Special chapter

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Becky's pov

After the wedding we came to the Maldives for our honeymoon.  It was Freen's wish. And how can I say no to my wife . It feels so good to call her my wife.

We reached there at noon and took a quick nap cause we were both tired.

I woke up from a call. And it was from an investor. It was already night and i took the phone and talked to him for a bit. And i asked him to call my secretary if he needs any doubts in the process.

"Baby, what are you doing" i heard the voice of my wife. And i turned around to see her. She walked towards me and hugged me.

"Aww missed me?" I asked and she nodded "i got a call from our investor baby" I said and she frowned

"Don't they know that we are on our honeymoon" she asked

"Yes, and i told him to call Irin if he has any doubts" I said and she pouted"don't pout wifey I will not answer any calls ok" I said and. She smiled

"It's already night" she asked

"Yes dear, we slept for quite a long time" i said

She smiled naughtily "do you know it's our first night" she asked

"Really, what about the other nights" i asked playfully

"Im Going to sleep " she said in frustration. Oh no

"Wifey" I said and pulled her closer to me "if you sleep, how can we make babies" i asked

"You can know that we can't have babies by having sex" she said and rolled her eyes

"I know that, but what do you think about having babies" i asked

She thought for a moment "I want to have babies with you. I want a mini you " she said and we both smiled

"And I want a mini Freen" I said and kissed her

"Ok so we will have 2 kids. We will use your eggs but I will carry the baby" she said

"I can carry too baby" I said

"I know, but I want you to pamper me when I'm pregnant so I'll carry our child. Please wifey" she said with puppy eyes

"Cuteeee, okay deal" I said

"Can we have our baby after a year" she asked and i nodded

"Now can we start the process of baby making" I said and lifted her

"Beck..." She yelled

Our honeymoon was filled with lots of love making. We rarely went out.

After a week of honeymoon we resumed our work. Our companies were both merged so it was easy for us to work together. And we are a good team.

After a year and half

Freen is now 9 months pregnant. Yes we did IVF after 6 months of marriage and on the first try we were lucky and Freen got pregnant. We were so happy so did our family and friends.

In the first month, she had morning sickness and i stayed with her the whole time. She was carving fir lot of sour things.

After few months, we heard our babies heartbeat. Yes, we are expecting twins. She always wanted my presence so we stopped working and handed the company to our parents and friends.

Her carvings are carzy. Sometimes she wake me up in the middle of the night to buy ice cream and sometimes to have sex. Well whatever she wants I wil do it gladly.

She's on her last month of the pregnancy. We are very careful especially me. I don't even let her lift a spoon. I take good care of her and gives massages. We didn't wanna know the gender of our babies. We will wait until they come.

We were in the living room with our parents, we are having a family day and our both moms miss us.

As we were talking, we heard freen's voice

"Babe what happened" I asked she was standing stile gripping on the chair.

"It's happening" she said and i noticed that her water broke

We immediately went to the hospital, she was inside and screaming in pain. Our friends also reached there after they heard about the news.

The nurse informed me that Freen asked for my presence so I went inside the room and saw her screaming i quickly went near her and held her hand.

"Baby, it's ok take a deep breath" she looked and me and smiled "I love you baby" I said

"I love you too baby" she said and squeezed my hand tightly.

With a push she gave birth to our twins. We heard the babies crying. And we both were crying after hearing their cries.

"Congratulations Mrs Armstrong, the twins are safe and healthy. It's a baby boy and a baby girl" the doctor announced and I gave a peck on her forehead

"I love you mommy" I said and she chuckled

"And I love you daddy" she said

After 3 years

The babies are growing well. We named our baby boy 'Samual Patrick Armstrong' and our baby girl 'Hope Patrice Armstrong'.

Our babies are grown with our love and Pampers. Mostly I pamper them and Freen scolds me. My friends and family also love them and they spoil them a lot.

Irin and Noey got married. Kate and Heng are expecting a baby soon. Char and engfa also got married and have a cute little baby girl 'Taylor'. Taylor is 2 years old and our sam and Hope loves to play with her. Mind and Nam are engaged they will get married after Kate.  gives birth to the child.

Everything is perfect. My family and friends.
My two little babies and my wife.

"What are you thinking baby" my wife asked me. We are currently sitting in the garden that we made in our home.

"Just thinking about how I got lucky to have you in my life" I said and smiled at her

"I should be the one to say it. Thank you for loving me baby. You and our babies are my world" she said and kissed me

"I love you mrs Freen Sarocha Chankimha Armstrong, my wife" i said and winked at her

"And I too love you mrs Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, my wifey" she said and smiled. I kissed and it was long kiss. I pulled her closer. And my hands grabbed her breasts.

She slapped my arms "pervert" she mumbled and i laughed.

"Pervert huh" i said and tickled her

"Babe, stopppp hahaaha" she was laughing hard.

"Mama, mommy" our babies came near us.

"My babies" I said and we all tickled each other.

The laughter

The happiness

My babies

My wife


Author note

So it's the end guys. Hope you guys enjoyed my story

See you soon with a new story


ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now