? Yeah, there wasn't really any good way to do it, so you decided to wait for the right moment to arrive.

The Tracksuits have been on a mission to take down Ronin ever since Ronin tracked down some of the higher up members and murdered them all, including William Lopez. Maya's dad, she took it hard, but quickly decided to fall into his role of commander. She organized a search party for Ronin and gave everyone the mission to bring the Ronin back alive, she wanted the honor to kill him to herself as a way to avenge her dad.

After a news report of Ronin saving a dog from getting hit by a car, they finally had their eyes on the Ronin. Within a couple of hours, they not only have the Ronin in their possession, but also Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye. They asked you to come in since Hawkeye was saying that the girl who called herself Lady Hawk just happened to wear the Ronin suit and that she was not Ronin.

When you rounded the corner your jaw dropped. The girl that went by Lady Hawk was none other than Kate Bishop. Why had they needed you to come to the front this time? This was not the right moment whatsoever. Also, Kate was Lady Hawk? You had seen Lady Hawk on the news a few times, but they were never very clear images.

Kate seems to be just as shocked to see you here as you are to see her. "You're with the Tracksuit Mafia?" She asks fully of shock. "Not by choice." You say, "I'll explain later." You turn around to Maya. "Let them go." You start signing and talking at the same time. "They're not Ronin. Kate is my girlfriend and Clint, well you know that he is Hawkeye." She shakes her head and signs back, "Then how do you explain the Ronin suit." Kazi joined in your conversation, "Well they did say she took it from a box at the auction and didn't know anything else about it before putting it on. Maybe she's telling the truth?" Clint cuts in, "Of course, we are telling the truth. Why would we lie when you're all pointing guns to our heads?"

You look around and see everyone has drawn their weapons at them, "Everyone put your weapons down!" You order. "You think you still have a right to order us to do anything after all the times you've disagreed with our methods?" Ivan snaps back at you. "Okay fine, then just let me talk to them alone. You can leave a guard at the door or something if you don't trust me." With that they surprisingly agree.

"You better have a really good explanation for not being here by choice. How could you not tell me you work for them or with them or whatever?" Clint stays silent, letting Kate handle this situation. You move closer grabbing a pocketknife from your back pocket. "Can I cut you both lose before I explain?" They both nod. Once you've cut them lose you start explaining.

"My parents are criminals. They joined the Tracksuit Mafia when I was just a baby, I've never had a choice whether I wanted to be here or not. Like Ivan said, I have outed my opinions on the fact that what they're doing here is wrong many of times. I have asked to get out of this life since I was about ten years old but there is just no way out of here." You explain with a sad expression visible on your face. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know I had to, but I just couldn't find the right way to do so. And I know everything might be messed up between us now. But I just need you to know that everything between us was real. The only thing I have lied about is some parts of my past, which I know is bad. But I never wanted this life. I'm sorry. I'll get the two of you out of here as soon as possible."

The first thing Kate says is, "Can I have a moment with Clint?" You nod and step away from them. You know you might have just lost the best person you've ever known. There was no way she would still want to be your friend now, let alone your girlfriend. After a couple of minutes Kate calls you back over. "Promise me that what you just told us is the truth." She says. "I promise it is."

"Okay, I believe you. Clint and I are going to get you out of here." You had not expected her to say anything in this direction. Clint notices a scared look in your eyes. "We can keep you safe, I promise. You can stay at the Avenger Compound, no one from the outside will be able to come in, not even these guys. But it's up to you, what do you say?"

If they trust you enough to open up the Avenger compound to you, you should be able to trust them too, right? Plus, your girlfriend was friends with Avenger, it had to be safe. Safer than here at least. So, you respond with, "If we head to the south wall, we should only have to fight off the two guards at the north side. We'll have to head a bit further into the facility, but there's a door leading outside at the end of the second hallway."

Kate and Clint share a look, after which they both nod. "You two go, I'll cover you." Clint says. Kate grabs your hand and pulls you towards the south wall like you said. Once you open the door, the guards turn around and notice you and Kate leaving. They storm towards you but are haltered by Clint. "Go!" Clint yells to you. You lead Kate to the hallway with the backdoor and both started running towards it.

You've barely set two steps outside when you hear the window on the side of the building break. Clint emerges from it and shoots a smoke arrow inside the building. He joins you and the three of you start running until Clint notices a metro stop, you head inside and take the first metro that arrives. "So, you're a superhero now?" You ask Kate once you're sitting in the metro. She smiles, "Yeah, and I worked on a mission with Hawkeye!"

You start thinking, her getting you out of the Tracksuit Mafia didn't mean she forgives you for not telling her about it. Kate notices your mind is somewhere else and places a hand on your leg. "Y/n, when we get back to the compound, let catch each other up to speed okay? You tell me about your past and I will tell you about the past couple of months with becoming Lady Hawk. We both weren't fully truthful to each other and that might affect our relationship, but I want to be ahead of that and get everything out in the open now." You smile, it's like she could read your mind. "That sounds perfect."

Kate Bishop One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now