1. Becky

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After 2 years

Becky's pov

The bus had arrived. I was searching for her while I was getting on the bus. There I met those mesmerizing brown orbs which are straightly looking at my eyes. Omg she's so cute looking so shocked. I can see in her eyes how much she missed me. She's so beautiful gosh how can someone not fell for those eyes.

As I was drowning in her eyes not moving somebody bumped into me waking me up from drowning. Yeah that was my friend Nita. I moved towards her till there was a 2 centimeter gap, she was still shocked. I intertwined our hands and gave her a long hug. She broke the hug "how did you ...." Freen started to say something but I didn't let her finish

"I just wanted to see my girlfriend, I missed her too much" I said looking at her

"babe ...." she said in a cracked voice. Her eyes were watering

"hey...,why? What happened? Your eyes are tearing up " I said even though I know the reason

"I'm so happy baby. I missed you too so so so much u know. I even thought that I was hallucinating now. And I'm sorry baby." She said looking at me. Tears left her eyes

"hey babe, don't cry. I know and it's ok i missed you too, that's why I came to see you" I said and wiped her tears.

"I love you baby"  There I said it . I understood why I was feeling like this. And i realised that I love her before confessing to irin about everything. She's happy that I fell I love at the same time she's worried about even though she didn't say it to me I can feel that.

There was a moment of silence. She hugged me tightly so that even air can't pass through us now.

" aww babe," tearing up" you know how much I waited to hear those words from you" i thought she's gonna reject me "I love you too baby"


Suddenly my alarm rings

Shit this dream again. It's been 2 years. I still couldn't move on from her. Still having these dreams about her especially the day I fell in love with her. Why do I love her so much.... Why can't I move on from her.


It's been a hell of a year for me. Running between classes and practice and taking over business wasn't that easy. I was too tired. So i stopped playing.

Irin was helping me with some of my school work. Gosh what will I do without her. She's a Jem.

I met someone here in uni. P'char, a sweet and kind person. We have similar tastes similar experiences except the part where i slept with a lot of women. She became my pillar if it wasn't for her. I won't be here like this. She helped when I was lost when the accident happened. She helped me with my business too. She is a very important part of my life.

I'm not saying irin isn't. She'll always be the best part of my life. But p'char and i click a lot. We don't need communication, we just understand each other very well. She's a 3rd year international language student. We were each other's support system when we were lost.

Moving to now. I'm in my 2nd year. My mom has woken up from the coma, she was in hospital for a few more months. Now she's feeling better and she wants to take over the business. So i don't have to take care of the company until i graduate. She said that I have to enjoy my life  too.

I got my own condo near campus. I bought a new Porsche 'Angel' and a  bike  'Beast'. Pretty classic right. Black is always the signature colour.


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I'm trying to get back to my game. And I'm starting to play basketball too, just for irin. Irin's girlfriend is a basketball player. Her name is Noey. To know more about p'noey I joined the basketball club. Well, I have to make sure that she's not gonna hurt my gummy bear.

Hope this year I'm gonna be okay.

It's time to move on from you.


ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now