Trick arrows and pranks

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Request: What if Kate and R are together and they're hanging out in the lab together in the compound? And then Tony being Tony, he throws down a fake bomb to play a prank, and R throws themself/herself (you can pick pronouns) on top of Kate and it's literally fluff from there? 

Warnings: fake grenade, but otherwise just fluff!


Kate asked you to help think of new trick arrows, so she could impress Clint. With her imagination and your engineering knowledge, she was sure she could bring Clint all kinds of new ideas. So, the last hour or so you've been sitting together in the compound lab brainstorming ideas. Kate was throwing idea after idea onto the table, some we're actually great others we're in your technical opinion not so great. Like the next idea that popped up in her head, "All trick arrows should be boomerang arrows!" She told you enthusiastically, convinced that it was the greatest idea ever.

"And why exactly do you think that would be a good idea?" You question with a concerned look on your face. "So, we'll get the arrows back and don't have to keep making new ones." She states like it's obvious. "Kate." You say with a sigh. "What?" She replies.

"You don't see what's wrong with trick arrows coming back to you like a boomerang? Do you just want you and Clint to be attacked by the same tricks you sent your enemies way?" Kate laughs, "No, of course not, silly. We just have to duck."

You inhale deeply and place your head in your hands. "Alright, how about we park that idea for now and come back to it later?" Hoping Kate would realize later what effect this would have. She happily agrees and you go on with your brainstorming session. Not noticing Tony was moving into the shared lab with a device in his hand.

When all of a sudden you see something flying into the room out of the corner of your eye, you jump up. Once it lands you notice it looks like a small grenade, out of instinct you run up to Kate and throw yourself on top of her, both falling to the ground. You stay like that for a moment with your eyes closed, fearing for the worst. Until you hear Tony's laugh booming through the lab, "Hahaha look at you!" Tony says with tears from laughter rolling down his face.

You turn your head in his direction, still on top of Kate. "You think this is funny Stark? Making people think they're going to die." You snap angrily. He put's his hands up in surrender, "Sorry y/n, I didn't think that far." He says before moving back out of the room again.

Turning your face back, you notice just how close you are to Kate as your noses touch lightly. You stare into her eyes for a moment, frozen in place until you realize you should probably move off her again. You try to get up, but Kate puts her arms around your waist, "Don't leave yet."

"Okay, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" You say, your voice full of worry. "I'm okay, very good actually. I just like to have you this close for a little longer." You try to hide your blush, which isn't really possible when you're this close to a person.

Kate breaks the silence by saying, "Even though that was just a stupid prank by Tony, I wanted to thank for selflessly jumping in front of me. If that would've been real you definitely would've saved my life." You smile at her, "Of course, plus I know you would have done the same for me." She agrees with you.

The room gets quiet again, your noses brushing softly together again. Once again Kate breaks the silence. "You know, there's this thing I've been wanting to do for a while and laying like this would be the perfect opportunity to do so." You look at her slightly confused, not knowing what she's getting at, but before you can ask her for an explanation she closes the distance between your lips.

It shocks you at first. So, Kate pulls back slightly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." You realize what happened and your shock fades. You quickly lean in yourself kissing her, she kisses you back instantly.

That is how Pepper finds you in the lab, making out on the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry." She says as she realizes what she walked in on. "I wanted to check in after I heard what Tony did, but I see it all worked out okay. Well, I'm going to leave you two to it." She says as she hurriedly walks out of the compound lab again. The two of you break down in laughter.

After you've calmed down a bit you stand up and offer Kate a hand. As you stand side by side you get a bit nervous but start your question anyways. "Kate, would you like to go to an arcade with me tonight? Like as a date." In return Kate gives you the biggest smile, making your heart melt instantly. "Yes, I would absolutely love that."

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