20. Irresistible 🔞

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Freen's pov

Becky dragged me towards our resort. When we entered she started to kiss me. I was shocked at first but i returned her kisses with the same intensity.

"Beck" i moaned her name in between the kisses

She broke our kiss and carried me to our bedroom. She started to kiss again

"You know you are fucking sexy tonight and it was fucking hard to control myself from ripping your clothes" she said fuck her husky voice i was turning on more. She broke the kiss when we needed air, she didn't rest she started to trail some kisses on my jaw and then neck

"Aaah Beck" i moaned and threw my head back

"Yes, baby moan my name like that" she said
"Fuck you were so hot when you claimed me baby" she said

She pulled me towards her and i wrapped my legs on her waist and encircled my hands on her neck.

She carried me towards the bed and she sat on the edge with me on her lap. I pulled her nape closer to me to deepen the kiss.

"I'm glad you said that I'm yours baby, cause I don't want to be others i want to be yours" she said

"Yes, you are mine BB and I'm yours" I said and attacked her lips again.

She placed her hands on my back and removed my dress. She took my both breast in her hands caressing it.

"Fuck" i moaned "I want more babe" I said

"Wait princess let me undress you completely" with that she unclasped my bra nd removed my panties leaving me fully naked. I hugged her tightly

"It's not fair if you are dressed up babe" I whispered in her ears and bit them.

Becky bit her lower lip and stood up. She took off her top and showed her perfectly toned abs. I was drooling over her.

She came near me "enjoying your view babe" she said and smirked

She grabbed my hands and placed it on her abs. "I know you love it" she said and kissed me. The kisses were soooooo hot. I took off her pants and now she's left with her sport's bra and panties. I was going to take off her bra when she stopped me.

"Patience princess let me take you to heaven first" she said in a husky voice.

She grabbed my erect boobs and started to suck it. She massaged my other boob. I threw back my head on pleasure. That was good

"Babeeeee" i moaned

"Gosh you make me crazy Freen" she said when she stopped sucking the right boob and went for the left one.

"Gosh you are sooo good, don't stop babe" I said pushing her more toward my boobs.

After savoring both of my boobs she stopped and looked at me. "You have no idea how long I've longed for this" she said

"Make me feel it, I want to know how much you longed for me Bec" I said seductively.

She put her hand on my clit and smirked "you are too  wet for me babe. Is this for me princess hmmm??" She asked and i nodded

She didn't wait any longer. She inserted one finger inside me. "Fuck" i groaned in pain and pleasure and i scratched her back.

She slowly started to thrust "fuck Beck, faster" I said and she did. She made it faster. She was kissing me as she was fingering me.

I was getting close"babe i-im cl-close" I said

"Let it out baby" she said and I cum on her finger. She took her finger and sucked it. Fuck that was sexy. I was getting tired "don't sleep, it's not over yet baby" she said and got down on me.

I felt her breath on my clit. Then her tongue. She licked all the cum From me. And she bit my clit. And it didn't hurt, I arched my back. I felt my body heating up again. I think she understood what I wanted when I arched my back.

She licked more and inserted her tongue and started to thrust. Fuck her tongue is magical. I was a moaning mess. I wanted more. She increased the pace and made me cum again. She again licked it and came near me and kissed. Made me taste my own cum.

"God, it tastes like heaven. I missed it" she said and i hitted her hand playfully

"Pervert" i mumbled

"Uhooo, now you blame me after seducing me, unbelievable" she said and chuckled. She couldn't even chuckle properly cause we both were catching breaths.

She laid down beside me and I laid on top of her.

"So are we girlfriends again?" I asked when my breath became normal.

"No" she said.

What ???

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now