23. Making it official

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Becky's pov

The kiss we shared was so epic that i didn't wanna break it.

We were so into kissing until we heard something fall.


I saw a older couple standing there shocked
"Oh god Freen" the man said

"Dad" ..... Freen said. Oh my god. What the fuck. They are her parents. Fuck my first impression. Shit

I was so embarrassed at the moment. "Fix yourself and come to the living room now" her mom said and I gulped. I looked at Freen and she was also panicking.

We fixed ourselves and went to the living room hand in hand.

We were nervous but more likely embarrassed.

"Take your seat ladies" her dad said

"So who is she" asked her mom

"I'm sorry sir, ma'am. My name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. I'm her-" i looked at Freen cause I'm not sure if she wanted to go tell this to her parents.

"My girlfriend mom dad" she said and smiled at me. Gosh I was blushing hard.

"I'm glad you are moving on from her but-" her dad said

"Don't say any but. They are not teenagers. They are in love they can do whatever they want honey" her mom said.

"I'm not saying that honey" he then faced us "just do it in your rooms not in the sofa and the kitchen" he said and laughed

"Dad.... " Freen whined

"What, now your are embarrassed" her mom asked her.

"Rebecca I'm Paul Freen's dad, and this is my lovely wife Annie" he said with a smile

"It's nice to finally meet you sir and ma'am " I said and bowed

"Don't be so formal my dear" he said and looked at Freen "great catch my girl" he winked at her

"And don't call us sir and ma'am. If you are not comfortable you can call us uncle and aunt" her mom said giving me a reassuring smile.

"I will aunty" i said and smiled at them

"So what are you cooking dears. Does we have food too? " Asked uncle

"Yes dad there's plenty. Come let's have some lunch before the food gets cold" Freen said and went to kitchen to arrange the food on the dining table. I went to help her and her parents sat on the table.

We started to eat the food. Her parents praised her cooking skills.

"I'm glad to see you smile like this baby girl" uncle said and looked at me "thank you for making my baby smile again" he said to me

"It's nothing uncle. She makes me the happiest women in the world. And I will treat her like my queen" I said and smiled at him

"I like her" her mom said and looked towards Freen "I'm glad you finally moved on and started to live your life baby" she said

"Actually I didn't moved on, I just fought back my love" she said and winked at me. This women

"Wait, is she the one" her dad asked and she nodded "oh god, thank you Rebecca for giving my baby another chance" he said almost tearing up

"Oh dear, I'm so happy that you two are back together. It must've been hard for you" aunty said

"It was aunty. But we talked everything out. And now we are good" i said and smiled

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now