Touch her and you're dead

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Prompt(s): "Touch her and you're dead."

Warning(s): Reader being followed.


You were walking home after a long day at work, currently it was 11pm and very dark. Someone was walking behind you, since it was so late you decided to walk around a couple streets in a circle to see if they were just another person walking at night or if they were following you.

Once you had taken your fourth left, meaning you got back where you started, they were still behind you. You continued walking, not letting the person know that you knew you were being followed. Reaching for your phone you sent Kate a quick text.

You: I'm being followed, don't know where to go.

Within a minute you get a reply.

Kate: Keep walking, do not head towards home. Sent me your location and I'm on my way.

After sending out your location to her, you pocket your phone again. Luckily you were aware that you shouldn't walk home when you were being followed so you were already heading in a different direction. You keep walking and end up in street full of little shops. It's a bit lighter in this street than any other street you've walked in so far. Since you must keep walking, that was short lived though.

You walk a couple another block when you can feel the person following you move closer and closer, now hearing their footsteps only a couple feet away. Seemingly out of nowhere Kate appears by your side, "Touch her and you're dead." She says aiming her bow at the person following you, arrow ready to shoot. They stop in their tracks, raising their hands, "If I ever see you around again you will not get away this easily, now get out of here." He runs off, Kate keeps aiming her bow at him until he's out of sight.

She lowers her bow and turns to you, "Are you alright?" You nod, walking forwards into her arms, holding her tight, "I was so scared." Kate puts her free arm around you and kisses the top of your head, "It's okay, I'm here now. Let's go home."

Together you walk home, you felt a lot safer with her by your side. As if she could read your mind she says, "Next time you work late, I am picking you up. And if I'm not able to I'll make sure one of the Avengers will. I don't want you to have to walk alone in the dark ever again."

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