Other half

391 13 0

Prompt: "My family thinks we're dating."

A/n: Reader is Natasha's daughter.


"Hey kiddo, how was your Christmas? I'm sorry I couldn't be there this year." your mom asks over the phone. "It's okay mom, I know work is important. My Christmas was fun, I ended up just staying home with Kate and had a Christmas movie marathon." You reply, your mom has been a part of the Avengers for as long as you can remember, you knew that if she was busy with work, that meant she was saving lives. "If you want I can come over sometime this week to celebrate a late Christmas with you?"

"Yeah, I would love that. I actually wanted to invite you and Kate over tonight. This house has been missing some Christmas spirit this year, since I've been away most of the month."

"Sounds fun. One second, let me ask Kate right away" you tell her. You ask Kate, who immediately agrees and suggests going to the store to get a Christmas tree, lights, and some decoration. Before you could reply to your mom, Kate was already out the door.

"Well mom, she's already on her way to get Christmas stuff," you get back to your mom, "So we'll see you in an about an hour, okay?

Half an hour later Kate is still not back from the store, so you texted her to meet you at your mom's place. Replied that she wouldn't be long and that she would pick up some food too, so none of you had to leave the house tonight.

When you arrive at your mom's place you give her a big hug. You've missed her. Like she said she's been away on missions most of the month, so you didn't get to see much of her. "So, did you leave your other half at home?" Your mom jokes.

"She'll meet us here, probably couldn't resist buying all the Christmas stuff the mall has to offer." You laugh before responding. "Wait what do you mean by other half?" You say as you fully process what your mom just said.

"Oh, you know girlfriend, other half, just a different way of saying it really." Your mom says like it's the most casual thing ever. "But mom, Kate is not my girlfriend." Your conversation gets interrupted by a knock on the door. Your mom get's up to open it.

In walks Kate, Christmas tree in one hand, bags full of decoration in the other and somehow also balancing a box of pizza on her arm. "Natasha, hi! Merry late Christmas. I got some stuff to get your house more in the Christmas spirit, where do you want the tree?"

"Hi Kate, we can set it up in the corner over there. But let's eat some pizza first, don't want it to get cold." Your mom says, taking the pizza box from Kate. She takes it into the kitchen to give the two of you some space.

Kate sits down next to you on the couch, "hey, what's up? Sorry I took so long."

"Okay so," you start, "my mom thinks we're dating." You look up at Kate to see her reaction, she seems to be thinking. "I meant I get why she would think that." She responds after a bit.

"You do?" you question. "Yeah, I mean we're best friends, we live together. We basically spend all our free time together. I wouldn't even be surprised if it turned out we were dating all along." Her eyes grow big at the realisation she said that last part out loud. "Ehm, I mean I could see us together." she tries again, "oh wow, I'm really not making this better, am I?"

You just chuckle at her rambling before leaning in to kiss her, she kisses you back instantly. You're both too distracted to hear your mom walk back in. "Let's go have some-" she stops her sentence when she sees the two of you kissing on the couch. Clearing her throat before finishing her sentence, "Pizza."

You both turn to her with blushing cheeks. "Not dating, huh?"

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