Between the lines

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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader (romantic); Yelena Belova x Reader (platonic)

Summary: Kate gets jealous when she sees you hugging Yelena.

Warnings: jealousy, slight angst but with a happy ending.


You had met and become great friends with Yelena during your shared time in the Red Room. While you had somehow gotten out during a mission, she had not. You had started a new life, of course you though back of Yelena and your fellow widows. Wanting to help them, but not being able to. How could you help them if you didn't even know where the Red Room was located? Besides not knowing where it was, you also had no connections to people whatsoever. Who would believe a girl with no known background?

You started building a life of your own a couple years after your escape you had met Kate at the pizza place around the corner. She had immediately caught your attention. When you started talking to her you knew she was special. She asked you out on a date. Your previous live hadn't exactly thought you how to be a proper partner, but Kate was patient.

After being together for two years you decided to move in with Kate in her apartment above the pizzeria the two of you had met. Just a couple months after you moved in you got a call from Kate, asking if you could come home as soon as possible. She didn't want to share why, just that you had to come home right away.

Meanwhile at the apartment Kate was sitting face to face with none other than Yelena Belova. Kate however didn't know that all she knew was that someone had just broken into her home and was asking her about what she had done with you, why she was holding you hostage, what her plan was. All of it being very strange to Kate. When she told the stranger she didn't know what she was talking about and that you were her girlfriend and not someone that she took hostage, Yelena still didn't believe her.

When you got home you couldn't believe your eyes. Yelena was sitting in your apartment eating mac and cheese, your eyes watered seeing your best friend after so many years. "Yelena, how- What-" you weren't able to form a proper sentence. "Y/n! Let's get out of here, you no longer need to be held hostage by Kate Bishop." That's when you realized why Kate had sounded so confused and insisted on you coming home.

"No no, Kate is my girlfriend. I live here." You quickly say as you see Yelena stepping between Kate and you, holding out her hand. Noticing the bracelets with widow bites you quickly add, "by choice."

You lower her hand with yours, "I promise you, I'm safe. Kate isn't a thread." With that you turn around and see a very confused Kate. You hadn't exactly told her about your life as a Widow. Sure, she knew you had a troubled childhood, you told her you moved from family to family growing up. Which wasn't a lie, you did, you got sent on mission after mission to different parents. Just you told it as if you were in foster care.

That night you spent around the table telling Kate about the parts of your life that she didn't know about yet. It took a bit for her to come around, but ultimately she understood why you hadn't shared this before.

Half a year had passed, and Yelena had found a place nearby, you and her were closer than ever. You had caught each other up on the parts of your lives that you had spent separate from each other. And made a deal to never part ways like that again.

It had also felt good to tell Kate the truth, for her it certainly explained why you had such struggles with maintaining relationships. In a way it had made the two of you closer. You had however not noticed that Kate wasn't always very fond of Yelena. Until today that is.

You had invited Yelena over for lunch and a movie at the apartment. You hadn't mentioned it to Kate since she was away for a couple of days on a work trip. But Kate got back a day earlier to surprise you and came home to you hugging Yelena. It was just a hug between two friends who were saying bye for the day. But Kate hadn't fully trusted Yelena since she had broken into her home.

"Step away from my girlfriend." Kate says with a stern tone. Yelena takes a confused step to the side, "What's wrong Kate Bishop?" Kate found it very annoying that Yelena kept using her full name, but now was not the time to tell her off. "What's wrong is that you're standing oddly close to my girlfriend. Did you think that just because I was away, you could just sweep in and do your thing?" Yelena looked Kate up and down, "My thing? I mean I was doing my thing if that means saying bye to my best friend after watching a movie, sure."

Kate now looks at you with a raised eyebrow, needing to hear it from you herself. "That's really all it was Kate, I swear. We just watched a movie and had lunch. I basically talked Lena's ears off about how much I am missing you and how excited I am that you'd be coming home soon."

Kate gets quiet, realizing her mistake. Making you step forward and place your hands on her shoulders, "Kate you're the only one for me. You'll never have to worry about me leaving, alright?" Kate nods. You place a kiss on her lips and feel her kiss back. Both breaking into a smile when Yelena adds, "Plus, y/n is like my sister."

Yelena decided to stay a while longer so the three of you could talk. Kate sharing her reasoning behind getting jealous and Yelena sharing that she would absolutely never come between the two of you. And of course, you making sure Kate know she's the only person you want to be with.

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