5. Party 🎉

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Becky's pov

I woke up from sleep and got ready. And went to the company as early as possible.

It was past lunch and my phone kept ringing. I took the call

" dude where the fuck are you the game about to start " Noey was literally yelling

I stand up quickly "what ????"

"Fuck Bec don't tell me you forgot about the game. We need you in the field Bec. It's a tough game" Noey said

"Fuck ... " I said

"get your fucking ass as soon as possible dude. I don't want to lose this game " Noey said

"I'll be there as soon as possible p'Noey" I said and ended the call

I got up and went to campus. I reached my college after 40 mints, the traffic was really bad. The 1st half of the game was already finished and the opposite team was leading with 20 points.

I quickly went to locker room and irin was already waiting for me with my jersey. I wore my jersey and put a band on my hair. Irin wished me good luck.

My teammates saw me and they all gave me death glare but i didn't show them that I was affected. I just kept my cool and went beside them. P'Noey gave me an earful of scolding. I saw irin and P'char on the bleachers cheering for us.

The 2nd half started and it was good. We leveled up our game. And we won. Everyone was cheering for us. I don't know why but when I see their smiling face i just smile unconsciously but my smile didn't last long.

There i was her. She was standing there smiling and looking at me. She's beautiful as ever. She's even more beautiful than before i couldn't even take my eyes from her. I saw the sadness in her eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with. I was brought back to our memories. I was experiencing a whole of a lot emotions. Until someone called me.

"Bec come lets go" it was Charlotte

I looked at p'char. She knows what I'm experiencing. She took my bag and i followed her lead. She took me to our changing room. I didn't know I was holding my breath until I broke our eye contact. I couldn't breathe properly I was struggling. P'Char came beside me. She asked me to breathe with her slowly. She made me relax. We sat in silence. I wanted to tell her everything happened but i couldn't, no words were coming from me

After I saw feeling okay she asked me to fresh up. And I went to fresh up and changed my clothes. When I came back she dragged me outside where my car was parked. She asked for my car key and I gave her. We took my car for a ride

"Bec, I don't know what happened up there but this can't continue to happen you know that right" char said

"I know char ... I know .. I'll try " I said

"now can u tell me what really happened there" she said

"I saw her char... I saw her .. she was there... sh-she was there man. She was looking at me. I couldn't stand there anymore" i said

" hey bec, it's okey . Don't cry " she said and wiped my tears. That's when I realised i was crying

"Bec look at me.. it's okay... it's gonna be alright."she said and parked the car at the beach. And let me have my moment.

"What do you feel after seeing her after...... 2 years right ... " she asked

"Yeah 2 fucking years.... she's beautiful as ever char. She was looking at me exactly the way when I fell in love you know .. " I said smiling

"You mean the bus Scene .... " she asked

"yeah char... God i missed her presence. By the way what is she doing in our college. She was at England right??" I asked

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now