35. The wedding

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Becky's pov

We decided on doing a small beach wedding with the presence of our friends and family. And we reached 2 days before the wedding to spend some quality time.

The first day we did some photoshoots and had some fun. We stick together the all time cause  the next day we can't see each other. And we will miss each other every second.

The 2nd day. I haven't seen Freen from the morning. My friends are teasing me for being impatient but what can I do I miss my girl. And I can feel they she's also like me.
I miss my baby

Freen's pov

First day here was magical. I had lots of fun. I didn't even let Becky go anywhere she was the same.

The next day was bit difficult even the my friends are here. I can't help but to miss her. Gosh I'm hopelessly in love with her. I kept looking at the video that we took yesterday.
I miss you my baby

Becky's pov

Today is the day. The day I my baby will become my wife. I just finished my makeup now. And I was thinking about Freen the whole time. I'm sure that she will look beautiful.

"Ohoo, Becky get ready. Freen is already dressed up" Noey said

"How is she" I asked hopingly

"You wanna know" seh asked and i nodded. "You can watch her in a few minutes" she said and i pouted "go and get dressed, you can't make your bride wait for you" she said and i smiled sheepshly

"She's hopelessly in love" char said

Irin, char, p'mind, p'fa were on my side and Noey, Kate, Heng and Nam were on Freen's side.

I got ready and walked towards our venue. I waited for her at the end of the aisle.

I heard some cheering voices of our friends and colleagues. I was holding myself from looking back

"She's looking gorgeous Beck" irin said and i looked back

"She's looking gorgeous Beck" irin said and i looked back

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She was looking breathtaking in that pink dress. God took his time in creating her. Thank God for making her mine.

I was her smiling at me and her eyes were teary like mine. I was literally on the verge on crying from seeing my girl thus beautiful.

Freen's pov

I was becoming impatient. I couldn't see her for a day and now we're meeting each other and we are gonna be wives officially. I got ready Little earlier.

My friends were teasing me lot saying that she was so looking so beautiful.

After some minutes the wedding crew asked me to come. I took some deep breath and went to the venue. It was decorated beautifully

 It was decorated beautifully

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it was all Becky's idea. And she didn't even tell me about the decoration cause she wanted to surprise me. Well I'm impressed. I saw her waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I was walking with my dad and she turned around to see me. My friends are right about her, she's absolutely beautiful.

 My friends are right about her, she's absolutely beautiful

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She was looking dead drop hot in that outfit. She was smiling at me and I saw how nervous she was, so was I.

I reached near her and my dad handed my hands in hers.

"Take good care of my princess" my dad said

"I will dad" she said they both hugged.

She took my hand and we reached the end of the aisle

"You look absolutely hot love" I said

"And you look breathtaking. I literally forgot how to breathe after I saw you" she said looking into my eyes

The wedding ceremony started.

"Welcome, everyone present here. We are gathered here today to join  Rebecca Patricia Armstrong and Freen Sarocha Chankimha in holy matrimony". The marriage officiant said, we held each other's hands as we stood in front of their loved ones.

"Before we begin with the ceremony, If anyone present knows of any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace". The officiant stated and none objected.

"So let's proceed". The officiant smiled and continued with the ceremony. "Do you Rebecca, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?". Now the officiant turned towards Becky as he spoke this.

"I do". Becky said as soon as the officiant stooped, everyone present chuckled along with me.

"Do you Freen, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?". The officiant asked me and I looked at Becky and smiled.

"I do". I said, as i squeezed Becky's hand excitedly and Becky reciprocated it.

"Rebecca and Freen will now exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment and endless devotion". The officiant spoke as the rings were handed to us.

"Rebecca, you may place the ring you've chosen on Freen's hand". It was now Becky's turn and she wasted no Time, she slipped the wedding ring on my ring finger.

"Freen, you may place the ring you've chosen on Rebecca's hand". I nodded and placed the ring on Becky's finger, her engagement ring was there already but now her wedding ring marked that she was now married.

"By the power vested in me by the beautiful state of Thailand, in the presence of God and the witness of friends and family, it is my great privilege to pronounce you Wife and wife". The officiant said and everyone clapped.

"You may kiss the bride". Becky wasted no time and brought Freen close to her by her waist, she grinned as their faces came close and their lips connected in the most sweet and loving kiss.

"Finally Mrs. Armstrong huh". Becky whispered close to Freen's lips when they parted. And they chuckled. Everyone cheered for us.

This is the moment

My wife

The love of my life

Becky ♡

The end


Author's note

That's the end of the book guys.

Hope you all like it.

I will write a special chapter if you guys want.

Comment down your opinion

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now