Wedding day

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Prompt: "I've been in love with you since we were kids."


Today was going to be the most amazing day of your life, you were marrying your best friend. You were in your dressing room getting ready. With you were Wanda, your maid of honor and Natasha, your bridesmaid, helping you with your hair and make-up. Wanda sat back as Natasha was braiding your hair, she sensed you were getting a bit nervous. She decides to ask you some questions, "Tell me again how you and Kate met." You think back to your first ever archery lesson.

A couple weeks ago your family moved to New York, basically the other side of the country. Which meant you had to make all new friends and that you were joining a new archery club. You were nervous walking into the class, but your nerves quickly faded when a brown-haired girl walked up to you, "Hi! I don't think I've seen you here before, I'm Kate." She says holding out her hand, you laugh and give her hand a shake, what twelve-year-old shakes hands as greeting? "I'm y/n, and yeah it's my first day, we just moved here." Still holding your hand, she pulls you with her, "Come, I'll show you around."

Wanda and Natasha both smile as you tell them about your first meeting with Kate. "She instantly made me feel at home, we've been best friends ever since that day."

It turned out you were going to the same school as Kate too. You graduated middle and high school and went on many different archery tournaments together. When you started college, the two of you lived in a small apartment. Your first year of collage was also the year you realized your feelings for Kate were more than just platonic. You quickly came aware of Kate's feelings for you when she had a little too much to drink at one of the parties, not entirely how you had pictured a love confession to be. You had told Kate to tell you again when she was sober and still felt that way. The next morning you heard a know on your bedroom door, in came Kate with a tray full of breakfast, an apology for her behavior and a much sweeter love confession. You confessed your feelings and shared your first kiss, over the breakfast that would go into the books as your first date. Now a couple years later, you're a couple minutes away from marrying her.

"All done, do you like it?" Natasha asks while she turns your chair to face the mirror. You tear up a little, your looks was coming together and everything was getting real very vast. "I love it, thank you. Thank you both so much." You stand up bringing them into a hug. The last part of your look was putting on your outfit and your shoes. The girl stood with tears in their eyes when you walked back into the room, "wow, you look stunning, y/n." Natasha says. "Our little archers are getting married." Wanda says excitedly, putting some finishing touches to your make up.

The first people to walk down the aisle were Tommy and Billy, you asked the twins to be your flower boys. They were followed by Wanda and Natasha, who took their places at the altar. Next it was your turn to walk down the aisle, looking around at all the friend and family in the room before you put your focus back on the altar, joining the girls.

Next to walk down the aisle are Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel, each with a basket of purple flowers just like the twins. They are followed by a Clint and Yelena, Kate's best man and bridesmaid. Clint places a hand on your shoulder and gives it a soft squeeze and sends a proud smile when he joins everyone on the altar. Yelena tells you that you look beautiful, while giving you a quick side hug.

The last person to walk down the aisle is Kate, she looks absolutely stunning. When your eyes meet you both smile wide, with tears forming in your eyes. When she joins you on the altar, with some tears of her own, you intertwine both hands. Looking into each other's eyes, suddenly it feels like you're the only two people in the venue.

When it's time to say your vows, you go first, "Kate, you are my best friend, my person. I am so lucky to have spend so much of my life by your side, and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I want an endless number of adventures with you. I love you so much, Kate." Kate squeezes your hand while wiping some of the tears of her cheeks.

"Y/n, ever since we met my life has been so much brighter. We grew together and I want to continue to grow together." She reaches one of her hands to wipe a tear of your cheek, "I've been in love with you since we were kids." Taking your hand back into hers, "I will continue to love you for the rest of my life."

The officiant pronounces you wife and wife, and you share a passionate but respectful kiss. When your friends and family erupt in happy cheers, you get back to the reality of it not just being the two of you there. Hand in hand you want out of the venue, while everyone is clapping loudly. You get to spend the rest of your life with your best friend.

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